
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂伦敦校区新开设酒店管理MBA课程

New Hospitality MBA Program in London


       从2016年1月份开始,格里昂伦敦校区将开设国际酒店和行业服务管理(International Hospitality and Service Industries Management)的工商管理硕士学位(Master of Business Administration,MBA)。学生们可以在伦敦分校选择全日制或混合学制的专业学习课程。另外,伦敦分校还针有经验的专业人士开设非全日制工商管理硕士(MBA)课程。


       伦敦校区的工商管理硕士(MBA)课程与格里昂瑞士校区课程具有同等性质,享有同样声誉。伦敦分校全日制工商管理(MBA)课程学制1年,由格里昂伦敦分校资质颇高的教学团队任教,团队由研究生学习行政主任Martin Senior博士领导。

       格里昂酒店集团(Glion Worldwide)首席执行官(CEO)Guy Bentley 说:“作为瑞士酒店管理学院在伦敦的唯一分校,我认为格里昂伦敦分校为工商管理硕士(MBA)提供了一个独一无二的教学环境。这项课程可以灵活学习,在网上或校区学习亦或是两者结合,伦敦是座充满财富机会的城市。”

       格里昂伦敦分校坐落于罗汉普顿大学(the University of Roehampton)旧址上,这里给学生提供了现代、成熟的教学环境,到伦敦是中心也很方便。伦敦的确是奢侈旅游的热门目的地 – 这里云集了74家五星级宾馆和54家米其林餐厅 –对毕业生来说,若有志于从事国际酒店工商管理职业,这里是理想的地方。


专业人士的新选择 - 非全日制工商管理硕士课程


       在线工商管理硕士(MBA)课程让学生得以在任何时间、任何地点学习行业专家和管理者的课程。网络课程环境由劳瑞特网上教育集团(Laureate Online Education)开发,这是家以质量和创新闻名于世的教育集团,他们承诺为专业人士提供不断进取的网络教学产品。

格里昂全球首席执行官(CEO)Guy Bentley说:“伦敦格里昂分校致力于增加学生和专业人士的行业知识,增强他们实现目标的自信心。格里昂伦敦分校的工商管理硕士课程会教给他们工商管理领域非常重要的理念,比如领导力和市场营销、研究方法、公司财务和全球策略下的酒店管理行业,这是发展很快的行业。”

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

New Hospitality MBA Program in London

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 12 November 2015

Starting in January 2016, the MBA in International Hospitality and Service Industries Management will be offered at the Glion London campus. Students will have a choice of full-time, hybrid, and professional study options for the MBA in London, plus the campus will host a new part-time MBA for experienced professionals.

London is a top destination for MBA

The MBA program that will be delivered at Glion London is the same reputable MBA in International hospitality and Service Industries Management that Glion Institute of Higher Education has been offering in Switzerland. The full-time MBA in London (1 year) will be delivered by the highly qualified faculty at Glion London under the leadership of Dr. Martin Senior, Executive Dean for Graduate Studies.

“As the only Swiss hospitality management institution based in a British university setting, we believe Glion London offers a unique environment for the MBA. This program will give students the flexibility to study on campus or online, or combine both, in city that exposes them to wealth of opportunities,” says Guy Bentley, CEO of Glion Worldwide.

The campus, located on the grounds of the University of Roehampton, offers an enriching graduate student experience with a modern, mature study environment and easy access London’s city center. Indeed, London is a hub for luxury tourism – home to 74 five-star hotels and 54 Michelin-starred restaurants – and an ideal location for graduate students who aspire to launch careers in international hospitality business management.

Students can also choose to go to Glion London for the hybrid MBA option (1 to 1.5 years), where they learn on-campus for one semester, and then they finish their degree online. This hybrid learning model allows graduates to enter the industry faster and apply their knowledge in a new position. Additionally, the two Professional MBA options combine campus-based semesters and internships, with the choice to complete the courses online. This MBA study option is designed for recent graduates as it allows them to target key skill sets by alternating courses, professional training and online learning.

New Part-time MBA Option for Professionals

The new part-time MBA is ideal for working professionals in London. It is designed to strengthen leadership skills and sharpen key management skills for areas such as marketing or finance. The program follows the structure of Glion’s Online MBA courses with 12 campus-based learning periods at Glion London.

The online portions of the MBA program allow students to attend lectures anytime, from anywhere with a faculty composed of industry experts and managers. The e-learning environment is provided by Laureate Online Education, an organization that is renowned for quality, innovation and a commitment to continuous improvement in online teaching and learning for working professionals.

“The MBA from Glion London will empower students and professionals in the industry with the knowledge and confidence to achieve their goals. Glion London’s MBA will give them insights into key business subjects such as leadership and marketing, research methods, corporate finance, and global strategy applied to hospitality, a fast pace industry,” says Guy Bentley, CEO of Glion Worldwide.



