
#GHEAC#[校园生活] Glion 格里昂学校毕业日

13/12/2010 – 格里昂毕业日  * 描述:在格里昂,对来自100个国家的200多名学生来说2010年12月10日周五是个非常特殊的日子。

  在格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education),对来自全球100个国家的200多名学生来说,2010年12月10日周五是个非常特殊的日子:格里昂的毕业日。经过在格里昂3年多的学习生活,周五是他们”在校”的最后一天。研究生和本科生在 Bulle 校区CO2 Theater of La Tour-de-Trême内获得了他们的毕业证书。

  对格里昂学校CEO Christan Beek来说,2010年第二届格里昂毕业生是一个特殊的团体。Beek在开幕式中说:“你们来到格里昂学校开始学习的同时,我受邀成为学校CEO。我为你们这届毕业生团体感到自豪。你们已经拥有了获得成功所需的一切。“

  除了毕业生和家长们,许多VIP贵宾也出席了这次毕业典礼,包括:中国驻瑞士大使Yuan Su先生和黎巴嫩驻瑞士大使Rammal Hussein先生。

  酒店产业苏格兰信托(Trust Scotland)公司CEO David Cochrane先生发表了一篇关于毕业生光明未来的精彩演讲“我们在行业内等待着你的加入“,他说”把自身所学投入到酒店管理行业来吧,这是一个为数不多的不断增长的行业之一。“



英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E


13/12/2010 - Graduation Day* Description: For over 200 students from almost 100 countries at the Glion, Friday, December 10th 2010 was a very special day...
For over 200 students from almost 100 countries at the Glion Institute of Higher Education (GIHE), Friday, December 10th 2010 was a very special day: the day of Graduation. After having spent over three years at GIHE, that Friday was their last day ‘on Campus’.  The Postgraduate and Bachelor students received their diplomas in the CO2 Theater of La Tour-de-Trême, in Bulle.
For GIHE CEO Christan Beek, the second round of 2010 graduates were a special group. ‘You started to study in Glion at the same time when I was appointed as CEO’, Beek said in his opening speech. ‘I am proud of this group of graduates. They have everything they need to succeed in life and career.’
Besides the freshly graduated students and parents, several VIPs attended the graduation ceremony, including the Chinese ambassador in Switzerland Yuan Su and the Lebanese ambassador in Switzerland Rammal Hussein.
Guest speaker David Cochrane, CEO of Hospitality Industry Trust Scotland, delivered an excellent speech about the future of the graduates. ‘We in the industry are looking forward to you’, he stated. ‘Take what you have learned to the hospitality management industry, one of the few industries that’s still growing.’
The official part of the graduation was followed by a cocktail reception at the Bulle Campus.


