
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂Glion校区成功举办会展体育娱乐管理研讨会

19/11/2010 –格里昂Glion校区成功举办会展管理和体育娱乐管理(ESE,Event, Sport&Entertainment Management)研讨会
  * 说明:“21世纪客户休闲娱乐体验”

  “21世纪的客户休闲娱乐体验”是格里昂第一届会展管理和体育娱乐管理(ESE,Event, Sport & Entertainment Management)研讨会的标题。本次研讨会由格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education)会展管理和体育娱乐管理课程(ESE,Event, Sport and Entertainment)学生组织。11月18日周三,100多名参会者参加了会展管理和体育娱乐管理ESE座谈会,本次研讨会非常成功。

  四名酒店行业专家向学生,格里昂校友和嘉宾解释了他们对会展组织者重要组成部分客户娱乐的观点。Done Promotions公司CEO Michel Hodora告诉参会者在大型体育赛事如一级方程式赛车比赛(Formula 1)和美洲杯(America’s Cup)赛事上VIP和酒店管理的概念。TNOC的CEO Ruud Janssen则致力于介绍新媒体。ASO会展总监Caroline Caron使用了环法自行车比赛(Tour de France)期间酒店管理安排的例子。国际自行车联盟(UCI,Union Cycliste Internationale) 国际自行车推广部总监Alain Rumpf向同学解释了国际体育联合会(International Sports Federations)的运作方式。格里昂卓越市场营销中心(Center of Marketing Excellence)主任David Horrigan教授主持了这次ESE座谈会。

  本次会展管理和体育娱乐管理ESE座谈会完全由会展管理和体育娱乐管理课程ESE学生组织,并作为他们基础理论课程的一部分。在格里昂教师的辅导和指引下,学生完成了管理会议的任务。“学生们出色的完成了工作”院长Dean Michael Hoy说:“对他们来说这是一次真实的工作体验。”

  格里昂学校CEO Christian Beek说:“我要向会展管理和体育娱乐管理课程ESE学生道贺。整个会议内容非常完美,他们注意了细节和传达方式。这次会议真正打动了所有参会者和代表。”

  照片(左起): Michel Hodara, Caroline Caron, Alain Rumpf, Ruud Janssen and moderator Dr. David Horrigan

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E



19/11/2010 - Successful ESE Conference at Glion Campus

* Description: ‘Client Entertainment in the 21st Century’

‘Client Entertainment in the 21st Century’ was the title of the first ESE Conference in Glion, an event organized by the Glion Institute of Higher Education (GIHE) students of the Event, Sport and Entertainment (ESE) program. With over 100 participants, the ESE Conference, which took place on Thursday 18 November, turned out to be a real success.

Four top industry expert speakers explained the students, several Glion Alumni and guests present about their view on client entertainment, an important subject for event organizers. Michel Hodora, CEO of Done Promotions, told the participants about VIP and hospitality concepts during major sports events like Formula 1 and the America’s Cup. Ruud Janssen, CEO of TNOC, focused on the new media. Caroline Caron, Director of Events of ASO, used the example of the hospitality arrangements during the Tour de France. Alain Rumpf, Director of Global Cycling Promotion of the UCI, explained about the way International Sports Federations operate. Dr. David Horrigan, leader of the Center of Marketing Excellence at GIHE, moderated the ESE Conference.

The ESE Conference was completely organized by the ESE student as part of the Craft Based Learning (CBL) of the academic program. Under the tutorship and guidance of the GIHE faculty, the students completely managed the event. ‘The students did an excellent job’, Dean Michael Hoy stated. ‘For them this was a real life experience.’

‘I would like congratulate the ESE students for the superb organization‘, Christian Beek, CEO of GIHE said. ‘The event was flawless in its content, attention to detail and delivery. It truly impressed all participants and delegates.’

Picture (from left): Michel Hodara, Caroline Caron, Alain Rumpf, Ruud Janssen and moderator Dr. David Horrigan


