
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 国际酒店管理学校:2010年全球行业调查排名 - TNS

国际酒店管理学校:2010年全球行业调查排名  项目摘要
  2011年2月  背景和调查细节
  世界上最大的客户调查和分析商TNS市场研究公司(TNS,Taylor Nelson Sofres)旅游和旅行部(英国)完成了一个大范围的行业调查,此次调查包括了世界各地顶级国际酒店公司的高级管理人员的庞大样本。这些公司因为拥有或管理五星级酒店而被选出。本调查在2010年8月到9月进行。

TNS市场研究公司(TNS,Taylor Nelson Sofres)在2007年的时候也进行过相似的调查。2010年的调查将三年前得出的结果进行了更新。罗瑞特教育集团(Laureate Education Inc)分支罗瑞特酒店教育集团(LHE,Laureate Hospitality Education)委托TNS市场研究公司利用客观调查技术进行这两个调查。经统计,这两个调查有95%的可信度。  2010年调查的首要目的是建立提供大学等级课程的一些国际酒店学校的相对“排名”,雇佣者可能招聘这些学校的学生作为国际五星级酒店公司的员工。  此次调查总共收到来自55个不同国家的181份问卷。所有受访者都招聘国际酒店管理学校的学生,超过三分之二(68%)的受访者已经为他们的组织招聘了来自2至5所不同酒店管理学校的毕业生。受访者来自范围广泛的五星级酒店公司,公司列表参照下文。  重要结论

  调查名单中为受访者列出了位于世界各地的74所酒店管理学校。这份调查名单从全球专注于酒店管理的国际教育机构中筛选得出。调查名单中的国际酒店管理学校需要提供英语教学。除了这份调查名单,受访者还受邀在他们的排名中添加在预选名单中可能没有出现的其他任何学校。本调查名单按国家和学校随机排序,以确保名单中学校的位置对受访者的选择没有影响。  以下表格显示了本次调查结果
  全球国际职位排名前十的国际酒店管理学校  以下内容基于酒店行业五星级酒店招聘经理选择学校的次数
Sample Size = 181 respondents
  调查样本=181名受访者  * 理诺士国际酒店管理学院(Les Roches International School of Hotel Management),格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education)和康纳尔大学(Cornell University)并列第二。

  * 理诺士国际酒店管理学院(Les Roches International School of Hotel Management),格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,
Glion Institute of Higher Education)和康纳尔大学(Cornell University)并列第二。

  根据要求,受访者选择每所学校的百分比是可见的,数据从洛桑酒店管理学院(Ecole H?telière de Lausanne)的73%到日内瓦高等酒店管理学院(cole H?telière de Genève)的18%不等。


  洛桑高等酒店管理学院(Ecole H?telière de Lausanne)
  理诺士国际酒店管理学院(Les Roches International School of Hotel Management)
  格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education)
  康奈尔大学(Cornell University)

  本调查结果和2007年TNS进行的调查结果一致,理诺士国际酒店管理学院(Les Roches International School of Hotel Management)和格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education)持续位于国际职位全球顶级酒店管理学校前列。


咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E




  雅高酒店(集团)                阿曼度假村
  丽江悦榕酒店和度假村          康拉德酒店和度假村
  皇冠假日酒店和度假村          菲尔蒙酒店和度假村
  四季酒店和度假村                希尔顿酒店和度假村
  假日酒店                             凯悦酒店和度假村
  洲际酒店和度假村                凯宾斯基酒店
  朗廷酒店集团                      艾美酒店
  文华东方酒店集团                马可波罗酒店
  万豪国际                            千禧酒店和度假村
  Movenpick酒店和度假村     半岛酒店
  Preferred酒店和度假村        丽笙酒店
  琉森雷迪森酒店和度假村      莱佛士酒店和度假村
  雷兹多酒店集团                   丽思卡尔顿酒店
  Rocco Forte集团                 罗塔纳酒店
  香格里拉酒店和度假村         喜来登酒店和度假村
  浪漫度假村和水疗中心         索菲特奢华酒店
  Sol Melia酒店和度假村        喜达屋酒店和度假村
  瑞士酒店和度假村                泰姬酒店和度假集团


  2010年夏天,一份在线调查被发送到了一个庞大的全球雇佣者数据库中。潜在受访者数据库由来自70多个国家超过50000名酒店管理专业人士构成。这些潜在受访者会收到TNS市场研究公司(TNS,Taylor Nelson Sofres)发送的邀请参加本次调查的电子邮件。然后受访者将登陆TNS安全网站,填写调查问卷。为了保证客观性,Laureate教育集团学校的名字并没有透露给调查对象。大概有10000多名受访者打开了电子邮件,其中1000多名受访者进入了调查链接。

TNS市场研究公司(TNS,Taylor Nelson Sofres)是顶级市场调查和信息集团以及全世界最大的客户调查和分析商。TNS市场研究公司在全球70个国家的范围内运行,这使他们能为我们提供与国际一致的,及时且最新的,高质量的信息与分析报告。TNS旅行和旅游部门受聘于休闲,旅游,酒店管理和旅行行业一系列的全球客户,公司会着手进行一系列研究和顾问项目,有计划的为客户提供深刻的见解和知识。

International Hospitality Management Schools:2010 Worldwide Industry Ranking Survey

Project Summary
February 2011

Background and Survey Details

Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) Travel & Tourism (U.K.), the world’s largest provider of custom research and analysis, has completed a broad industry survey amongst a large sample of senior managers from top international hospitality companies around the world. These companies were selected because they own and/or manage 5-star rated properties. This survey was conducted in August and September, 2010.

