
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 凭借酒店管理学位你可以胜任哪些工作?

What can you do with a hospitality management degree?















      本领域成功的关键归根结底是将顾客放在中心位置,创造一个完整的体验过程,而这是酒店业专业人士最擅长的。格里昂高等教育学院提为酒店管理学位(Hospitality Management degree)供会展活动管理方向的职业通道,会展体育和娱乐管理学士学位(Event, Sport and Entertainment Management bachelor degree)的学生可以在这个动态的领域中追求职业发展。


      今天的奢侈品消费者不仅寻求自己的奢侈品,他们也寻求奢侈消费体验,而且越来越多的品牌正在寻求酒店类毕业生加入。奢侈品行业在全球表现出色,2013年创造出超过1万亿美元的产值,正稳定发展包括个人奢侈品、汽车、奢侈酒店、豪华游轮、定制家具、精美食品、美酒和饮料、快艇和私人飞机等方面。另外,像纪梵希(Givenchy)、阿玛尼(Armani)、宝格丽(Bulgari)和罗伯特·卡沃利(Roberto Cavalli)等品牌正在涉足酒店、水疗和餐厅等方面。

      从奢侈品转向以创造顾客中心的产品体验趋势最近在波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)报告中得到证实。奢侈品牌努力给顾客提供更好的体验,奢侈品牌正在酒店行业中寻找人才,正越来越多的雇佣酒店管理人才。由于奢侈品公司对酒店管理学生不断升温的兴趣,格里昂新开设了奢侈品牌管理(Luxury Brand Management)学士学位的专业方向,隶属于酒店管理学位课程(Hospitality Management degree program),并且向多莫斯设计学院(Domus Academy)输送人才,一所以米兰(Milan)为依托的时尚设计学校。






英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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What can you do with a hospitality management degree?
by Glion Institute of Higher Education  22 January 2016

When you hear the word hospitality, you might think of hotels, but the truth is that a hospitality management degree will open the doors to more than just restaurants and hotels. A good hotel school will give you the skills, experience and business knowledge to work in many industries offering endless possibilities for career growth. Here’s a look at the vast world of hospitality management and the adjacent industries where hospitality business graduates find employment with some of the world’s top international companies.

The Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is growing steadily, providing many career options for individuals who have the right training and education for this vast and exciting industry. By the year 2024, the travel and tourism industry (which includes hospitality) will have generated 346 million jobs and account for one in ten jobs on the planet (WTTC Report, 2015). Hospitality and event management careers can take-off in many directions but the core of the hospitality industry is found in these main areas: hotels and resorts, culinary businesses, travel and tourism, and events. Let’s take a deeper look

Hotel Management: career ladders straight to the top

Hotels and resorts are the heart of hospitality and they offer a dynamic range of career paths. With the growth of the hospitality industry, travelers are no longer limited to the big hotel chains and palace hotels of old. There are more diverse types of hotels opening every year: boutique hotels, business hotels, apartment hotels, and many other types of modern accommodations for every type of traveler.

Within every hotel, there are jobs in the “front-of-house” such as the food and beverage outlets, reception, and guest services. Then there is the “back-of-house” such as the kitchens and the rooms division. In these operational departments, hospitality graduates who like a hands-on approach and being in the action evolve quickly, moving up from entry-level supervisory roles to department head and management positions.

In international hotel companies there are also many unseen roles in human resources, marketing and sales, finance and general management. These departments within the hotel itself often lead to corporate careers. A graduate may join a department in a hotel or resort, and find themselves on a career track with transfers and promotions to senior positions in the corporate head offices of a major international company.

Tourism Management: organizing the experience and the flow

Tourism has doubled in the past 20 years and is expected to double again over the next 20. Travel and tourism make up 9% of global GDP, and the industry is the world’s largest employer. Within the next decade, it is antiipated that this industry will create an additional 75 million jobs and international tourist numbers will reach 1.8 billion by 2030.

To manage and capitalize on this ever growing flux of tourists, destinations offer a growing number of attractions and services. Likewise, hospitality-trained graduates find an increasing number of jobs in tourism-related services: museums and historical monuments, luxury trains and cruise packages, theme parks and casinos, destination management organizations, consultancy and more

Event Management: no two days are ever the same

International events, festivals, sports events, and entertainment venues are all focused on creating a “wow” factor and a memorable visitor experience. Also, many hotels and restaurants make a good living on hosting corporate and private events. Overall, the sector of event management, or MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events), is a fast growing field offering many international career options. By 2020 it is estimated that 1 in every 11 jobs will be in the event management sector.

The key to success in this sector comes down to putting the customer at the center of everything and creating a seamless experience, and that’s what hospitality trained professionals do best. Glion Institute of Higher Education offers an Event Management specialization track for the Hospitality Management degree and a separate Event, Sport and Entertainment Management bachelor degree for students who want to pursue a career in this dynamic area

Luxury Brand Management: a new frontier for hospitality management graduates

Luxury consumers today are not only looking to own personal luxury goods, they are seeking luxurious experiences, and more brands are turning towards hospitality graduates. The luxury industry is an impressive global industry that generated over one trillion USD in 2013 and it is promising steady growth across sectors which include personal luxury goods, cars, luxury hospitality, luxury cruises, designer furniture, fine food, fine wines and spirits, yachts and private jets. Plus, brands like Givenchy, Armani, Bulgari and Roberto Cavalli are venturing into hotels, spas and restaurants.

This shift of focus away from the luxury product towards the creation of a more customer-centric experience has been identified in a recent report by Boston Consulting Group. In their efforts to strengthen customer experience, luxury goods brands are looking at the hospitality industry, and luxury brands are increasingly hiring hospitality professionals.  Due to this  heightened interest of luxury companies in hospitality students, Glion has created a new specialization in Luxury Brand Management for its Bachelor degree in Hospitality Management degree program, delivered in partnership with Domus Academy, a Milan-based fashion and design school. 

The Experience Industry: memorable experiences above all else

Around the world there is a growing phenomenon that some call the “experience economy”. It is the business of providing an exceptional customer experience, where the feelings and memories created by the experience are as important as the product itself. The concept of an “exceptional experience” is now being marketed in association with every type of product and service imaginable: fine dining, sports equipment, high-tech gadgets, fashion brands, shopping environments, financial services, gaming, and more.

For the graduates of top hospitality management schools, this trend represents a major career resource because the skills to excel at creating a 5-star customer experience are developed through practical learning in a hospitality setting. Hospitality experience and training is the most effective experiential learning tool to develop ‘customer-experience creation’ skills, which are key for the financial sector and other non-traditional hospitality sectors. This know-how for the experience economy is something that other business schools do not offer.

The best thing about a hospitality management degree

After looking at all these global industry sectors and types of businesses where a hospitality management degree can be applied, the real reason that students choose to study hospitality becomes clearer: a hospitality management degree opens up a world of opportunities. It gives students a chance to follow their interests to anywhere in the world, with the skills to create exceptional experiences and run businesses at any level. That is the true advantage of a hospitality degree: having the confidence, professionalism and business expertise to make the world your oyster.



