

World’s biggest tourism event offers fun and good news.

Angelo Tullio Valentino        2013年4月10日


  大家好!我叫Angelo Tullio,我是一名热情饱满的格里昂学生,现在是格里昂校友协会的一员,这让我非常自豪。时间过得飞快,确实如此,但是我从格里昂学到的最好的理念是:如果我们秉持同一种精神,那么我们的联系和关系可以永存!从现在开始,我会试着与你分享一些我最好的经验,并为你的未来的事业发展提一些我自己的建议。


  今年我获得了一个特别好的机会,在同领域全球规模最大的盛会中担任一线工作:柏林国际旅游博览会(ITB, International Tourism Bourse)。这次活动的举办时间为3月6号到10号,在Messe Berlin巨大的展厅中举行,全世界有超过10万的旅游行业专业人士前来参观。在重要的节日期间,柏林这座城市本身就挤满了游客。被空气中的这种火热的气氛所感染,我一连好几个小时和酒店领导和行业内的重要人物交谈并交流思想观念。很明显,我在格里昂学到的知识让他们都印象深刻。

  我还参加了一些有趣的会议。整个旅游行业中已经展现出一些积极的信号显示这个行业正在从全球金融危机中复苏。确实,从2013年开始,行业形势开始好转,全球范围内的酒店预定数目整体上都在增加(德国旅游协会(German Travel Association)主席Jürgen Büchy证实这一点)。国际旅游博览会(ITB)也强调了酒店行业的一个新趋势:随着手机和社交媒体的普及,相关活动的数量也在以惊人的速度增加。此外,我可不能错过品尝美食的机会 — 这些美食是不同国家提供的特色美食。

  如果你有机会参加这样一个活动,热切建议你抓住这个机会。我保证你会发现很多乐趣,并且你的公司也会从你这次经历中收获一些东西,因为旅游展览会仍然是建立协议和交流思想的最重要的场所。根据世界旅游组织(World Tourism Organization)常务理事 Márcio Favilla的说法,在一个被互联网和科技统辖的世界里,“没有什么可以取代面对面交流的集会。柏林国际旅游博览会又一次为全球旅游行业提供了交流信息、达成协议和建立商业联系的平台。”


  资料引用来源:ITB Berlin Press release 
  11/03/2013 (http://www.itb-berlin.de/en/MediaCentre/PressReleasesAndNews/index.jsp?lang=en&id=287104)

Angelo Tullio Valentino

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

World’s biggest tourism event offers fun and good news.

by Angelo Tullio Valentino      10 April 2013

Hi there! My name is Angelo Tullio, I have been an enthusiastic Glion student and now I am a very proud member of the Glion Alumni Association. Time flies, that’s true, but one of the best lessons I have learned from Glion is that contacts and relationships may last forever, if we all share the same spirit! From now on, I will try to share some of my best experiences with you and, why not, give you some advice for your future careers.

Please, let me start with one point: working in the travel industry is very exciting! Meeting people from other countries, traveling, taking part in events, speaking foreign languages, and so on, are just a few of my favorite aspects related to it. And what about travel fairs and exhibitions? They are amazing events where you can talk to hundreds of people who share your same ideas. It makes you feel part of something really big and important, and I love that.

This year, I got the amazing chance to be on the first row at the world’s largest event of this kind: the International Tourism Bourse (ITB) in Berlin. It took place from March 6th to 10th in the huge “Messe Berlin” exhibition area and was visited by more than 100,000 travel professionals from all around the world. The city of Berlin itself was full of visitors, like during important festivities. Excited by all this electricity in the air, I have spent hours talking and exchanging ideas with hospitality leaders and very important industry people. Obviously, they were all fascinated by my studies at Glion.

I also attended some interesting conferences, where very positive signs of recovery from the global crisis for the whole travel industry were shown. Indeed, 2013 has started well, with a general increase in the number of hotel bookings worldwide (as confirmed by Jürgen Büchy, President of the German Travel Association). The ITB also highlighted a new trend in hospitality, with an incredible number of mobile and social media related events. Moreover, I could not miss the taste of local food provided by the different countries of the world.

