
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂参观伦敦地标酒店

Glion visits The Landmark London


  11月,格里昂摄制组下榻伦敦地标酒店(The Landmark London)拍摄短片,我们拍到了许多精彩内容,它们都体现出伦敦地标酒店(The Landmark London)的历史美、创新进步和活力四射的城市氛围,这些也勾勒出伦敦今天的酒店文化形象。随着酒店形象的变化,伦敦地标酒店(Landmark London)真实的反映出世界旅行和旅游业的演变历史。我们在欣赏过这座5星级的奢华酒店后,也花时间了解一下这座著名酒店的丰富多彩的历史。


  伦敦地标酒店(Landmark’s London)源自历史上的维多利亚时期的铁路酒店,至今还可以在从酒店通往马里波恩火车站(Marylebone Station)的步行道上领略当时的风貌。这条从火车站到铁路酒店的步行通道全程防雨,让游览者体验到优雅的维多利亚时期人们的特权 – 从火车车厢直接走进酒店里。
  铁路酒店地址由当时富有远见的企业家Edward Watkin先生(1819-1901)选定,是他发现了这个绝好的铁路酒店地址。同时,蒸汽机的出现让乘坐火车旅行更加快捷,旅游业得以蓬勃发展,而且鉴于伦敦的人口规模,马里波恩火车站(Marylebone Station)是游览者来伦敦时的理想落脚地。不幸的是,铁路酒店诞生却晚了一些,因为大中央铁路公司(the Great Central Railway Company)在酒店开业前遇到财务问题,并且于1899年,将这个地点以极低的价格出售,并按照哥特复兴式风格修整,以便让大中央酒店(Great Central Hotel)开业。  

  伦敦地标酒店(Landmark London)是一座宏伟的建筑,矗立于毗邻的建筑物之中,酒店还有一个与大本钟(Big Ben)相似的大钟塔。在酒店建成将近120年后的今天,虽然为了现代化的用途进行了改造,酒店仍遍布着大量遗迹。酒店中央是一座高八[critical]层带玻璃屋顶的中庭,这是宽敞的冬季花园餐厅(Winter Garden)。今天,中庭的高玻璃穹顶制造了一种独特的就餐气氛,给酒店增添了丰富的历史感。这里也为顾客提供奢华的休息空间,不仅可以享受户外的光线,还可以遮雨保暖。


  伦敦地标酒店最大的特点之一是位置优越。从酒店步行几分钟就到达许多伦敦旅游景点,例如杜莎夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussaud’s)、伦敦天文馆(the Planetarium)、贝克大街(Baker Street)和伦敦摄政公园(Regent’s Park)。而且,酒店远离嘈杂的噪声和伦敦市中心喧闹的人群,这里是游览者一个静谧的港湾和休闲胜地。


  伦敦地标酒店(Landmark London)被评为五星级酒店,拥有300间客房,其中包括51间套房。这家酒店以拥有各种房型、规格和等级的客房而闻名,为家庭旅游、商务出行和夫妻旅行的顾客提供不同价位的房间以供选择。冬季花园(The Winter Garden)是可以供应现代欧洲西餐的双AA级玫瑰型餐厅;222号酒吧餐厅(the twotwentytwo Restaurant and Bar)提供啤酒店风格的菜肴和饮料,就餐环境轻松休闲却不失品位;而镜子酒吧(the Mirror Bar)是喝鸡尾酒和午夜饮品的理想去处。除了供应常规食品和饮料,酒店吸引游客和伦敦本地人的魅力在于提供非常棒的下午茶和周日早午餐。在酒店较低的楼层,有伦敦地标酒店的水疗和健康俱乐部(Spa & Health Club),它以平静治疗室而著称,有一个15平方米的无氯加热游泳池,池边是玻璃墙的Klafs桑拿房、薄荷和檀香木的淋浴室、蒸汽浴室、一个水疗按摩池和一间粉刷一新的健身房。 


  众所周知,由于旧式酒店外墙易碎以及其他奇怪的特点,很难对其进行维护,因而必须按照现代标准翻新,但伦敦地标酒店(Landmark London)的员工却轻而易举地解决了这项难题。除了监督不断地翻新酒店设施和客房,伦敦地标酒店的总经理Andrew Batchelor先生自从2013年也开始关注提高员工素质和服务。


  几年来,伦敦地标酒店(Landmark London)一直从格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)招收实习生和毕业生。酒店还会参加就业和实习招聘会(the Careers and Internship Fair),招聘会中有超过40家世界领先的酒店和服务公司,这些公司均曾对格里昂高等教育学院伦敦校区进行过考察。在我们的摄制组访问期间,Batchelor先生表达了他们对格里昂学生的满意和喜爱,因为格里昂学生训练有素,并已准备好进入工作——而且对行业充满热情。

