
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 回顾2015格里昂之年

Glion Year in Review 2015



       首先,也是最重要的,我们想感谢为我们成功而付出的每一个人,感谢帮助过我们获得世界“最好酒店管理学校大奖(Best Hospitality Management School)”的人,感谢在2015年度世界酒店管理大奖(the 2015 Worldwide Hospitality Awards)颁奖仪式上授予我们这项大奖。我们为自己的学校感到骄傲,但是更重要的是,我们意识到今天取得酒店管理教育方面的领导地位要感谢格里昂的每个人:格里昂的学生、教职员工、校友、管理者、行业合伙人以及格里昂大家庭里的其他人,是他们让我们变得与众不同,让我们的格里昂、我们的国家和世界在行业创新发展和积极改变过程中的驱动因素。



      世界旅行及旅游理事会(The World Travel and Tourism Council)更新了2015年11月的行业报告,除某些地区以外,行业前景非常积极。据预测,旅游和旅游业会继续领跑世界经济十年时间,直到2025年。


      在咨询委员会(Advisory Board)的指导下,格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)已开始采取措施让我们的学术课程满足酒店业和旅游业不断增长的人才需要。


      世界教育正在飞速变革,越来越多的学生需要灵活的学习模式,能让他们边学习边工作。格里昂正努力迎合这种学习趋势,新增加一系列提供混合学习研究生课程以供选择,其中包含专业实习。今年,来自网上学生和教职人员的积极反馈也证明了酒店财务(Hospitality Finance)理学硕士(Master of Science)学位的混合课程具有良好实际价值。

      同样,格里昂也推出了酒店和服务业管理(Hospitality and Service Industries Management)专业的工商管理硕士(MBA)混合课程,这让学生们得以在瑞士或伦敦校区完成一个学期的课程,然后在网上完成余下课程。针对有经验的从业者开设网上工商管理硕士课程(MBA program)以来,这些课程已经对专业从业者产生了很大的影响。今年,我们看见女性在工商管理课程的人数不断增多,而且也收到网上工商管理硕士(MBA)学生的反馈。  


      在格里昂伦敦校区在不断发展壮大;现在学校共有102名学生,每学期还有许多新生入学,还有从瑞士校区转来的学生。就伦敦校区本身而言,学生群体来自34个国家的学生。第二学期的职业和实习招聘会(the Careers and Internship Fair)吸引了40家全球领先的酒店服务公司来校参加。此外,格里昂伦敦分校主办了网上工商管理硕士(MBA)高级管理证书课程(Executive Certificate programs)的住宿培训(Residencies),还为伦敦的同行学校特别举办企业培训活动。

      伦敦分校是学习工商管理硕士(MBA)的首选之地,在2016年1月,我们即将提供酒店和服务行业管理( Hospitality and Service Industries Management)的工商管理硕士(MBA)课程。伦敦分校将给毕业生一个机会去体验伦敦繁荣的工商业景象、创新向上的发展文化、充满活力的国际化社区和络绎不绝的游客以及众多的文化活动。另外,我们为高管提供了非全日制网上工商管理硕士(MBA)课程,学习期间住在伦敦。


      个人奢侈品牌的全球销售额在过去20年里翻了四番,近期奢侈品行业不会缺少好的工作岗位。然而,本行业在消费者行为和消费者需要方面、人口转移和新增长渠道方面也面临新挑战。正如格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE)校长(General Director)Judy Hou所总结的,“奢侈品消费者不仅关注拥有自己的奢侈品,而且越来越关注奢侈体验。因此,奢侈品制造商正转向酒店管理毕业生寻求创造独特的消费体验。”