If you ever get the chance to participate in such an event, I warmly suggest you grab this opportunity. I promise you will have fun, and your company will also gain something from your experience, as travel fairs are still the most important place to make deals and exchange opinions. According to Márcio Favilla, Executive Director of the World Tourism Organization, in a world that is ruled by the internet and technology, “there is no substitute for face-to-face meetings. Once again, ITB Berlin provided the platform for the global tourism industry to exchange information, conclude deals and cultivate business relations.”

I am not going to miss the ITB next year, what about you?
Quotations taken from: ITB Berlin Press release
11/03/2013 (http://www.itb-berlin.de/en/MediaCentre/PressReleasesAndNews/index.jsp?lang=en&id=287104)

Angelo Tullio Valentino


#GHEAC#[校园生活] 你为什么需要一个环境管理系统?

Why do you need an Environmental Management System?

Alphonse L. Johnson      2013年4月30日




















  环境管理系统,尤其是在度假村区域实行的环境管理系统,也会使当地居民受益 — 该系统会让游客有一个更好的体验,并且减少了额外的公共设施需求,如供水、能源生成、废水处理和废物处理装置填充等。



  最重要的行动是开始执行。一旦公司领导层同意给予环境管理系统(EMS)以支持,下一步就是设定好计划和框架。获全球认可和尊重的全球标准组织(ISO)创立了一个EMS框架 — ISO 14001,还有一些其它框架,但ISO 14001的应用范围最广。全球标准组织为推动企业的可持续发展使用的环境管理系统其循环流程框架如下图所示:



Alphonse L. Johnson

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Why do you need an Environmental Management System?

by Alphonse L. Johnson   30 April 2013

Why not? Environmental Management Systems (EMS) are the framework that help companies improve their energy efficiency and their environmental sustainability.  Anybody out there wish to waste energy, money and harm our environment?

What is it? The basic seven elements of a company’s EMS are as follows:

Establishing the company’s environmental goals.

Reviewing the company’s legal requirements and environmental impact.

Establishing measurable objectives and targets to reduce environmental impact and be in legal compliance.

Creating and implementing programs that will meet the established objectives and targets.

Communicating with and involving all the staff by creating environmental awareness and knowledge.

Measuring progress towards achieving the objective and targets.

Reviewing and sharing progress towards meeting EMS goals, and seek ways to keep improving both the process and improvement.

What are the critical success factors?

Gaining the support for an EMS from the company’s leadership.

Creating measurable and achievable goals.

Communicating and sharing the objectives, targets and results with both the internal and external stakeholders.

Celebrate the successes and learn from the errors.

Keep it fresh and make it fun.

Who benefits? 

Guests benefit from a cleaner indoor and outdoor environment through the reduced usage of harmful cleaning chemicals and second-hand tobacco smoke.

The staff also benefit from the healthier indoor environment and a team building event that benefits them and their community.

EMS, particularly at resort locations, also benefit the local community by enhancing the destination experience and reducing the needs for additional infrastructure, such as water supplies, energy generation, waste water plants and land fill for waste disposal.

The ownership and management benefit from reduced energy and water costs, additional revenues for being recognized as a Green hotel/resort.

How do we start?

The most important action is to get started.  Once the company leadership has agreed to support an EMS, the next step is find an established plan and framework.  The globally recognized and respected International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has already created an EMS framework, known as ISO 14001, there are several others available but this is the most widely used.  The ISO uses the following circular framework for its EMS that promotes continuous improvement.
How do you finish? Hopefully you never finish, you just keep improving.

Alphonse L. Johnson


#GHEAC#[校园生活] 猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)和其它评论网站,是敌是友?

TripAdvisor and other reviews, friends or foe?

Eddy     2013年5月10日



  这么多年来到现在,一些酒店经营者们的工作一直就像打怪兽似的。那些问题就像九头蛇,你好不容易砍了一个头下来,马上又有两个头长出来。嗯,猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)网站可没有被打掉过脑袋,并且也没有任何迹象显示其网站会很快走向衰落(今年大约有1亿条评论!?)还有,现在客户们在 Holidaycheck,Expedia,Booking 这样的网站上也可以评论我们,并且我们自己的网站brand.com从2012年7月起也向顾客开放了评论区域。商务旅客们还开始在CarlsonWagonLit ‘Hotel Intel’ (4Hoteliers, 2012)这样的论坛中对我们进行私下评论,而酒店经营者们却没有权限进入(我已经查询过了)。

