
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 与Yiwen Eng关于研究生课程实习的问答

与with Yiwen Eng关于研究生课程实习的问答
Postgraduate Internship Q&A with Yiwen Eng


姓名:Evalynn Yiwen ENG
实习经历:2015年7月-12月,新加坡劳动大厦(The Working Capitol)(恭锡(Keong Saik))私人有限公司

1. 你在格里昂的经历怎样(课程、学生生活和行业联系)?


2. 请描述一下在实习中的一天或一周的常规工作内容



3. 你在业余时间做什么?

       在业余时间,没有去联系朋友或是家人, 我选择去做义工。几年之前,我们一伙人成立了一个青年义务团体(新加坡土语:Voluntarius),旨在鼓励年轻人们去做义工,让义工成为生活的一部分。因此,我把大部分时间都花在义工团体上,做计划、市场营销和执行活动等。如果时间允许,我也会在新加坡或本地区做其它义务工作。

4. 从研究生课程强化你的训练和知识是种什么样的经历?


5. 你希望从实习工作中得到什么益处?


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
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Postgraduate Internship Q&A with Yiwen Eng

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 8 September 2015

Name: Evalynn Yiwen ENG
Nationality: Singaporean
Age: 26
Program: Post Graduate Higher Diploma in Events, Sports and Entertainment Management
Applied Learning: Project Factory & Restaurant and Kitchen
Background before Glion: Bachelor Degree in National University of Singapore, Management Associate in Super Bean Pte Ltd, Singapore
Internship: Events Intern, The Working Capitol (Keong Saik) Pte Ltd, Singapore, Jul – Dec 2015 (6 months)

1. What was your experience like at Glion (course, student life, industry connections)?

My journey in Glion has been an amazing one. I chose to do a postgraduate diploma in ESE instead of a master degree as it would provide me more practical and hands-on experience before entering this industry, and Glion did exactly what I expected. Aside from the technical skills, we also picked up many soft skills making us able to better understand different cultures, which is especially important for us to survive in a globalized workplace. The support from the faculty has also been tremendous in helping us work things out, from academics to career advices, to showering us with care and concern, and being our “parents” when we are far away from home. Being able to study in such an international environment also helped me in expanding my network worldwide and allowed me to discover that there are many opportunities out there in the world. All in all, I would never exchange my experience in Glion for anything else.

2. Describe a typical work day and week on internship.

A typical work day/week revolves around bringing in sales for the event space that I’m looking after as well as managing the venue during events. This work includes answering enquiries for events spaces, giving tours of the space, liaising and managing clients to ensure contracts and payments are taken care of, as well as smooth execution of the event on the day itself. Once in a while, I might even take on the role of a simple bar service during events.

3. What do you do during your free time?

During my free time, other than catching up with friends and family, I go for volunteering activities. A few years back, a group of us set up a youth voluntary organisation, Voluntarius (Singapore), which promotes volunteerism among youths, aiming to make volunteerism a part of our lifestyle. Thus, I would spend most of my time on the organisation, doing planning, marketing and execution of events. I would also participate in other volunteering activities happening around Singapore, and the region, if time permits.

4. How is this experience strengthening your training and knowledge from the postgraduate program?

The postgraduate program provides both theoretical and practical skills that enabled me to perform well during my internship. On the other hand, through my internship, I can also better relate what is happening in the working world to what is being taught in Glion. It helps to reinforce certain knowledge and methodologies and also helps me to find my “style” of making things work.

5. What benefits do you expect to gain from this internship?

From this internship, I am hoping to gain exposure on the different types and genre of events, as well as sharpen my PR skills in dealing with clients and suppliers. Most importantly, I hope to gain more technical knowledge of the field itself such as the basics of production works and such, so that I can be a better event planner.