      事实上,在2015年期间,许多奢侈品行业的公司开始与我校联系—从时尚和名表奢侈品牌到金融和技术奢侈品牌—他们都来招聘我们的学生去公司实习或提供长期工作岗位。这就是格里昂在酒店管理下设置新的奢侈品牌管理(Luxury Brand Management specialization)方向学士学位课程的原因。截至目前为止,这个新专业方向在第一次和第二次招生中达到都达到满额,因此我们现在有超过50名学生准备将来从事奢侈品牌管理职业。我们开始在博客上收集他们的故事,你可以在博客上了解他们对奢侈品行业的感想。


      格里昂的每个方面—我们的课程、设备、行业关系、社会和文化活动—以确保学生能高质量学习和就业为核心。这些只是改革和创新中的一分部,格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)正在努力提高学习结果、学生满意度和行业相关性。

      在格里昂校园,贝尔维尤(Bellevue)餐厅想通过装修重回历史上的“好时代”风格,桂冠大厅(Laureate Hall)升级成模块式教室/演讲大厅,不仅改进了灯光照明,而且安全舒适。






      2010年毕业生Gauthier van den Eynde,优步公司(Uber),运营和物流经理(Operations and Logistics Manager),拥有者兼行政主厨(Executive Chef)

      2001年毕业生John Paul Adamo,霍克利谷度假酒店(Hockley Valley Resort)和阿达莫地产酒庄(Adamo Estate Winery),拥有者兼行政主厨(Executive Chef)

      2011年毕业生Alexandre Tramontana,Optigura.com公司(一家法国营养品公司),拥有者和企业家  

      2010年毕业生Kristina Shmarenkova,罗科福瑞迪酒店集团(Rocco Forte Hotels),销售经理(Sales Manager)

      2012年毕业生Lulla Hokholt,会展活动管理(Event Management)的项目经理(Project Manager)

      2013年毕业生Kristina Jabornicka,捷克奥林匹克委员会(Czech Olympic Committee),外事委员会(Commission for Foreign Affairs)



      学生事务工作组(Student Affairs team)与学生管理协会(Student Government Association)合作,负责许多不同的活动和事物,还负责与布勒校区合作。8月28日,在布勒城中心举办了一次文化博览会(Cultural Fair),活动形式多样并且对公众开放。留学生们在按放长桌奉献本国的传统食品。这次“美食叙曲”活动开始于布勒城堡(the Bulle Castle),在格里昂的学术中心和Reymond Jaussi大厦继续举办庆祝活动。宴席由格里昂准备,体贴的Globull公司不仅免费开放大厦,而且为所有参加活动的人提供宴会饮品。

      5月16日星期六,格里昂学生举办了蒙特勒历史上最丰富多彩的活动!会展体育和娱乐管理的学生计划并举办了一次蒙特勒胡里节(Holi Montreux)户外派对,效仿印度传统的胡里节(Holi)来欢迎春天。五彩缤纷的色彩、欢乐的音乐和别具特色的演出将活动气氛推向高潮,这次活动的营业额也很可观,卖售950张门票,有超过2000参观者。观看所有活动图片,点击http://ow.ly/NrNRw


      对格里昂来说,2015年是成就颇多的一年,同时对世界上许多地方的人来说也许是艰难的一年。我们的行业环境变得越来越复杂,顾客的需求和期望正在变化,商业变得更加具有挑战性。我们今天的任务仍然相同,我们培养学生适应未来的职业和商业环境。我们会继续确保我们的学生能懂得影响他们工作社区和群体的重要问题,我们会推进他们创新,充分利用新技术。当我们看到学生和校友们乐于奉献,坚持不懈而且抱负远大、敢于创新的精神时,我们看到了他们未来有光明前途。正如Allen Bloom曾说过的,“教育就是让人从黑暗走向光明的运动,”我们看到格里昂大家庭前面充满无限光明,我们预祝大家假期快乐,新年都有良好的开端。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Glion Year in Review 2015
by Glion Institute of Higher Education  11 December 2015

The year of 2015 brought many changes to Glion Institute of Higher Education and we have plenty of exciting news to share.