  现在他们怎么说?如果不能与之相抗,就与其合作(然后获胜)。酒店可以对这些评论给予回复,但是,有多少酒店真正利用了一个强大的市场销售渠道并使其价值得到了最大程度的发挥?请考虑一下Bulchand-Gidumal, Melian-Gonzalez and Gonzalez Lopez-Valcarcel (2011a, 2011b), Hsu, Chen and Ting (2012), O’Connor (2010), Parra-Lopez, Bulchand-Gidumal, Gutierrez-Taño and Diaz-Armas (2010)或Smyth, Wu and Greene (2010)这些第三方研究机构的研究成果,他们都会给你一样的建议:努力争取,利用这些渠道!他们还会告诉你:很抱歉,我们(酒店经营者)还是落后 … 并且据我所知一些酒店管理者还在像唐吉珂德一样和假想敌作斗争,而并没有认清真正的对手是谁。


  对酒店经营者来说最糟糕的事情会是什么?接受大众的责骂吗?如果顾客的控告属实,那么就咬紧牙关抓住机会提升酒店的服务水平。无端被泼脏水?通过友善的方式维护自己,虽然当顾客对我们酒店言辞刻薄时我会以讽刺之言相对 … 我们也是人啊,并且,我们只是对工作热情、辛勤付出的酒店经营者,为什么要无故承担这样不公平的对待?不过,对大多数发布不好评论的顾客来说,他们只是想让你听到他们的声音罢了。所以,向他们展示出你的关心。非常容易。你会对你在猫途鹰(TripAdvisor)上的听众数量之多以及阅读你回复的评论者们数目之多而感到吃惊!我在过去9个月在格里昂的商业应用项目课程学习中学过如何处理此类事件,我现在每周仍然学习到更多这方面的经验。我只是发现酒店和顾客之间确实可以存在对话沟通(这目前为止只是我的梦想)!不仅和未来的客户对话(是的,我们从猫途鹰上获得了很多推荐客户),现在更是有很多之前的评论者回来看到并认同我的答复。我们最近在我们的brand.com网站上与很多评论者进行了交谈。一种方式是通过点击“评论”按钮进行评论,另一种方式是在我公布我的回复之后直接给我发邮件,这些互动对着屏幕就可以实现!多美妙!我们不都喜欢交流吗?

  现在,我不是在谈论那些我们遇到的已经成为家常便饭的奇葩事件:“某某和某某(通常跟的是他们怪异的读不懂的登录名!),感谢您对我们的评论 … 我们(永远)很抱歉 … 我们会为您重整酒店 … 我们会作出彻底的改变。这样的事情不会再发生了 …”再附带一个酒店的签名(如果你幸运的话)“。他们根本就没有认真倾听顾客的反馈,也是酒店在纯粹的打太极。读者们会做什么呢?他们会逐条看这些评论,然后发现酒店的回复几乎是一模一样的模板。这还是酒店倾听和回复顾客评论的情况。否则的话,读者只能听到一种声音,就是你的顾客的反馈。正如Iain Ainsworth White Line酒店在HVS组织的一次专题讨论会(巴黎,2011年2月)上清楚阐述的情况一样:是的,他们已经在谈论你们了!

  替代性选择。在工作团队中找一位富有创意和关心客户的团队成员,让其负责给所有确实花费过一些时间和你交谈的客户写个人留言以作为回馈。然后,你会收到更多来自客户的留言对你表示感谢和赞许你对顾客的主动倾听和关心,并收到更多推荐而来的预定单 … 就像我们做的一样!





英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

TripAdvisor and other reviews, friends or foe?

by Eddy   10 May 2013

What is your opinion? Really, truly, I’d love to read it.

For years and still now, some hoteliers have been fighting the beast. But like the Hydra, you cut the head off and two grow instead. Well, TripAdvisor has never had its head chopped off and it is not showing any signs of going down anytime soon (100 million reviews this year!?). Also now, customers can review us on the like of Holidaycheck, Expedia, Booking or actually, our very own brand.com too since July 2012. Business travelers have also started to review us privately on CarlsonWagonLit ‘Hotel Intel’ (4Hoteliers, 2012), although hoteliers don’t have yet access (I’ve checked for us).