TNS executed a similar survey in 2007. The 2010 survey updates the results obtained three years before. Laureate Hospitality Education, a division of Laureate Education Inc, commissioned TNS to conduct both surveys utilizing objective techniques. Both surveys are statistically reliable at a 95% confidence level.

The primary purpose of the 2010 survey is to establish the relative ‘ranking’ of the various international hospitality management schools providing university-level programmes from which employers are likely to recruit staff for international 5-star hotel companies. 

A total of 181 questionnaires from 55 different countries was received. All respondents hire students from international hotel schools, with over two-thirds of respondents (68%) have recruited graduates from at least two and up to five different hospitality management schools for their organisations. The respondents came from a broad range of 5-star hotel companies listed below.

Key Findings

Respondents were asked to respond to the following: ‘Thinking about the hiring of graduates for an international career in the hospitality industry, from the following list of hospitality management schools, please select the ones you would consider to be in your Top 10. ”

A list of 74 hospitality management schools located around the world was presented to respondents. The list was generated from a worldwide scan of schools providing international education focused on hospitality management. Provision of instruction in English was a requirement for inclusion in the list of international hospitality management schools. In addition to this list, respondents were invited to add by open field any other schools in their ranking which might not have appeared in the pre-selected list. The list was automatically randomized by country and by school for each respondent to ensure that there was no influence on their selection as a result of their position in the list.

The following table presents the survey ranking results.
Top 10 International Hospitality Management Schools in the World for an International Career.

Based on frequency of school selection by hospitality industry hiring managers from 5-star

Sample Size = 181 respondents

Institution / Country
1 Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne Switzerland
2* Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Bluche Switzerland
2* Glion Institute of Higher Education, Glion & Bulle Switzerland
2* Cornell University USA
5 Hotelschool The Hague Netherlands
6 Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Marbella, Spain
7 Hotel School Vatel France
8 Oxford Brookes University United Kingdom
9 César Ritz Colleges, Le Bouveret, Brig Switzerland
10 Ecole Hôtelière de Genève Switzerland

* Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Glion Institute of Higher Education and Cornell University are tied for second position.

The percentage of respondents selecting each school is available upon request. Such percentages range from 73% for Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne to 18% for Ecole Hôtelière de Genève."

Key conclusions to be highlighted from the survey results include:

??The Top 4 schools as rated by industry hiring managers are Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Glion Institute of Higher Education and Cornell University. This result matches the findings of the TNS survey conducted in 2007 in the sense that Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Glion Institute of Higher Education remain among the top hospitality schools in the world for an international career.

??Of note is that three of the top four schools are Swiss hospitality management institutes. Switzerland remains the foremost worldwide leader in international hospitality management education.

??Six of the Top 10 schools have direct links with Switzerland.

Profile of the sample 
The profile of the respondents in terms of their position in the various hospitality organisations:
??36% work in Human Recourses team or division
??17% work as General Manager of a hotel
??34% work in Food & Beverage, Sales & Marketing, Rooms Division or Finance & Accounting
??13% have other position titles

The geographical distribution of the respondents was as follows:
??28% Europe
??38% China and Asia Pacific
??12% North and South America
??15% Africa / Middle East
??6% Australasia

The sample from the research included respondents from the following 37 hospitality organisations.
Accor (corporate)                        Aman Resorts
Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts            Conrad Hotels & Resorts
Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts           Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts         Hilton Hotels & Resorts
Holiday Inn                              Hyatt Hotels & Resorts
Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts          Kempinski
Langham Hotels International             Le Meridien
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group            Marco Polo Hotels
Marriott                                 Millennium Hotels and Resorts
Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts             The Peninsula Hotels
Preferred Hotels & Resorts                Radisson
Radisson Blu Hotels & Resorts           Raffles Hotels & Resorts
The Rezidor Hotel Group                The Ritz Carlton
The Rocco Forte Collection              Rotana
Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts           Sheraton Hotels & Resorts
Six Senses Resorts & Spas              Sofitel Luxury Hotels
Sol Melia Hotels & Resorts              Starwood Hotels and Resorts
Swissôtel Hotels & Resorts             Taj Hotels, Resorts and Palaces
Westin Hotels & Resort

In the summer of 2010, an online survey was delivered to an extensive worldwide employer database. The potential respondent database is comprised of more than 50,000 hospitality professionals working in more than 70 countries. The potential respondents received an email from TNS inviting them to participate in this survey, which was then accessed by a link to a questionnaire which was hosted on a secure site by TNS. To maintain objectivity, the name of Laureate/LHE was not revealed to respondents. Over 10’000 recipients opened the email, while over 1’000 clicked on the link of the survey itself.

Taylor Nelson Sofres PLC (TNS) is a leading market research and information group and is the world’s largest provider of custom research and analysis. TNS operates globally across 70 countries, allowing us to provide internationally consistent, up-to-the-minute and high quality information and analysis. TNS Travel & Tourism is employed by a portfolio of global clients in the leisure, tourism, hospitality and travel industries to undertake a range of research and consultancy projects, designed to provide insight and knowledge.