First and foremost, we’d like to thank everyone who contributed to our success and helped us earn our current status as the “Best Hospitality Management School” in the world, awarded to us at the 2015 Worldwide Hospitality Awards. We are proud of our school, but more importantly, we are aware that our position as a leader in hospitality education is due to our people: Glion students, faculty, staff, alumni, administrators, industry partners, and everyone else in our big Glion family make us truly unique and are the driving factors for innovation, growth and positive change within our institution, our industry and the world.

So let’s take a moment to reflect on the changes and trends that influenced Glion in 2015 and see how the institute is applying those lessons for the benefit of Glion students, alumni and the industry as a whole.

Inspiring Hospitality and Tourism Trends

The World Travel and Tourism Council updated its Industry Report for 2015 in November, and aside from certain regions, the outlook remains very positive. It is predicted that travel and tourism will continue to outperform the world economy and over the ten-year period to 2025.

Most importantly, we notice that the WTTC predicts a strong demand for hospitality trained professionals. Over the next ten years, hospitality and tourism employment is expected to grow by 6.5 -7 million new jobs per year, to reach 355 million jobs or approximately 10.5% of jobs on the planet. Additionally, the WTTC foresees “a number of key challenges facing the sector over the coming decade, which include acute talent gaps in certain areas as well as deficiencies in the infrastructure and investment required by the growing sector.”

Guided by our renewed Advisory Board, Glion Institute of Higher Education is already taking measures to adapt our academic programs to meet this growing need for talent in the hospitality and tourism industry.

Expanding the Hybrid 

The world of education is changing fast and a growing number of students are seeking flexible programs that allow them to work and study at the same time. Glion is keeping up with this trend by adding a range of new graduate programs that provide hybrid learning options and the choice to include a professional internship. This year, the MSc in Hospitality Finance hybrid program has also proven its value as the students and staff shared positive outcomes in the online portion of the degree.

Similarly, Glion has launched a hybrid learning option for the MBA in Hospitality and Service Industries Managementwhich allows students to complete one semester of courses on campus in Switzerland or London, and complete the remaining courses online. Along with the Online MBA for more experienced professionals, these programs have already had a great impact for industry professionals. This year, we saw the number of women in our MBA programs grow significantly, and we got great feedback from students in the Online MBA

Glion London Gets Closer to the Industry

At Glion London, the campus has continued to grow; it now has 102 students in total, with many new students starting each semester, plus those who decided to transfer from the Swiss campuses. As such, the student body is now made up of 34 nationalities. The Careers and Internship Fair held in semester 2 attracted over 40 of the world’s leading hospitality and services companies to visit the campus. Additionally, Glion London hosted Residencies for the Online MBA and Executive Certificate programs and tailor-made corporate training events for partners in the UK.

As London is a top destination for MBA, we will be offering the MBA in Hospitality and Service Industries Management at Glion London starting in January 2016. The London campus will give graduate students the chance to experience London’s thriving business scene, innovative start-up culture, vibrant global community and constant flow of tourists and cultural events. Additionally, we have a new Part-time MBA for Executives that will be offered online, with residencies in London

New Opportunities in Luxury Brand Management

Worldwide sales of personal luxury goods have tripled over the last 20 years and there will be no shortage of good jobs in the luxury sector in the near future. However, the industry is facing new challenges in terms of consumer behavior and demands, shifting demographics and new distribution channels. As Judy Hou, General Director of GIHE, summarized, “Luxury consumers are not only looking to own personal luxury goods, but increasingly they seek luxurious experiences. So manufacturers are turning towards hospitality graduates to recreate unique customer experiences.”

In fact, during 2015, our institution was approached by many companies in the luxury industry – from luxury brands in fashion and watches, to finance and technology – they came to hire our students for internships and permanent positions. That is why Glion is offering the new Luxury Brand Management specialization for the bachelor in hospitality. So far, this new specialization has attained maximum capacity for its first and second intakes, so we now have more than 50 students preparing for careers in luxury brand management. We’ve also begun collecting their stories on the blog, and you can read their luxury industry testimonials here.

