
#GHEAC#[格里昂成功校友]格里昂校友 — “out there”顶级度假庄园总经理

Glion alumnus GM of “out there” luxury lodge
格里昂校友 — “out there”顶级度假庄园总经理 

  格里昂高等教育学院                 2014年10月12日

  在4个国家工作过之后,格里昂2002届毕业生Ateeb Shrestha抵达岗提坚帕山庄(Gangtey Goenpa Lodge)担任总经理。岗提坚帕山庄位于不丹的偏远地区,为原生态旅游而设计。


  酒店管理类工作很有可能让你通过工作周游世界,这一点Ateeb Shrestha可以证实。2002年从格里昂毕业并获得酒店管理专业研究生文凭后,Ateeb先后在阿曼(Oman)、美国(USA)、越南(Vietnam)和毛里求斯(Mauritius)工作过,并从不同的酒店管理部门的工作中增长了很多经验。最新的工作任命把他带到了不丹,成为岗提坚帕山庄(Gangtey Goenpa Lodge)总经理。岗提坚帕山庄坐落在不丹富毕卡山谷(Phobjikha Valley),是一个配备有12间客房的喜马拉雅山庄(Himalayan lodge)。下面我们来看看 Ateeb来到这个喜马拉雅天堂的事业攀登历程以及格里昂独特的酒店教育促进他事业发展的功劳。

  现在已经几乎没有仍保持自然和原生态旅游的边界地区了,这就是为什么Architectural Design杂志的Out There顶级奢华度假村排名中只收录那些最独特的、最偏远的旅游胜地。在这些迷人的地方中,岗提坚帕山庄(Gangtey Goenpa Lodge)是一颗明珠,有卓越的地域建筑、设计和舒适和谐的居住环境。很多像康德.纳斯特旅游者(Conde Nast Traveller)这样的奢华旅游杂志都对其做过专题特写,使这座山庄位列 Cox & Kings旅游杂志(Compass Cox & King’s Travel journal)2013年度热门榜单。


  当被问及他第一次出任总经理为什么选择这样一个偏远的度假村时,Ateeb答道:“不丹的旅游业最近已经蓬勃发展起来,而我很乐意在这个过程中贡献一份自己的力量。我选择岗提坚帕山庄(Gangtey Goenpa Lodge)这样一个东方度假村作为我的一段新的征程源于其所信仰的客户服务标准和这里的酒店经营人员所遵循的职业道德。虽然这家酒店是初涉酒店商业领域,却已经获得越来越多的关注。”


  阿曼马斯喀特祺邸度假酒店(Chedi Muscat Oman)高级厨师(厨房)— 吉和睦酒店集团(GHM)

  迈阿密Setai酒店的不同部门 — 吉和睦酒店集团(GHM)

  越南会安南海酒店(Nam Hai Resort, Hoi An, Vietnam)前厅经理,泳池别墅酒店经理和客房部总监(GHM,吉和睦酒店集团)

  毛里求斯香提莫里斯酒店(Shanti Maurice-A Nira Resort, Mauritius)客房部总监

  从格里昂毕业后处于职场上升期时,Ateeb一直以吉和睦酒店集团(GHM)主席Hans R Jenni先生为自己的良师益友和行为榜样。“我必须要强调,我在吉和睦酒店集团的整个职业生涯中,GMH主席Hans R Jenni先生一直是我的良师益友,他对我的指导贯穿了我的整个酒店职业生涯。”




  我们祝愿Ateeb在新的事业征程中一切顺利,我们给予他高度赞扬,恭喜他到达了梦想中的目的地,那里有我们所有人梦想的舒适、整洁和提坚帕山庄(Gangtey Goenpa Lodge)的绝美风光。


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Glion alumnus GM of “out there” luxury lodge

by Glion Institute of Higher Education  12 October 2014

After a global career tour of 4 countries, Ateeb Shrestha ’02, has arrived as GM at the Gangtey Goenpa Lodge, a remote luxury lodge in Bhutan where design and comfort meet raw tourism.

A career in hospitality management is likely to take you around the world, as Ateeb Shrestha can confirm. Since his graduation from Glion in 2002, with a Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality, Ateeb has worked in Oman, the USA, Vietnam and Mauritius, and he’s gained experience in many departments of hotel management. His latest nomination brought him to Bhutan to become the GM of the Gangtey Goenpa Lodge, a 12-room Himalayan lodge in Phobjikha Valley. Here’s a look at Ateeb’s career climb to this Himalayan paradise and his credit to Glion’s unique hospitality education.

There are few frontiers where tourism remains raw and naturalistic, which is why Architectural Design’s Out There Extreme Luxury Resorts list featured only the most exclusive, remote resorts. Among these enchanting locations, Gangtey Goenpa Lodge is a pearl of regional architecture, design and harmonious comfort. The lodge has been featured in such luxury travel magazines as Conde Nast Traveller and it made the 2013 hot list of Compass Cox & King’s Travel journal.

When asked why he chose such a remote resort for his first GM position, Ateeb said “Of late, Bhutan tourism has flourished and I am very happy to help contribute to that. I chose Gangety Goenpa Lodge – An Eastern Safari Resort, as my new venture due to the standard of service it believes in providing to its guests and the work ethics of the owners. It’s still new to the hospitality business and is already gaining popularity.”

Over the past 12 years, Ateeb worked his way up through a variety of hotel management departments and positions:

First Commis (Kitchen) at the Chedi Muscat Oman- General Hotel Management (GHM) 

Various departments, Setai, Miami (GHM)

Front Office Manager (FOM), Pool Villas Manager, and Director of Rooms at the Nam Hai Resort (GHM), Hoi An, Vietnam

Director of Rooms, Shanti Maurice-A Nira Resort, Mauritius

During his post-Glion ascension, Ateeb found a mentor and role model in Mr. Hans R Jenni, President of General Hotel Management. “I have to emphasize that, during my entire period with General Hotel Management, Mr. Hans R Jenni, who is the President of GMH, had been my mentor and a coach guiding me throughout my hospitality career.

When choosing a hospitality school, Ateeb chose Glion as an investment for his future career. “Glion is a trademark in the hospitality industry. At Glion, I developed confidence and the ability to set goals and build my career in the hospitality industry. I am very content with the career decisions I made; I am thankful to Glion for investing and imparting knowledge, confidence, and competence to its students”, Ateeb said.

For future leaders of the hospitality industry, Ateeb had one piece of advice: “once you start your career, stick to it and try to deliver every objective with excellence. Your hard work, dedication, patience and enthusiasm will take you to your goal.”

We wish Ateeb all the best in this new venture and we commend him for arriving at a destination which has all of us dreaming of the sleek comfort and majestic landscapes of the Gangety Goenpa Lodge.

For more information about the BBA in Hospitality Management, visit the website.


