
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 国际大型企业来到格里昂进行校园招聘

18/02/2011 – 国际大型企业在格里昂进行招聘
  * 描述:每年,约有100家公司会来格里昂学校招聘毕业生。


  格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education)非常高兴的迎来菲尔蒙特酒店和度假村集团(Fairmont hotel and Resorts group)来到Bulle校区。这个五星级连锁酒店集团希望雇佣学生参加在世界各地不同酒店开展的管理培训项目。这种培训项目对于年轻毕业生来说是一次绝佳的机会,因为这给了他们开创个人事业的机会,通过培训他们还能在酒店集团内部不断晋升。

  此外,丽斯卡尔顿酒店集团(Ritz Carlton group)也来到格里昂招聘学生到位于西班牙,葡萄牙和爱尔兰的酒店实习。通常,学生在连锁酒店参加实习并与酒店保持联系,在下一次实习时他们会再次进入该集团在世界其他地方的另一家酒店。全部课程结束后,这些年轻的毕业生们通常会在同一个酒店集团获得正式职位。

  仅2011年2月到4月这两个月,就有世界闻名的公司如Toga Hospitality (澳大利亚/欧洲),雅高酒店(Accor),万豪国际总部(Marriott Headquarters),四季酒店和度假村(Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts)凯悦酒店(Hyatt),希尔顿酒店(Hilton), 文华东方海德公园酒店(Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park)香格里拉国际饭店管理有限公司(Shangri-La International Hotel Management),迪斯尼乐园(Disneyland),伦敦亮马酒店(The Landmark Hotel London),Rezidor酒店, 洲际酒店(InterContinental),Mövenpick 酒店和度假村等其他酒店来到格里昂向学生进行展示,招聘学生从事不同职位的工作。

  其他与酒店业相关的产业如旅游,财务和休闲行业对格里昂经过优秀训练的学生评价很高并聘用他们。Seabourn遊轮,Wise Foundation和Bacardi(Martini)也计划在2011年来我校招聘。格里昂毕业生得到酒店行业高度赞扬。每一名学生在毕业前都会收到平均3份工作邀请,90%的学生在一毕业就获得了工作。

咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

18/02/2011 - International companies recruit in Glion*Description:
Each year, around 100 companies come to visit Glion to recruit its graduates

Each year, around 100 companies come to visit Glion to recruit its graduates or to enrol for internship positions. In 2011, famous International Hotel Chains already started to recruit in one of the best hospitality management schools in the world for an international career.
GIHE had recently the pleasure to welcome Fairmont hotel and Resorts group on its campus in Bulle. The five star hotel chain was looking to hire students for Management Trainings in different hotels around the world. This type of training is a great opportunity for young graduates giving them the possibility to start their career and be trained to go through the career ladder within the chain.
In addition, Ritz Carlton group came to enrol students for internships in their hotels in Spain, Portugal and Ireland. Usually, a student doing an internship in an international chain keeps the contact and goes for the next internship in another hotel of the group somewhere else in the world. At the end of its studies, the young graduate gets very often a position in the same chain. 
From February to April 2011 only, prestigious companies like Toga Hospitality (Australia/Europe), Accor, Marriott Headquarters, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Hyatt, Hilton, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, Shangri-La International Hotel Management, Disneyland, The Landmark Hotel London, Rezidor, InterContinental, Mövenpick Hotels and Resorts and others will to come to visit Glion, give presentations and enrol students for different positions.
Other industries close to hospitality like tourism, finance or leisure value our well trained students and come to recruit them. The Yachts of Seabourn, Wise Foundation and Bacardi (Martini) are planned in 2011 as well. Glion graduates are highly appreciated by the hospitality industry. Each student has on average three job offers upon graduation, while 90 percent of the students have secured employment the moment they graduate.


