
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 在国际体育赛事联盟获得职业成功的关键

The key to career success in
international sporting events and federations


      国际体育赛事联盟为活动管理人才提供了非常好的职业机会。但是这些热门的职位不仅仅需要体育赛事管理知识或娱乐活动管理知识,而是两者都需要。格里昂高等教育学院的会展体育和娱乐管理(Event Sport and Entertainment (ESE) management)课程帮助学生在这一学科交叉领域积累了第一手经验。从他们的工作中,我们了解学生在国际体育赛事联盟中的“硬技术”需要软技术和行业经验来支持。


      作为格里昂会展体育和娱乐课程重要的组成部分,是称为精英项目实践(the Project Factory)计划的动手实践模块。格里昂精英实践计划的学生已经从事的活动有自由式滑雪冠军赛、瑞士韦尔比耶(Verbier Bike Fest)自行车节、瑞士马特洪峰(Matterhorn)高山竞技比赛和行业专业人士年度会展体育和娱乐管理会议。


      例如,今年5月份,格里昂的体育及娱乐管理学生在洛桑(Lausanne)奥林匹克博物馆(the Olympic Museum)完成了一体化项目(Integrated Projects ,IP)的演讲。



       演讲结束后,国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee,IOC)高度评价了格里昂为2016年巴西奥运会(the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil)做的赛事方案,称方案非常有趣而且水准很高。



      在格里昂,酒店管理学生从事国际体育赛事管理并不少见,比如酒店管理的研究生Sergei Romanenko, 就是这样的情况。

Sergei 介绍说:“我第一份实习工作就是在索契冬奥会(the Sochi Winter Olympic Games)。这真是一次难忘的经历,虽然工作繁重,但是有好多令人难忘的时刻!我在索契和奥运街区负责接待,寄存和导引服务。我个人目标是给予超过与会客人期望的服务,保证他们都有一次难忘的奥运经历。



       2013年,Kristina Jabornicka在格里昂体育及娱乐活动管理专业的毕业后,取得了工商管理学学士(Bachelor of Business Administration,BBA)学位,紧接着在捷克奥组委(at the Czech Olympic Committee)的外事委员会(the Commission for Foreign Affairs)工作。在最近的访谈中,她描述了在格里昂学习的情况,介绍了她是怎样取得梦寐以求的工作。

Kristina 说:“在格里昂我们知道理论是一回事,实践又是另外一回事。目前在我的职业中,还没有应用到所有学到的知识,但是我学到的技能却帮助我适应工作环境,理解工作内容以及提高我的工作质量。“

她还说道,格里昂帮助她得到了现在的工作,“我的梦想之一就是参加奥林匹克运动会的实习。所以当我得知格里昂正在介绍2014年索契冬奥会(the Winter Olympics in Sochi)和举办奥运会工作面试时,我懂得要想得到这份奥运会实习工作,必须在面试中脱颖而出… 我曾在奥运会工作过,这是我迄今为止最好的工作履历,后来真要感谢自己的毕业论文主题,它让我直接得到捷克奥委会的工作。目前我在捷克奥委会的外事委员会工作。这是非常好的机会,我非常喜欢现在的工作。“

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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The key to career success in international sporting events and federations

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 28 August 2015

International sports events and federations present excellent career opportunities for people who have the right skills. But these highly sought-after positions don’t just require skills in sports management or event management, they require both. The students of the Event Sport and Entertainment (ESE) management programs at Glion Institute of Higher Education have experienced this overlapping area of demands first-hand. From their experiences, we learn that their “hard skills” in sports and event management needed the backing of other soft skills and career connections.

First, let’s look at one of the most important parts of a good sport management or event management program: industry experience.

An essential component of Glion’s sport and event management programs is the hands-on learning module called the Project Factory. Glion students in the Project Factory have worked on the Champs freestyle snowboarding competition, the Verbier Bike Fest, the Matterhorn Ultracks Skialp and Trail races, and an annual ESE conference attended by many industry professionals.

For many Glion postgraduate students, the chance to participate in real projects for real companies is a highlight of their studies. The excellent results of these projects have shown that Glion students use a combination of their knowledge of sports culture and their first-hand experience in event management to succeed in these demanding roles.

For example, in May of this year, Glion’s ESE students presented their Integrated Projects (IP) at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne. Their objective was to create a new event program focused on Culture, Education and the spirit of the Olympic Movement for the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil.

In order to accomplish this task, the teams presented professional proposals that incorporated their personal experience in the Project Factory, plus the theoretical knowledge from four of their ESE management courses:
Management Finance in Event, Sport and Entertainment
Event Management
Emerging Technologies in Event, Sport and Entertainment
Creativity and Innovation

Following the presentations, IOC representatives commented on the valuable contribution and very interesting quality proposals for the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil.

Another quality that is indispensable for a career in international sports and events is a hospitality mindset that focuses on delivering unforgettable customer experiences.

At Glion, the ESE students get more than what they signed up for; they have a unique opportunity to learn about the world of luxury hospitality. Glion is also a top-ranking school of hospitality management with more than 50 years of experience in forming leaders for the global hospitality industry.

It’s not uncommon for hospitality students to make a professional foray into the world of international sporting events, as Sergei Romanenko, an alumnus of the postgraduate diploma hospitality management track can attest.

“My first internship was working in the Sochi Winter Olympic Games. That was an unforgettable experience with a lot of hard work but even more memorable moments! I was responsible for welcoming, hosting and guiding guests around Sochi and Olympic venues. My personal goal was to exceed guests’ expectations and make sure that they are getting unforgettable Olympic experience.

Sergei goes on to explain that his internship experience at the Olympic Games showed him the connection between international sports events and hospitality. “This internship allowed me to see myself as a part of such a global event as Olympic Games and proved to me that hospitality is the industry I want to grow in. Moreover, it was fun and there were a lot of Glion students and alumni around, so I was able to feel the support of the Glion family. Glion spirit mixed with Olympic spirit equals an unforgettable cocktail of experiences.”

And last, but not least, career connections and a good reputation may be just as important one’s professional skills and experience.

As an alumna of Glion’s ESE program, Kristina Jabornicka began working at the Czech Olympic Committee for the Commission for Foreign Affairs straight after she graduated in 2013 with a BBA in Event, Sport and Entertainment Management. In a recent interview, describes the meaningful lessons she learned at Glion, and explains how she got her dream job.

“At Glion we learned that theory is one thing and practice is the other. So far in my career, I have not yet used all of the knowledge I learned while studying, but the skills I developed have helped me to adapt, understand and improve in my job,” Kristina says.

She adds that the connections at Gion helped her to get her current job. “One of my dreams was to attend and be a part of the Olympic Games. So when I found out that Glion was hosting a presentation and job interviews for the Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014, I knew that I would have to excel in the interview for a chance to work at those Olympics…I worked at the Olympics and it was my best professional experience so far and afterwards I started immediately working at the Czech Olympic Committee thanks to my dissertation topic, which brought me there in the first place. Currently I am working at the Czech Olympic Committee for the Commission for Foreign Affairs. It is a great opportunity and I am doing something what I really like.”