Promoting Student Success

Every aspect of our institution – our programs, facilities, industry relations, social and cultural activities – focuses on ensuring the quality of the student experience and outcomes. These are just a few of the ongoing improvements and innovations that Glion Institute of Higher Education is undertaking to improve learning outcomes, student satisfaction and industry-relevance within our campuses.

On the Glion campus, the Bellevue restaurant got a make-over to return to the “Belle Epoque” style of its historic past and the Laureate Hall got an update as a modular classroom/lecture hall with improved lighting, safety features, technology and increased comfort.
We also received approval from the UK authorities for full tier 4 sponsor status which enables us to process Visa applications, opening the doors of Glion London to students of all nationalities. Indeed, these improvements have not gone undocumented and you can read the details of all things related to Glion London on our blog.

For our undergraduate students, we’ve implemented a new tool for professional development to give our graduates a competitive edge as they enter the industry. Our new customized, interactive online digital platform allows students to create a portfolio of achievements and competencies, it provides a support network of mentors, and enhances the professional learning experience through guided tasks and assignments.
In the classroom, our professors are using high-tech tools to engage students and provide industry insights, you can read more about the use of technology in hospitality education here, and innovation in hospitality teaching methodshere. 

All-Star Alumni Profiles

All year, we’ve been collaborating with our alumni in the industry to collect their stories and career insights from the hospitality industry and many other sectors. Not surprisingly, we’ve learned that our alumni who number around 12,000 in 150 different countries are leading careers in a wide variety of roles, companies and locations around the world. Here is our short-list of amazing alumni stories that we’ve collected so far:

 Gauthier van den Eynde ’10, Operations and Logistics Manager, Uber
 John Paul Adamo ‘01, Owner & Executive Chef, Hockley Valley Resort and Adamo Estate Winery
 Alexandre Tramontana ’11, Entrepreneur/Owner of Optigura.com
 Aditi Malhotra ’06, Owner Tache Artisan Chocolate
 Kristina Shmarenkova’10, Sales Manager, Rocco Forte Hotels
 Lulla Hokholt ’12, Project Manager in Event Management
 Kristina Jabornicka ’13, Commission for Foreign Affairs, Czech Olympic Committee

Luckily, you can find all of these stories and many more on our blog in the Alumni section.

Glion in the Community

The Student Affairs team (SA), in collaboration with SGA (Student Government Association) and Operations, worked on a number of different events and initiatives, some in collaboration with the city of Bulle. On August 28th, a Cultural Fair was held in the town center of Bulle with a different format and open to the public. Students hosted stands offering a taste of traditional food from their countries of origin. This “Ballade Gourmande” started at the Bulle Castle and continued to a reception at the campus Academic Centre and Reymond Jaussi building. The dinner was offered by Glion and Globull kindly offered free entrance and a welcome drinks after dinner, to all participants.

Saturday May 16th Glion students hosted the most colorful event in the history of Montreux! The students in the Event, Sport and Entertainment management program, planned and executed an outdoor party called Holi Montreux to celebrate spring in the Holi Indian tradition. It was a great atmosphere of colours, music and special performances and it had a great turnout with 950 tickets sold and more than 2,000 visitors. See all the pictures on http://ow.ly/NrNRw

Looking Ahead

While 2015 was a year of many accomplishments for Glion, it was also a year of hardships for people in many regions of the world. Our world is becoming more complex, consumer needs and expectations are changing, and business is becoming more challenging. Our mission today remains the same, we prepare our students for their future career and their future business environment. We will continue to make sure our students understand the important issues that impact the people and communities where they work, and we will push them forward to innovate and make the best use of new technology. We see a bright future when we see the dedication, perseverance, ambition and creativity of our students and alumni. As Allen Bloom once said, “Education is the movement from darkness to light,” and we see lots of light ahead for our big Glion family, and we wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a great start to the New Year.