  在和格里昂校友Giulia Natale讨论时,她表现出同样积极的合作精神。Giulia Natale很喜欢在酒店的实习工作,她打算毕业后再次申请在酒店[长期工作,目前她担任伦敦地标酒店的顾客关系经理(Guest Relations Manager)职位。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Glion visits The Landmark London

by Glion Institute of Higher Education26 January 2016

In November, The Landmark London welcomed Glion’s film crew for a movie shoot, and we got a ton of great shots that highlight the mix of historic beauty, innovative improvements and a dynamic city vibe that defines hospitality culture in London today. As iconic hotels go, The Landmark London truly represents the revolutions that shaped the world of travel and tourism. After we admired the classy luxury of The Landmark London as it exists today, we also took the time to learn more about this iconic hotel’s colorful past.

The Last of the Victorian Railway Hotels

The Landmark’s London historic origins as a Victorian railway hotel are still visible today in the covered walkway that joins the hotel to Marylebone Station. This walkway creates a seamless, rain-free transition from the railway station to the hotel lobby, and gives visitors a taste of the past when genteel Victorians could descend from trains and stride right into the hotel’s lush interior.

The site was chosen by visionary entrepreneur Sir Edward Watkin (1819-1901) who saw a promising location for a railway hotel. At the time, steam engines made travel by train much faster and the concept of tourism was growing, as was London’s population, and Marylebone Station was an ideal spot for visitors to arrive in the city. Unfortunately, the hotel was born a bit too late, as the Great Central Railway Company had financial troubles before the hotel opened. The site was sold for a pittance and updated in the Gothic revival style for the opening of the Great Central Hotel in 1899.
The Hotel’s Iconic Features

The Landmark London is a stately property with a striking profile that rises above the neighboring buildings and a large clock tower similar to Big Ben. Nearly a hundred and twenty years after its conception, the hotel is full of remnants of the past that have been transformed for more modern purposes. At the center of the hotel, an eight-story glass roof atrium houses the Winter Garden restaurant. In the early 1900s, guests were deposited in this inner courtyard in carriages and in the 1920s the space was transformed into a ballroom to accommodate the dancing and parties of the Roaring Twenties. Today, the atrium’s high glass ceiling creates a unique atmosphere and gives the hotel an air of historic opulence. It also provides a luxurious lounging space where visitors can enjoy the outdoor light while they escape the rain and cold.

Location, Location!

One of the best features of The Landmark London is the location. The hotel is just a few minutes on foot from many of London’s famous tourist attractions such as Madame Tussaud’s, the Planetarium, Baker Street and Regent’s Park. Yet, the hotel is far enough away from the noise and crowds of central London to offer visitors a haven of peace and relaxation.

Five-Star Luxury Rooms, Restaurants and Services

The Landmark London is classed as a five-star hotel with 300 rooms, including 51 suites. The hotel boasts a large variety of guest room lay-outs, sizes and classes, offering travelers a choice of room rates and styles for families, business travelers and couples. The Winter Garden is a two-AA rosette restaurant which serves modern European cuisine; the twotwentytwo Restaurant and Bar serves brasserie style dishes and drinks in a casual, yet classy setting[]; while the Mirror Bar is an ideal place for cocktails and late-night drinks. In addition to regular meals and drinks, the hotel attracts tourists and Londoners alike with a magnificent afternoon tea service and Sunday brunches. On the lower floor of the hotel, The Landmark London Spa & Health Club features serene treatment rooms, a 15-metre chlorine-free heated swimming pool, a glass-walled poolside Klafs sanarium, menthol and sandalwood showers, steam rooms, a whirlpool, and newly-refurbished gym.

The People Policy “Better Tomorrow than Today”

Old hotels are notoriously hard to maintain with their delicate facades and other quirky features that have to be refreshed for the modern era, but the staff at The Landmark London takes that all in stride. In addition to overseeing continuous refurbishments to the hotel’s facilities and guest rooms, Mr. Andrew Batchelor, General Manager at The Landmark London since 2013, focuses on improving the staff and services as well.

The Landmark London is an “Investors in People” Gold Organization. This internationally recognized accreditation uses rigorous assessment criteria to help organizations evaluate and improve their performance in managing people and developing talent, thereby improving staff retention, productivity and engagement.

For years now, The Landmark London has been hiring interns and graduates from Glion Institute of Higher Education. The company was also present at the Careers and Internship Fair where over 40 of the world’s leading hospitality and services companies visited the Glion London campus. During the film crew visit, Mr. Batchelor expressed how happy they were with Glion students because they are well trained and ready to work – with a lot of passion for the industry.

The same spirit of positive collaboration came through in our discussions with Giulia Natale, a Glion alumna who enjoyed her internship at the hotel so much she reapplied for a permanent position after graduation and she is currently the Guest Relations Manager at The Landmark London.