Now what do they say? When you can’t beat it, play along with it (and win). Hotels have the chance to reply to these reviews and yet, how many truly engage and make the most of a formidable (and free) marketing channel? Please consider the work of Bulchand-Gidumal, Melian-Gonzalez and Gonzalez Lopez-Valcarcel (2011a, 2011b), Hsu, Chen and Ting (2012), O’Connor (2010), Parra-Lopez, Bulchand-Gidumal, Gutierrez-Taño and Diaz-Armas (2010) or  Smyth, Wu and Greene (2010), they will all tell you the same: go for it and engage! And they will also tell you that sadly, we (hoteliers) are still lagging behind … and I read that some are still tilting at windmills, like Don Quixote.

Thus, shall I give you a peek of how we see it at the hotel? Review platforms may be a necessary evil, but are they truly evils? Probably not. Just as some hoteliers have been taking cash, then waiting for guests to go and be replaced by the next ones. Customers have now been seriously empowered by social media. They now can talk back, and they should! Don’t you think? We’ve deprived them of freely and easily expressing their perceptions and emotions to us, for years. Please, don’t tell me that the good old in-room questionnaire was a nice and user-friendly experience! So now, it is time for a catch-up.

And what is the worst that could happen to you? Receiving a public rant? If deserved, then bite the bullet and grab your chance to improve. Unjustified? Then just say so. In a nice way obviously, although I do use sarcasms when they are mean to us … we’re just human beings right? Just passionate and committed hoteliers, on top of it. Yet, for most of them, they just want to be heard by YOU. So, show them you care. Dead easy. You would be surprised how many listeners you get on TripAdvisor, and how many reviewers read your response to their posting!! I have been studying the matter for my Applied Business Project with Glion these past 9 months, and I still learn more every week. I have just found out that there is indeed a conversation (I had only dreamt about it so far)! Not only with future guests (yes, we get a lot of referrals from Trip), but now from past reviewers who turn back and acknowledge my responses. We also started a conversation with a couple of reviewers on our brand.com recently. One replied online through the ‘comment’ button, the other emailed me straight after the publication of my response, with a screen shot of it!! How nice! Don’t we love conversation?

Now, I am not talking about the unfortunately usual: “Thank you so-and-so (usually with their weird and unreadable log-in names!) for reviewing us … we are (ever) so sorry … will turn the place upside down for you … and change totally. Won’t do it ever again …” and a signature from the property (if you’re lucky)”. That is so-not listening. This is a pure and utter tick-box exercise. And what do readers do? They read one review after the other, and find the exact same template all along. That is if the hotel is listening and responding. If not, they only get one sound of the bell; your customers’. And as Iain Ainsworth (White Line Hotels) said so clearly at a panel discussion organised by HVS (Paris, February 2011): yes, they are already talking about you!

Alternative option. Find a creative and caring member of the team, and empower her / him with writing personal notes back to all the customers who have actually taken some of their time to talk to you. Then, you’ll start receiving many more notes of ‘thank you’, of congratulations for actively listening and caring and more booking referrals … just like we do! You will raise your online profile, your credentials and maybe increase your brand equity.

OK, we take the game a little further by adding references in our responses, the old little joke here and there, a salute to someone through someone else’s review, a bit of a teasing … and even a quiz. But this never went anywhere. I had hidden my messages so well, that nobody found them!

Oh, and before I leave you to your creative and genuine writing skills, don’t forget that you are reviewed in many languages and also scrutinized in all these languages too. So you might need several “creative and caring members” to cover them all and translate. But then, that’s another opportunity for you to engage with your team on social media. Please join the conversation and enjoy!!

And here is the link to our TripAdvisor page, should you fancy a peek:

With our brand.com reviews:


#GHEAC#[校友风采] 追求成功?格里昂是你开启成功之门的钥匙!

Seeking for success? Glion is the key!

