
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 来自工商管理硕士实习生的一封信

Letter from an MBA internship


作者 Iryna Tsoma,2016年国际酒店和服务管理工商管理硕士

        从泰国北海岸Koh Samui的贝尔蒙德·纳帕塞度假酒店(Belmond Napasai resort),Iryna Tsoma给职业关系(Career Relations)学院主任Jacquline Lutz女士发送了一封电子邮件分享自己的实习经历。这次销售与顾客关系实习(Sales and Guest Relations Intern)是工商管理硕士(MBA)课程不可分割的一部分,是国际酒店和服务管理(International Hospitality and Service Industries Management)工商管理硕士(MBA)的专业选择。Iryna在泰国唯一的奢侈度假酒店度过了六个月天堂般的实习生活,她于2016年1月返回格里昂布勒校区完成她的学位课程和毕业论文。从这封信中,我们能知道她的收获并非浅尝辄止,因为她正在参加高级管理活动,这个经历令她终生难忘。




      但是并不只是周围的美景让我的实习如此特别。我们这里的管理团队极为专业和思想开阔,他们愿意让我参与多有活动和国际项目。团队给我许多学习的机会,而且不只是学习销售和顾客关系方面的知识。我参加活动策划,而且还为餐饮服务部门(the F&B department)经理Jan Lorenzen帮忙,Jan Lorenzen是格里昂校友,您让我和她联系过。最后但很重要的是,度假酒店经理,也是亚洲区管理总监(Regional Managing Director Asia),让我参加预算规划会议,这意味着我的梦想已经实现。我上学期在格里昂学到的知识都用到了实际工作中,在接到这份工作邀请时,我在这里学到的东西已经远比我想象的要多。



英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Letter from an MBA internship
by Glion Institute of Higher Education 16 December 2015

By Iryna Tsoma, MBA in International Hospitality and Services Management ‘16

From her internship at the Belmond Napasai resort on the north coast of Thailand’s Koh Samui, Iryna Tsoma sent an email to Mrs. Jacquline Lutz, Head of Career Relations to share her experience. This internship as a Sales and Guest Relations Intern is an integral part of Iryna’s MBA, the Professional option for the MBA in International Hospitality and Service Industries Management. After six months of working and living in paradise at this exclusive luxury resort in Thailand, Iryna will return to Glion’s Bulle campus in January 2016 to complete her degree and dissertation. From this letter, we can tell that she is gaining more than entry-level experience, she’s participating in senior management activities and making memories that she’ll treasure the rest of her life. 

Dear Mrs. Lutz,

Warmest greetings from sunny Thailand.

I am very happy to share with you some news from my internship. To start with, it is an extremely beautiful environment and every morning I feel blessed to wake up with such a stunning sea and jungle view. I was very lucky to get an accommodation in the hotel; more precisely, I am living in one of the guest villas which has exceeded all my expectations.

But it’s not only the surrounding beauty makes my internship so special. We’ve got an extremely professional and open-minded management team who are willingly involving me in all activities and global projects. It gives me a lot of empowerment and I have a chance to learn not only about sales and guest relations. I participate in the event planning,  and I assist the Manager of the F&B department, Jan Lorenzen, a Glion alumni that you have put me in contact with. Last but not least, our Resort Manager and the Regional Managing Director Asia involve me in the budget planning meetings which has made my dream come true. Everything I have learnt in the previous semester in Glion came out of books into reality here, and I am learning so much more than I could have imagined when accepting this offer.

With my best regards,

Photo By: Belmond Napasai



