
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 攻读酒店专业工商管理硕士的四大原因

Four Reasons to get an MBA in Hospitality


      目前有很多工商管理硕士(MBA)可选择,但是缩小范围并且选择合适的课程却是件难事。你想在家附近学习,还是在国外学习抑或在线上学习?你会学习传统工商管理硕士(MBA)课程还是会尝试一种混合式课程?你适合学习工商管理硕士(MBA)或是高级工商管理硕士(MBA for Executives)么?这些答案很大程度上取决于你的知识背景、个人偏好和追求的目标。

      格里昂的酒店和服务业管理(Hospitality and Service Industries Management)工商管理硕士(MBA)针对职业中不同阶段的专业人士设置。除了学习酒店管理行政职位的技能外,还提供 “边做边学”的课程学习方式,通过学习真实案例和完成小组项目以磨练软技能。这些学习方法教会学生高效研究、解决问题,最终成为职业领导者。

      基于我们现在学生和校友的感想,下面就是让酒店管理工商管理硕士(MBA in hospitality)与那些想在酒店行业获得高级管理职位的人有关的内容,也很有趣。



      酒店行业多样化让全球酒店行业土壤肥沃,这有利于调整和发展职业。因此对想快速发展职业,或是开始新职业道路的专业人士来说,投资酒店管理工商管理硕士(MBA in hospitality)非常明智。

      2015级工商管理硕士毕业生Natalya Malysheva 是雷克索斯酒店集团(Rixos Hotels)的团队销售经理(Cluster Sales Executive),说道:“在格里昂工商管理硕士(MBA)课程中,你也会学习掌握各种能力,让自己更快的学习、适应和进步···工商管理硕士课程让你工作更努力,你会学习如何推进大的项目,如何完成篇幅很长的文件等等。这是个与真实酒店管理行业有着相同的快节奏的学习环境。”


      格里昂的“旗舰”工商管理硕士提供校园全日制课程,初期是为年轻的酒店管理专业人士设置。本课程基于传统工商管理硕士模式,侧重于学习公司财务和收益方面的管理策略理论,包括人力资源、市场营销和企业发展等。尽管这些是现阶段酒店和服务行业管理(Hospitality and Service Industries Management)工商管理硕士(MBA)的一部分基础课程,但是它的重要性和发展软技能相比就要靠后。


      线上工商管理硕士学生Pugeneswary Mudukasan快完成线上工商管理课程,同时在温德姆酒店集团(Wyndham Hotels Group)做市场沟通经理(Marketing Communications Manager)工作,他说:“工商管理硕士课程让我学会从不同角度和不同立场来思考问题,而不是只看问题表面。事实上,课程让你学到许多方面知识,包括学习输入还有学习同学们分享的体会,对我来说分享讨论是在学习过程中最有效的途径之一。学习真实案例事实上让我有能力应对类似的情况。还有其它我学到有价值的技能,比如时间管理和同时处理多任务技巧。”


       研究也许听起来不像是酒店管理中的重要工作,但是它比大多数人想的要重要的多。比如竞争者分析、产品开发、市场调查和市场表现还有关键业绩指标(Key Performance Indicators, KPIs)等都需要管理者收集数据,分析数据,然后得出合理结论,最后形成商业决策。

       在线工商管理硕士学Althea Ayoub是Stella di Mare海滩酒店集团的副总裁(Vice President of Hotels),她说:“工商管理课程为我提供了更好的研究和跟踪酒店业新趋势的工具。我能够时刻与最新趋势保持同步。”




      多元文化环境让格里昂学生得以互相交流,相互了解彼此非常不同的成长背景和文化熏陶。线上工商管理硕士学生Tugba Acikel是Babaji Pide酒店 (AAYA 有限公司)的高级总经理(Senior General Manager),他谈到自己的经历时说:“我确实从格里昂学到许多职业方面的知识,我正在设法将学到的东西用到实际工作中,所学知识非常实用。我只是建议未来的学生们多关注谈论不要只是完成作业。在我看来,讨论板是我学习知识和享受课堂最好的地方。”


       格里昂工商管理硕士符合你的知识背景和工作背景,有四种灵活的课程学习形式。核心的工商管理硕士课程会强化你批判思维能力、决策能力研究和策略管理能力;学生在瑞士或伦敦校区学习有机会与抱负远大的行业领导者和行业专家接触;会有助于学习文化知识和专业知识。商务应用项目(Applied Business Project)会让你在工作中,在格里昂最有声望的行业伙伴之一的公司工作,挑战自己将理论应用到实际中;过去,商务应用项目(Applied Business Project)已经成功与凯宾斯基酒店(Kempinski)、 专业雀巢(Nestlé Professional)、莫比凡酒店(Mövenpick)和洲际酒店集团(InterContinental)建立合作。还为深入学习专门知识提供了专业化道路,比如市场营销、财务管理、行业领导和企业家精神与创新。

Full-time MBA – 1 year on campus in Switzerland or London
全日制工商管理硕士课程 - 在伦敦或是瑞士校区学习1年

Hybrid MBA – One semester on campus, the rest online. 
混合工商管理硕士课程 - 在校学习一学期,余下课程在线上学习。

Online MBA – 100% online for working professionals (average 2 years)
在线工商管理硕士课程 - 100%在线学习,针对已工作专业人群(平均2年)

Part-time MBA for Executives – Mostly online courses, plus 6 face-to-face sessions at Glion London (average 2 years)
非全日制高级工商管理硕士课程 - 大部分课程在线学习,还有6次在格里昂伦敦校区面对面学习(平均2年)

学校位置:瑞士布勒校区(Bulle Campus),伦敦校区,单纯线上学习或者在校加线上(混合模式)



英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Four Reasons to get an MBA in Hospitality
by Glion Institute of Higher Education  20 January 2016

With so many MBAs on offer these days, it can be hard to narrow down the choices and find the right course. Do you want to study close to home, abroad or online? Will you follow a traditional MBA or try a hybrid program? Are you a good candidate for an MBA or an MBA for Executives? The answer to these questions depends largely on your background, preferences and objectives.