Angelo Tullio Valentino 2013年5月14日


  我在格里昂的最后一天,内心五味杂陈:满足、幸福、自豪和一点疲惫。只有一种情绪神奇般地消失了 — 不知为何我并没有感到难过。很明显,我不开心,因为要离开我的朋友们和我已习惯每天欣赏的美丽风景,但是不知为何我心里知道我和格里昂的联系并不是到此为止。

  这些情景都印在了我的记忆里,就像我的个人简历上印的“格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)”这几个字一样清晰。“格里昂(Glion)”这个教育背景让我在事业中不断取得上升空间,或者说“它是真正通向成功的钥匙”这个说法更准确一些。

  你知道大多数的招聘者仅仅看你的简历就完成了第一轮筛选吗?在这个筛选阶段你在简历上证明你的教育背景是世界顶级院校之一这一点当然很有必要。现在越来越多的年轻毕业生们扎堆申请同一份工作,面试的过程被拉的很长并且有时候要求苛刻。我在格里昂布勒校区的职业发展中心(Career Development Center)中学过如何为面试做好准备,我们还有一份清单,上面是常见的面试会问到的问题,我做到了时刻准备好回答这些问题,并且我会随身携带我对这些问题做的笔记。这一切都给了我很大帮助,有时甚至救了我。


  当你穿梭在世界各地旅行和工作的时候,你就可以去拜访你的同学们,他们都会很高兴和你见面,甚至你原来都没有见过的格里昂校友也会热切欢迎你的到来。格里昂精神,说起来很有趣,它几乎是“可以被触摸的”— 格里昂精神实实在在地存在。我想我就不用再说如果你认识一些在旅游行业工作的校友的话会为你的生活带来多少便利了 …

  两年前我去参加格里昂校友在迪拜(Dubai)的校友聚会,聚会地点是坐落在Shaykh Zayed路的费尔蒙特酒店(Fairmont Hotel)。进入豪华的舞厅时我有点胆怯,我不确定里面是否有自己认识的人。不过这种感觉并没有持续太久 — 不到10分钟我就和很多人一起说笑了。我们共同分享我们的经历,谈论我们对酒店行业的热爱、我们与这所学校的紧密联结:尽管我们都不是一届的。




英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Seeking for success? Glion is the key!

by Angelo Tullio Valentino 14 May 2013

My very last day at Glion was a melting pot of feelings: satisfaction, happiness, pride, and a bit of tiredness. Only one emotion was surprisingly missing – for some reason I was not sad. Obviously, I was not happy to leave my friends and the beautiful scenery I was getting used to, but for some reason I knew that my connection with Glion was not over.

Those moments are written in my memory, exactly as the words “Glion Institute of Higher Education” are in my Curriculum Vitae. The name Glion has always helped me in advancing my career, or better it was the real key to success.

Did you know that most of the recruiters actually make a first selection only based on what is written on CVs? At this stage it is of course necessary to prove you have studied in one of the best schools in the world. But that is not enough. Nowadays more and more young graduates apply for the same job, and the interview process is long, and sometimes, demanding. I was taught by the Career Development Center in Bulle how to get ready for an interview and I was given a full list of questions I always have to be ready to answer, and I still carry my notes with me wherever I go. They have always helped, and sometimes saved, me.

Networking is the second most important point. Those people, those friends who were crying on our very last day in Switzerland are in my heart, of course, but I also keep their contacts in my Skype, their numbers in my phone book and their photos and updates on Facebook, and we still talk quite often.

As soon as you start travelling and working in different parts of the world, your classmates will always be so happy to meet you, and even other Glion Alumni you have never seen before are there for you. The Glion spirit, funny to say, is almost “touchable” – it really exists. I do not think I have to mention the other advantages of knowing people that are working for the travel industry…

Two years ago I went to the Fairmont Hotel on Shaykh Zayed Road for the Alumni Gathering in Dubai. Entering the magnificent ballroom I was a bit scared, not sure if I knew anyone. Well, that feeling did not last long – in 10 minutes I was already chatting and laughing with a lot of people. We shared our experiences and talked about passion for hospitality, and we definitely were linked by the School, even if we were there in different times.

Guess what? With those successful, wise hospitality leaders I am still in touch!

Do not forget though, that Glion is a school, and as in every school, you have to prove you are a real future leader by studying hard! But I can guarantee, even the hardest of tasks can be easily completed, if you face it with passion.

“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.”


#GHEAC#[校友风采] 假期!终于来临了!

Holidays! Finally!

Martin Kubler    2012年5月25日


  闻一闻,再闻一闻!你能闻到吗?嗯 — ,假期的气息扑面而来!


