
#GHEAC#[格里昂成功校友]John Paul Adamo - 格里昂毕业生为家族生意带来新风

Glion Alumnus Refreshes Family Business


   John Paul Adamo


  霍克利谷度假村(Hockley Valley Resort)和Adamo酒庄董事长、业主及行政总厨

  格里昂校友John Paul Adamo 将一种古老的经营食物和酒店的方法运用到了他的家族生意中 — 霍克利谷度假村(Hockley Valley Resort)— 将度假村的餐厅和酒吧变成了多伦多后院的终极厨艺圣地。

  John Paul在很小的时候就开始在厨房工作,和家人 — 传统的意大利家庭 — 一起做饭。高中毕业后,他进入格里昂高等教育学院(当时被称作the Centre International de Glion)学习,于1999-2001年间读酒店和餐饮管理副学士学位。在瑞士期间他还参加了实习,其中一次是在苏黎世施伟泽霍夫伯尔尼酒店(Hotel Schweizerhof in Zürich)。他在欧洲的烹饪培训学习包括托斯卡纳美食、美酒和文化以及在一家世界顶尖的酒店 — 意大利佛罗伦萨美第奇别墅大酒店 (Hotel Villa Medici in Florence, Italy)— 做学徒。2002年,John Paul回到北美,并从位于纽约海德公园(Hyde Park)的美国烹饪学院(Culinary Institute of America)以优异的成绩毕业,在此期间他还在Auberge Du Pommier餐厅做过学徒,Auberge Du Pommier是在多伦多广受好评的一家餐厅。

  Adamo家族于1985年10月买下霍克利谷度假村(Hockley Valley Resort)。经过多年努力,Adamo家族将原本又小又破败的酒店经营成了一个美丽的、具有全方位服务的度假胜地。现在这里的空气中都弥漫着新鲜美食精致迷人的芳香。2006年,John Paul被任命为霍克利谷度假村行政总厨,他把古老的烹饪哲学带到了这里。


  John Paul对四个问题的回答





  除了格里昂高水平的技术训练之外,格里昂让我有机会在当学生期间有机会去瑞士各地工作,这样让我学到了很有价值的实际经验。学校为学生提供培训机会的奉献精神在学校聘请的高水平的教授们身上突出地表现了出来,Gomez大厨奠定了我职业选择的方向,对我后来选择去美国烹饪学院(Culinary Institute of America)继续深造烹饪学产生了很大影响,我在2003年以优异的成绩从那里毕业。




  作为霍克利谷度假村(Hockley Valley Resort)董事长和业主





  我们祝贺John Paul 通过自己的领导力和奉献使得霍克利谷度假村(Hockley Valley Resort)取得了如此傲人的佳绩。点击进入度假村网站的餐饮版块可以看到John Paul发布的振奋人心的烹饪艺术新方法。

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Glion Alumnus Refreshes Family Business

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 12 May 2015 in Alumni Stories

John Paul Adamo
Year of Graduation: 2001, Associate’s Degree in Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Management
President, Owner & Executive Chef, Hockley Valley Resort and Adamo Estate Winery

Glion alumnus John Paul Adamo brought an Old World approach to food and hospitality to his family’s business, the Hockley Valley Resort, turning the resort’s restaurant and pub into the ultimate culinary destination in Toronto’s backyard.

Hospitality & Culinary Education

John Paul began working in the kitchen at a young age, preparing meals with his traditional Italian family. Following high school, he attended the Glion Institute of Higher Education (which was then called the Centre International de Glion) from 1999-2001earning his Associate’s Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management. During his time in Switzerland he completed internships, including one at the Hotel Schweizerhof in Zürich. His European culinary training included studying Tuscan food, wine and culture, and an apprenticeship at one of the world’s leading hotels, Hotel Villa Medici in Florence, Italy. In 2002, John Paul returned to North America and graduated from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park New York with honours where he also apprenticed at Auberge Du Pommier a critically acclaimed restaurant in Toronto.

Becoming the President & Executive Chef

The Adamo family purchased the Hockley Valley Resort in October 1985. Over the years, the family has transformed the small, rundown hotel into a beautiful full-service resort that breathes elegance, charm and the tantalizing aromas of fresh cuisine. In 2006, John Paul was named Executive Chef at Hockley Valley Resort, bringing with him an Old World culinary philosophy.

In 2009, Adamo was appointed President and Owner of Hockley Valley Resort. He is the driver behind the resort’s recent multi-million dollar transformation.

True to Adamo’s garden-to-table philosophy, the transformation includes three new restaurants and a four-acre organic fruit and vegetable garden on-site, under the care of a full-time gardener, which yields over 80 per cent of the produce for the seasonally evolving menus of the resort’s restaurants.

4 Answers from John Paul

1.What was your experience like with Glion, as a student and now as an alumnus?

Wonderful time in Switzerland and memories of my time at Glion will last me a life time. I was very fortunate to have been able to network and make friends with people from around the world. It was the diversity of the students and the professors that really made a positive impact on me as a student.

2.How has Glion helped you to achieve your professional objectives?

“Glion helped teach me discipline, organization and the school instilled a level of professionalism that I still strive for everyday now that I run and operate my own business.

Apart from the high level of technical training, Glion also provided me with the opportunity to gain valuable ‘hands on’ experience as I was able to work throughout Switzerland during my time as a student. The dedication that the school provided in training was highlighted by the quality of professors they employed. This also shaped my career as Chef Gomez, at the time, was a big influence on me choosing to further my culinary studies at the Culinary Institute of America where I graduated with honors in 2003.

3.We say that customers these days are looking for exceptional experiences. Do you agree? How does your resort cater to this trend?

Customers are absolutely looking for exceptional experiences these days and it is something that we focus a lot of time, energy and resources to at the resort. We have not only committed to investing in the physical product of the resort, in making sure that the resort meets their expectations from a facilities point of view, but we also continually invest in staff training. It’s very important that the service matches the beauty of the resort and the food that we provide. Customers in Canada are also continually focused on the food and beverage programs of facilities such as our resort.

“We have a 2-acre organic farm and fruit orchard that provides 85% of our produce for the resort’s restaurants when in season. We source from local farmers and growers from within 100 km of our property. We are launching our winery in 2015 that will be both organic and biodynamic.”

4.As the President and Owner of Hockley Valley Resort:

What are your responsibilities?
I oversee the day to day operations as well as the new Adamo Estate Winery project and liaise with our 16 department heads on a daily basis

Do you still have a hand in the kitchens?
Yes. I am still the acting Executive Chef as well and oversee all the kitchens and food & beverage program. It’s what I am most passionate about.

What would you say are the top three qualities you look for in a candidate for a position in administration/management? 
“Passion for this industry, tenure, and honesty.”

If I cannot trust my managers to always make the best decision for the company then I cannot work with them. To me I tell all my key leaders to run their departments as if they owned the resort or their respective department. That as a rule always guides them in the right direction when it comes to decision making.

We congratulate John Paul on his leadership and dedication to making the Hockley Valley Resort a truly amazing location. Check out the restaurant pages of the resort website to see the inspirational fresh approach to culinary arts that John Paul has instated there.