Glion’s MBA in Hospitality and Service Industries Management aims to meet the needs of professionals in different stages of their careers. In addition to teaching the hard management skills for executive positions in the hospitality industry, the MBA has developed a “learning by doing” approach that also sharpens soft skills through real life case studies and group projects. The applied learning methods teach students to be effective researchers, problem solvers, and leaders as they grow in their careers.

Based on the testimonials of our current students and alumni, here are the things that make the MBA in hospitality truly relevant and interesting for anyone who wants to reach executive positions in the hospitality industry.

1. An MBA for Hospitality: a Microcosm Industry

The hospitality industry is a global industry that is growing fast, and changing even faster. Plus, it is a microcosm that encompasses the qualities and products of many other industries. For example, hospitality companies offer products and services, they put customer service above all else, they conduct sales and marketing initiatives, their managers have to make revenue and budget plans, they have to manage real estate, logistics and operations, etc. Therefore, hospitality managers must have a broad range of skills and the confidence to take decisive actions in a highly competitive and changeable market place.

The diversity and global nature of the hospitality industry make it fertile ground for career growth and redirection. An MBA in hospitality is therefore a good investment for professionals who want to accelerate their careers, or start a new career path.

“In the Glion MBA, you also build the capacity to learn, adapt and advance much faster…the MBA makes you work harder, you learn to push big projects, to complete lengthy papers, etc. It’s sort of the same environment as a hospitality world with the fast-paced environment,” said 2015 MBA graduate Natalya Malysheva, Cluster Sales Executive at Rixos Hotels.

2. Soft Skills for Hospitality Management

Glion’s “flagship” MBA program, the full-time MBA offered on campus, was originally designed for young hospitality professionals. Based on the traditional MBA model, it focused on strategic management theory for corporate-level finance and revenue, human resources, marketing, and business development. While these concepts remain a part of the foundation of our current MBA in Hospitality and Service Industries Management, they have taken a backseat to the emphasis on developing the soft skills.

Employers want incoming workers to possess a core set of soft skills that includes critical thinking, communication, creativity, innovation, problem solving, and collaboration.

“The MBA program teaches me to think wider in every aspect and situation, instead of just on the surface level. In fact, the program enhances your knowledge in many ways, including inputs and experiences shared by your classmates, and to me this is one of the most valuable assets that I’ve acquired throughout the learning process. Learning about real-life situations that someone had gone through actually prepared me to manage the same situation if it occurs to me. There are few other valuable experiences that I gained through this program, including time management and multi-tasking skills,” said Online MBA student Pugeneswary Mudukasan, who is finishing his Online MBA while working as a marketing communications manager for the Wyndham Hotels Group.

3. Research and Analysis Skills

Research might not sound like an essential part of a hospitality management job, but it’s more important than most people realize. Competitor analysis, product development, market research, and performance KPIs all require managers to look for data, analyse it, and come to reasonable conclusions to drive business decisions. This is where an MBA really impacts a manager’s qualifications.

“The MBA has given me better tools to research and keep up with the new trends within the hotel industry. I will be able to keep our hotels in line with the latest trends,” said Online MBA student Althea Ayoub,Vice President of Hotels, Stella di Mare Beach Hotels.

4. A Global Professional Network 

While an MBA program typically lasts a year or two, the international network of classmates and industry contacts that students develop during the program last a lifetime. Plus, having a multicultural mind set is a major advantage in today’s globalized job market. So it’s best to study an MBA abroad or online, to gain a broader perspective and learn to work with people from other countries and cultures.

Glion’s Online MBA program brings our faculty of industry experts and professors to a virtual classroom with mature students who are living and working on every continent.

This global culture allows students to exchange ideas and learn from others who have very different backgrounds and cultural approaches. Online MBA student Tugba Acikel, Senior General Manager, Babaji Pide (AAYA Limited),said this about his experience, “I am truly gaining a lot from Glion for my career and I am looking forward to bring everything I learn to my real work life, which is happening fairly often. My only advice would be for the future students to pay attention more to the discussions and not only focus on assignments. In my opinion, the discussion board is the place where I learn and enjoy class the most.”

The Glion MBA in Hospitality

The Glion MBA adapts to your background and experience with four flexible study options. The core MBA courses will strengthen your skills in critical thinking, decision making, research and strategic management; while the student experience in Switzerland or London will contribute to your cultural knowledge and professional network by putting you in contact with other aspiring leaders and industry experts. The Applied Business Project will challenge you to put theory into practice with a real business challenge working for one of Glion’s prestigious industry partners; in the past, the ABPs have been done with Kempinski, Nestlé Professional, Mövenpick, and InterContinental. Specialization tracks are offered for further expertise in Marketing, Finance, Leadership and Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

▪ Full-time MBA – 1 year on campus in Switzerland or London
▪ Hybrid MBA – One semester on campus, the rest online.
 Online MBA – 100% online for working professionals (average 2 years)
 Part-time MBA for Executives – Mostly online courses, plus 6 face-to-face sessions at Glion London (average 2 years)

MBA Program Details
The Degree: Master of Business Administration in International Hospitality and Service Industries Management
Location: Switzerland (Bulle Campus), London, Online, or Campus-based and Online (hybrid)
Accreditation: New England Association of Schools and Colleges, USA

Start Dates:
▪ Switzerland: January or July
 London: January, April, August or November
 Online: January, May, September or November

For more details, visit the MBA in Hospitality page.


