

Good-bye Cookie Cutter! Hello Individuality!

Martin Kubler     2012年8月21日


  我最近在斯里兰卡科伦坡(Colombo, Sri Lanka)度过了一个长周末,在那里会见了一些商业伙伴,游览了一些景点,还见到了一位我在格里昂在线MBA课程的中的同学。

  在科伦坡及其周围地区,商业开始变得更加繁荣,原有的许多酒店正在进行翻新或扩大规模。那些还没有在这里安营扎寨的国际酒店连锁品牌也在忙着规划在这里建立新酒店。我住在市中心的加拉达利酒店(Galadari Hotel),在我的房间可以俯瞰到未来科伦坡香格里拉酒店(Shangri-La Colombo)的位置。


  旅行,不管是个人休闲旅行还是商务旅行,都是我最喜欢的消遣方式之一。并且在我看来,如果有独特和个性化住宿体验的话整个旅行的感觉会更好。让我们正视这个问题吧,你在世界上的任何一个大城市都可以入住宜必思酒店(Ibis)、Travelodge酒店、假日酒店(Holiday Inn)或喜来登酒店(Sheraton),但是酒店住宿不也是对旅游当地体验的一部分吗?每次当我住在一个独特的(通常是)独立运营的酒店中的时候,我对当地的“融入感”似乎就会更强,否则的话总感觉住酒店是某种为了住宿而住宿的功利行为,而这种功利感也会被裹挟在整个旅行的记忆里。


  在新墨西哥州(New Mexico),我曾在一家具有历史意义的图克姆卡里酒店(Blue Swallow Motel)居住过,该酒店是一个永久珍贵的美式文物,坐落在一个小镇路边。


  并且,在美国,很久以前我曾极其幸运地于无意间找到沙漠客栈汽车旅馆(Desert Inn Motel),它位于佛罗里达州(Florida)空旷的中部地区。该酒店是美国国家史迹名录(National Register of Historic Places)中的一个景点,也是一个历史悠久的商栈、铁路交叉口,一度还设有妓院。后者现在是一个博物馆,那里的酒吧伙计会很乐意带你参观。

  更近的经历,我在西班牙塞维利亚(Seville, Spain)入住科尔多瓦犹太人之家酒店(Las Casas de la Judería)。这家酒店在这座城市的老犹太区有27个住处,所有的住处都通过(有的地方是在地下)走廊和庭院连接。在到达酒店之后,客人们会拿到一张酒店地图,这样他们就不会在去房间的路上迷路了,并且我当时很开心地花了半天的时间参观了这家酒店不同的居住区域。

  我旅行的下一站会是哪里呢?我想去住瑞典Jukkasjärvi的冰酒店(Ice Hotel),或越南的Hang Nga宾馆。 

  你有什么推荐的酒店吗?不要那种”平平淡淡的一般酒店“。想和我保持联系?可以通过推特网(Twitter)、领英(LinkedIn)、Google+和Facebook找我(TwitterLinkedIn, Google+, and Facebook) — 欢迎你的联系或分享!

Martin Kubler

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Good-bye Cookie Cutter! Hello Individuality!

by Martin Kubler   21 August 2012

I recently spent a long weekend in Colombo, Sri Lanka, meeting business partners, sightseeing, and also catching up with one of my Glion Online MBA colleagues. 

Business appeared to be booming in and around Colombo and many existing hotels are being refurbished or expanded. International chains previously not present in the city are busy planning and building new properties. I stayed at the Galadari Hotel in the heart of the city and my room overlooked the site of the future Shangri-La Colombo.

Sri Lanka is a very popular tourist destination and I have little doubt that the new properties will do well, yet I’m not sure I’ll be booking a room in the new Shangri-La, Sheraton, or Mövenpick when I next travel to Colombo. I think I’d rather stay in a locally flagged hotel, which offers an experience I won’t be able to find in other cities around the world and affords glimpses of the city beyond the big brands, standardized welcomes, and homogeneous bathroom amenities.

Travelling, whether for leisure or business, is one of my favourite pastimes and, in my opinion, is made even better by truly unique and individual accommodation experiences. Let’s face it, you can stay in an Ibis, Travelodge, Holiday Inn, or Sheraton in virtually every big city in the world, but isn’t staying in a hotel supposed to be part of the entire overall destination experience? Every time I stay in a unique and (often) independently operated hotel, I seem to get a better ‘feel’ for the destination and the otherwise often somewhat utilitarian act of staying in a hotel becomes part of my overall memories of a trip.

Over the years, I have stayed in several very nice hotels, which are one-offs and provided stay experiences never to be found anywhere else in the world.

In New Mexico, I took a room in the historic Blue Swallow Motel, an ever more rare piece of small-town roadside Americana.

The hotel has been serving travellers since 1939 and also featured in the movie “Cars”. The hotel’s owner even had a voice-over role in the movie.

Also in the US, though many more moons ago, I had the great fortune of stumbling across the Desert Inn Motel, which sits bang in the empty middle of Florida. The inn is in the National Register of Historic Places and has a long history as a trading post, railroad crossing, and at one time, even housed a brothel. The latter is a museum today and the barstaff will be happy to give you a tour.

More recently, I stayed at the Las Casas de la Judería in Seville, Spain. The hotel consists of 27 houses in the city’s old Jewish quarter, which are all connected by (sometimes underground) walkways and courtyards. Upon arrival, guests are given a map of the property so they don’t get lost on the way to their rooms and I could have happily spend half a day just discovering the different parts of the hotel.

What’s next on my travel list? I’d love to stay in the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden, or at the Hang Nga Hotel in Vietnam.

Do you have any suggestions for hotels that aren’t just ‘run of the mill’? Want to stay in touch? I’m on TwitterLinkedInGoogle+, and Facebook – you’re welcome to connect & share!

Martin Kubler


