
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 酒店管理职业进步阶梯:成长三步走

Hospitality Career Ladders: Three phases of growth





       根据我们最新的毕业生就业数据,约有半数毕业生在酒店管理毕业后直接进入管理培训(Management Training,MT)项目。毕业生想通过学习这些培训获得进入梦寐以求的业内大企业的渠道,比如四季酒店(Four Seasons),凯悦酒店(Hyatt),和万豪大酒店(Marriott),而且这其中竞争异常激烈。


       参加管理培训班(Management Training)的最低要求是:较强的软技能、具有酒店管理或工商管理学士学位、一年的工作经验、流利讲英语和一种外语,还要具备领导潜质。从整体说,格里昂学士学位课程能让学生具备以上所有资质。学生们离开格里昂时,都拥有格里昂这所最高端的酒店管理大学的学士学位、一年的工作经验,他们能流利讲英语,另外他们还有文化背景知识和在国际环境工作的领导技巧。

       对那些不想寻求获得管理培训班职位的学生,国际公司有很多其他初级职位提供给酒店管理毕业生。以2013年毕业生Jannick Repgen为例,他最终回到了自己当初实习市场营销职位的喜达屋酒店(Starwood Hotels),毕业后直接以销售主管(sales executive)的职位在酒店工作。“在快要毕业时,我获得了去世界不同地方工作的机会,这其中有伦敦(London)、越南(Vienna)、巴塞罗那(Barcelona)、迪拜(Dubai)和阿布达比(Abu Dhabi),甚至可以去遥远的马尔代夫(Maldives)。最终,我选择了回到迪拜(Dubai)喜达屋酒店(Starwood Hotels)作一名销售主管(Sales Executive),成为快速发展的迪拜(Dubai)酒店业从业者,这里每月都有新开业的酒店,” Jannick说。




       根据格里昂2015年同学会调查(the Glion Alumni Association’s 2015 Survey)的数据,有50%的校友在毕业5年内都达到了“中层管理”阶段;这阶段包括诸如主管、部门经理或拥有者,甚至企业家等职位。


       处于中层管理阶段的酒店职业经常持续几年时间,在这期间需要去经历不同类型的企业,例如,奢侈度假酒店(luxury resorts)、城市酒店(city hotels)和游轮酒店(cruise liners),以及不同的部门,例如,餐饮部(food & beverage)、客房部(rooms division)、沟通/市场营销部(communications/marketing)、地产部(real estate)和财务部(finance)等等。这段时期工作辛苦,而且职位变化较少,然后职业道路由于自己的专长和兴趣或者特定品牌而变得稳定。建立起行业经验和精专于职业喜好都在为下一阶段跃升到行政职位、咨询职位,甚至企业家职位打下坚实基础。

       2007年毕业生Engin Bulut学的是酒店管理研究生文凭课程(postgraduate diploma),他的中层管理职业生涯就是很好的例子。完成酒店管理课程部分的学习后,Engin按要求实习,进入即将营业的伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)博斯普鲁斯酒店(Hotel Bosphorus)工作。“随着酒店开业,我在前台担任主管和团队领导。然后,我转往另一家公司并获得升职,这是个非常艰难的过程;我成为贝鲁特(Beirut)四季酒店(the Four Seasons Hotel)的前厅经理助理(the Assistant Front Office Manager)。之前能在中东( Middle East)工作,机会非常难得,因为我能和来自25个国家的员工一起共事。我在伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)四季酒店( Four Seasons Hotel)工作一年,升为夜班经理(Night Manager),” Engin说。


       总经理(General Manager)职位是人人都渴望的好职位,这在国际酒店职业的第三阶段才能达到。在此阶段,聪明的酒店从业者会寻找合适的企业,抓住机会开始下阶段的职业。值得注意的是,许多酒店管理的毕业生似乎都是在十年的毕业区间才达到这个水平。这个上升的时期相对较短,在2000年至2010年毕业的格里昂学生中有63%的人获得“行政级别或管理职能”的职位;反之,2010年以后则只有41%的毕业生获得这一级别的职位。

