
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 酒店参观项目

Hotel Visits Project


       今天世界上有很多不同种类的酒店,让酒店管理的学生了解他们未来所从事行业的模样是很有必要的。为了给一年级新生一次激动人心的体验,也是为了让学生了解行业内高水平的酒店,格里昂大学学院生活领导(the Campus Life Leader)小组在这学期开启了酒店参观项目(Hotel Visits project)。项目旨在让新生参观了解一些酒店,以便今后选择自己的实习地点。

“我们的项目就是组织学生参观酒店,因此我们让学生有机会了解酒店的运营模式,去体验关于酒店的特殊含义,” 该项目领导者,生活领导(the Campus Life Leader)小组成员Ryo Sakai 解释说,“设置项目的原因是我们发现有学生在选择实习公司时很犹豫。我们认为这是由于大部分学生没有行业的实际经验。我们希望通过组织酒店参观活动,能够帮助同学们找到合适的实习地点。”

       这是本科学生小组第一次参观白豆荚(White Pod)酒店,酒店位于瑞士阿尔卑斯(Swiss Alps)的蒙泰(Monthey)镇附近。

Ryo说:“白豆荚(White Pod)是环保型奢侈精品酒店,坐落于海拔1400米的山坡上。位于称作“太阳之门”(Portes du Soleil)滑雪胜地内,距离格里昂大学只有大约45分钟的路程。这座酒店于2004年建成,拥有15间 ‘豆荚’客房,它们之间互不相连,依偎在山坡之上像极了小泡泡。房间外部是白色的,从远处看非常可爱有趣。”

       学生们下午1点左右到达了酒店接待处,在这他们见到了值班经理Yann Cabron。从酒店接待处步行一小段距离就到达豆荚客房。




英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Hotel Visits Project
by Glion Institute of Higher Education 23 November 2015

So many different types of hotels exist these days, it’s important for hospitality management students to get an idea of what awaits them in the industry. To expose first-year students to the exciting, yet demanding standards of hospitality excellence in the industry, the Campus Life Leader (CLL) group on Glion campus started a Hotel Visits project this semester. 

This project aims to show first-year students around a few hotels before they go on their first internship in an international hospitality company.

“Our project is to organise hotel visits so that we are able to provide opportunities for students to find out how hotels function and discover unique concepts of hotels,” explains Ryo Sakai, the CLL member who is leading the project. “The reason behind this project is that we have seen some students having difficulties choosing the right internship. We believe it is because most of the students do not have much real experience in the industry. We hope that by organising hotel visits, we can help them find the right internship for them.”

For their first hotel visit, a group of bachelor degree students visited White Pod in the Swiss Alps near the town of Monthey.
“White Pod is an eco-luxury boutique hotel that sits on the mountain at 1400 meters. It’s only about 45 minutes from Glion campus, in the ski area called the “Portes du Soleil”. Created in 2004, the hotel has 15 guest “pods” that are nestled into the hillside like little bubbles without any infrastructure connecting them. The whole site is pretty interesting to see from a far, “says Ryo.

The students arrived at the reception around 1:00pm, where they were greeted by the hotel’s manager on duty, Yann Cabron. The pods are a short hike away from the hotel reception.

“After ten minutes of walking, we arrived at in a chalet called the Pod-House. The weather was really cloudy, so we could not enjoy the view just yet. The Pod-House is located in the middle of the 15 pods where guests sleep, it has a self-service bar, meeting room, breakfast room and massage room,” says Ryo.

“After that we went to see a guest pod. The sun came back out and the clouds dissipated, from our location just above the clouds the view was incredible. We visited a Delux Pod, which means that it has TV and WiFi. Otherwise, all the pods are the same size. Each pod is equipped with a bathroom and a wood burning stove, to keep the pod warm when the temperature dips to -10°C,” Ryo explains.

At the end of the visit, students had the opportunity to ask the manager questions about the hotel, the way it operates and the way that it measures its environmental impact. Overall, it was an excellent experience for all and a fun way to discover a hotel that is only a short ride from Glion campus, as the ski season approaches quickly.