  我现在正在进行我在格里昂在线MBA课程中全球战略管理模块的最后阶段的学习。这个在线课程和实体的教室授课非常相似,但是就像这个课程的名字所体现的,在线MBA课程是100%的网络在线授课,以我们现在学习的模块为例,这对我们学习小组的能力是一个真正的考验。我们有三项作业和一个小组项目。这些任务都需要完全在周日通过我们“虚拟的”团队合作来完成,我们的合作需要跨过四个国家,跨过许多时区。在临近在线学习和小组合作的阶段性截止时间时会有一些压力 …


  在过去的一年半时间里我一直在进行高强度的学习,不过好在现在我的MBA课程已经可以望见终点,假期结束之后我只要再完成最后三个学习模块和我的毕业项目就可以了。我知道这个课程快结束了,于是我也该逐渐开始考虑对未来的规划以及MBA课程结束之后去做些什么了。想象一下 — 我很快就能拥有这么多的自由时间了!

  我现在计划再做一份兼职老师的工作(线上线下均可),因为当老师很有趣,有挑战性,可以将知识回馈给这个行业,并且相对来说更容易与我现在担任的酒店顾问工作结合起来。然后,当然就是瞄准我一直在寻找的梦想职位 — “首席创新官(Chief Innovation Officer)”…

  你有什么想法?我们行业的工作本质真的变了吗?赛斯·高汀(Seth Godin)说:“未来是各种活动,资产,艺术以及一列不断变化而层出不穷的合作和项目的天下”他说的对吗?



  这些是我今天想和大家分享的内容 — 我还有一些作业要完成,并且还要收拾行李!如果你也是正要去度假,祝你度过一个愉悦的假期!如果你还要留下来工作,那就争取在这几天创造出最多的价值!

  想和我保持联系?可以通过推特网(Twitter)、领英(LinkedIn)和Facebook找我(Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook)— 欢迎联系!

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Holidays! Finally!

by Martin Kubler   25 May 2012

Sniff, sniff! Can you smell it? Mhmmm, smells like holidays to me!

Right now, my upcoming holiday still seems ages away, even though we’ll be jetting off to Europe in only 4 days, but until then it’s still work, work, and work.

I’m currently in the final stretches of the Global Strategic Management module of my Glion Online MBA. The online program mirrors the classroom-based program very closely, but is, as the name suggests, delivered 100% online and in the case of my current module, that’s really testing the metals of my study group. Three assignments, plus a group project, which are all due on Sunday and have to be compiled entirely through our “virtual” team-work across 4 countries and as many time-zones. It’s slightly stressful being at the cutting edge of online learning and working…

Anyway, we’re almost there and I intend to make the most of the two weeks break between modules and spend some much needed time with my family during my holidays. We’ll be off to Germany first and then to Spain for some R&R by the beach.

It’s been a wild virtual ride for me during the past year and a half, but the end of my MBA program is now in sight and after the holidays I will only have three modules and my final project left. With this in mind, it’s slowly time to think about the future and decide what I want to do post-MBA. Just imagine – I’ll suddenly have all this free time floating around!

My current plan is to add an element of part-time teaching (either online or offline) to my projects, because it’s interesting, challenging, allows me to give something back to the industry, and can also relatively easily be combined with my work as a hospitality consultant. Then, of course, there’s that illusive “Chief Innovation Officer” position I’m on the lookout for…

What do you think? Is the nature of work in our industry really changing? Is Seth Godin right when he says that “The future is about gigs and assets and art and an ever-shifting series of partnerships and projects.”

I personally think he is right and the way we all work, but also the way people travel and use hotels, will undergo seismic changes in the next decade. Innovation will be tomorrow’s currency and companies had better be prepared.

Aside from work, I’d quite fancy a change of scenery and swapping the sandpits of the Middle East with greener pastures, preferably in Asia. After all, one of the most enjoyable benefits of our industry and also of studying with Glion, is the relative ease you can move around with and experience new countries and cultures.

That’s it from me for today – I’ve still got some assignments to finish and my suitcases to pack! If you’re off on your holidays, too, I wish you happy travels! If you’re stuck at work, make the most of it!

Want to stay in touch?  I’m on TwitterLinkedIn, and Facebook –you’re welcome to connect!