       2010年,格里昂开始提供网上国际酒店管理和服务行业管理( International Hospitality and Service Industries Management)工商管理硕士学位(MBA)课程。这个学位课程像许多其它研究生课程,就是为帮助学生从中层管理上升到行政级别职位。研究生学位常被看做是解决职业停滞的办法,这可以让学生磨砺、增长一些技能,以便让学生跟上行业快速发展的节奏和满足酒店业顾客需要。 

       作为温德姆酒店集团(Wyndham Hotel Group)的营销传播(Communications Manager)主管,拥有十年酒店管理从业经验的格里昂网上工商管理硕士(Online MBA)学生,Pugeneswary Mudukasan 说,“酒店管理行业竞争日趋白热化,我感觉自己需要从两方面充实自己;专业性和理论知识方面,不仅要赶上快速变化的行业发展,还要在各层职员中出类拔萃,表现出超出雇主预期的业务能力。”他还补充道,“我的主要目标就是开阔眼界、提升管理能力,这会让我现在的工作中更加出色,而且为以后可能面临的艰巨挑战做好准备。



英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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Hospitality Career Ladders: Three phases of growth
by Glion Institute of Higher Education 25 November 2015

What does it really mean when we say that hospitality careers are growing fast? Overall, the industry is growing steadily, about 4% per year and will offer nearly 350 million jobs by 2024, but that doesn’t mean that hospitality graduates go from graduation to a GM position straight away.

While the hospitality industry is an ideal environment for fast career growth, the career paths of many professionals show that most hospitality careers progress steadily, in small leaps and bounds. By examining the career paths of some of our alumni, from graduation to executive positions, we’ve seen that the trajectories are as diverse as the people. But one thing does stand out: there is a three-phase pattern of career growth among hospitality school graduates and it is both encouraging and inspiring.

Management Training and Entry-Level Management Roles

According to our own recent graduate employment statistics, approximately half of our hospitality graduates enter management training (MT) programs directly after graduation. These MT programs are the coveted gateways into corporate careers with industry heavyweights such as Four Seasons, Hyatt, and Marriott and the competition for these positions is high among hospitality students.

The purpose of management training programs is to expose trainees to many departments within the hotel and allow them to assimilate the company standards and brand philosophy. Sometimes these programs lead to management positions within the company, sometimes they don’t. At the very least, they give young professionals a good experience to take with them into a new company and position. Either way, these training programs offer recent graduates a chance to show what they are made of, it’s a tremendous opportunity to shine and refine skills within a structured corporate environment.

The minimum entry requirements for most MT positions include: strong soft skills for working and learning, a bachelor degree in hospitality or business, one year of work experience, fluency in English and one other language, and leadership potential. Overall, the Glion bachelor degree curriculum prepares students to meet all of these criteria. They leave Glion with a bachelor degree from a top-ranking hotel school, one year of work experience, they are fluent in English, plus they have the cultural knowledge and leadership skills for a global workplace.

For those who don’t seek, or obtain, MT positions, there are many other entry-level positions that international companies seek to fill with hospitality graduates. Take the example of Jannick Repgen ’13, who went back to Starwood Hotels where he completed a marketing internship, to start as a sales executive straight after graduation. “As I approached graduation, I had offers to work in different places around the world including London, Vienna, Barcelona, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, and even so far as the Maldives. In the end, I chose Dubai to return to Starwood Hotels as a Sales Executive and be part of the massive development of hospitality in this part of the world where hotels are opening every month,” Jannick said.

Whether they start in a MT program, or another type of entry-level position, our alumni testimonials show that many graduates receive one major promotion and/or a location change within their first 2 years of employment.

This first rung of the career ladder is often just a short stop on the way up. These supervisory and administrative positions are where graduates exercise their soft skills and prove themselves as dedicated workers, often taking care of daily administration, operations, staff schedules, and project work.

The following diagram from Hyatt shows some detailed examples of the career stages for the food & beverage departments of their hotels. Although the chart shows the very bottom entry-level positions, these are not usually taken by hospitality graduates who have the experience and skills to start in the second category:

Reaching Middle Management

According to the Glion Alumni Association’s 2015 Survey, 50% of our alumni have reached at least the stage of “middle management” within 5 years of graduation; this includes positions such as directors and department managers or owners, and entrepreneurs.

During the middle management phase, many hospitality professionals experience both lateral and vertical shifts in responsibility. A lateral shift may include relocating to another department, or location, such as for a pre-opening assignment; whereas a vertical promotion would suggest moving up within one’s department. It’s also not uncommon for workers to switch companies between entry- and mid-level management positions. In fact, most hospitality professionals will change companies several times during their career, especially if these changes come with an opportunity to work in a new location and a higher-paid position. 

The middle-management phase of a hospitality career often spans several years, the time needed to move around and explore different types of properties (i.e. luxury resorts, city hotels, cruise liners) and departments (food & beverage, rooms division, communications/marketing, real estate, finance, etc.). This is a hard-working time in the career ladder where positions change less frequently, and the career path narrows to an area of expertise and passion, or a particular brand. This building of experience and refining of career preferences sets the stage for the next big leap to executive positions, 
consultancy roles, and even entrepreneurship.

The career progress of Engin Bulut ’07, a graduate of the postgraduate diploma in hospitality management, shows this stage of middle management well. After completing his hospitality management courses, Engin did the required internship and was hired for the opening of the Hotel Bosphorus in Istanbul. “Following the hotel’s opening, I stayed on as a front office supervisor and team leader. Then, I received a promotion and a transfer at the same time. It was really difficult; I became the Assistant Front Office Manager at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beirut. It was a great opportunity to work in the Middle East and to work with a team composed of some 25 nationalities working in the same hotel. For one year I stayed there, and then I got the promotion to Night Manager at the Four Seasons in Istanbul,” Engin said.

Executive and Corporate Career Stages

The coveted General Manager position is a good example of a position that hospitality professionals reach in the third phase of an international hospitality career. At this stage, a smart hospitality professional will be looking for the right company and the right opportunity to start the next phase of their career. Remarkably, many hospitality graduates seem to hit this mark of career maturity well before ten years after graduation. This relatively short ascension to upper-management positions can be seen in the 63% of Glion graduates who are in “executive level or managerial functions” if they graduated between 2000 and 2010; whereas only 41% of the graduates from 2010 to present have reached that level.

In 2010, Glion began offering an Online MBA in International Hospitality and Service Industries Management. This degree, like many graduate programs, is designed to help students make the jump from middle-management to executive level positions. Graduate degrees are often seen as a solution for career stagnation when sharpening and up-dating some skill sets may be necessary to keep up with the fast-paced development of technology and consumer trends within the hospitality industry.

As a marketing communications manager for the Wyndham Hotel Group, with eleven years of experience in the hospitality industry, Glion Online MBA student Pugeneswary Mudukasan says, “The hospitality industry is becoming extremely competitive, I feel it is vital for me to equip myself in both areas; professionally and academically, not only to remain compatible with the rapid changes, but also to rise through the ranks and to exceed the expectations of my future employer.” He adds, “My main objective is to develop a broader vision and greater managerial competencies which will add value to my current working experience, and eventually prepare myself for greater challenge. As I am currently exploring every possibility of entering the international/ overseas scene, I am confident that the MBA will be one of my biggest assets and will definitely benefit me in many ways.”

The Inspiring Careers of Glion Alumni

Although no two careers can be alike, the progression of our alumni through these three phases of career growth seems relatively common. However, as we can’t possibly show all of the amazing trajectories of our globe-trotting, high-flying alumni who have made their careers into a truly spectacular life experience, this summary of three phases leaves much to be desired. To offer a more complete perspective on how our hospitality alumni progress in their careers, we’ve collected their testimonials on our blog.



