
#GHEAC#[校友风采] 希望?渴望?不,是绝望。

Inspiration? Aspiration? No, despair-ation.

Eddy        2012年9月12日



  我不会拐弯抹角:我真是失望透顶!我们 — 招聘者,酒店人 — 花费了很多时间从很多份简历中筛选,试着找出我们需要的人才以使原来的团队得以锦上添花。在卡姆登(Camden),我们甚至还花费时间为求职者发送一些测试问题来进一步了解这些求职者的情况,这些问题会给这些求职者提示一些接下来的面试内容以及我们想要招聘的人才种类。在安排时间进行有趣的面谈(或者我们希望面谈时有趣的)之前,我们招聘者们会讨论一下我们每个人在求职者的简历和回复中获得的信息或感受(或者更通常的说法是:“译解信息”)。我们很期待这个环节。








  … 但是越来越常见的是“我没有时间准备”



  在巴黎,我常常招聘行业外的人士来为“陈旧的经验”带来新鲜的观点和视角。我现在在Camden小镇(伦敦),并且,我们的员工确实非常与众不同,我们自己培养了自己这种不同,但是我们仍然欢迎任何可能成为卡姆登洛克人(Camdeners)的朋友加入进来 … 只要他们展示出他们的热情、热爱、品质或某种特性。给你举个最近发生的最突出的例子:一名非常出众的求职者在回答我们的测试问题时是直接从网上复制粘贴过来了答案,而并非他自己的回答。他不仅承认了,还坚持认为这种答题方式并不违规并且他应得到面试机会。你认为他的面试持续了多久?15分钟,刚好够他好好的展示自己了。

  第二个例子中求职者的面试只持续了10分钟。这位求职者应聘的是客户关系经理职位,简历上的情况很好,然而在面试时其真人呈现出来的面貌和简历中的印象完全不同。这位女士在整个面试过程中一直抓着她的手提包,同时她一直在试着跟我们说她只是大略在“this booking website …”上面看了一些评论,她指的是“Booking.com”并且她甚至都没有在猫途鹰上面查过我们的资料 … 我还需要细说她总是在我同事尝试问问题的时候打断问话的事吗?我们面试她5分钟之后就没有兴趣再面下去了,但是我们很礼貌地问她:“还有什么问题吗?”她回答说希望“获得这份工作”。你表现出了足够的诚意没有?

  因而,我的结论可以归结为一个要求:在面试的时候可以展示你的不同寻常、你的机智 … 你们中所有不想按常理出牌的人,动动脑子考虑一下实际问题。以及那些认为“新奇的就是好的”、有问题不算什么,正好是一个机遇 … 你们要明白顾客(无论是国外的还是国内的)不是“摇钱树”,而是想要获得惊喜的人 … 就像你一样!所以把自己摆对位置、言出必行,这应该不难做到。想做得更好的话,让我们试着“站在顾客的角度考虑,满足顾客的需求。”

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Inspiration? Aspiration? No, despair-ation.

by Eddy      12 September 2012

With so many job interviews under my belt, I wanted to write about today’s workforce, our industry, inspiration and aspiration (or the lack of both, rather).

I won’t beat about the bush: I despair! We -recruiters, hoteliers- spend hours sifting through dozens of CVs, trying to detect that particular talent who could be the new addition to a fabulous team. In Camden, we even take the time to send a few screening questions in order to further assess what these particular individuals are made of; they should give each candidate an inkling of the interview to come and what we’re looking at. Before setting a time for an interesting encounter (or so we hope), we discuss about what each of us had seen or felt while reading (or quite regularly: ‘deciphering’) this or that CV and responses. We do look forward to those.

Now, you most probably know what happens even though combinations are many. Here is quick bullet point:

I turn up late with silly excuses

I chew gum and I feel this is perfectly alright in a professional interview

I apply for a customer facing role but a) I am not shaven or, b) not appropriately groomed

My mobile phone is not switched off and I can answer it at times

I don’t answer to the recruiter’s questions but I still hope to get the ‘job’

I don’t bring value to the table but I expect a nice pay cheque

… but more and more often I “didn’t have time to prepare”

By that point you can imagine what my answer (and feeling) is when, like many of my fellow online students, I combine a very full-time job with very intense online studies toward an MBA. Crucifixion is the word.

So, when I am about to come to terms with the lack of inspirational leadership in our industry (I actually found how to combine these two words in our MBA, although I was gagging for it), we now find ourselves with individuals who fail to show much aspiration.

In Paris, I used to recruit industry outsiders in order to bring fresh views and a little perspective to ‘ancient practices’. I am now in Camden Town (London) and yes, we are quite different and we do foster this difference, but we also accept any would-be Camdeners … if only they show genuine interest passion, enthusiasm, personality or a character of some sort. Just to give you the most striking examples lately: what looked like a brilliant candidate had actually copied and pasted his responses to our screening questions from the internet, and not his own website! Instead of admitting, he even insisted it was valid and that he was worth the investment in interview time. How long do you think he lasted? 15 minutes; just enough time for a good telling off.

The second example only lasted about 10 minutes. What looked good on the paper for a guest relations manager role, appeared totally different in the flesh. This lady candidate kept the clutch on her handbag for the whole duration, while trying to explain to us she had vaguely read some reviews on “this booking website …”. She meant “Booking.com” and she had not even checked us up on Trip Advisor… Do I need to stipulate all the interruptions on the questions my colleague tried to ask? We had lost interest after 5 minutes but politely asking whether she had any questions for us, she answered she was hoping to “get the job”. Honestly?

My conclusion will thus just be a plea: bring on the extra-ordinary, the witty … all of you out there who do not like to behave as you’re told, but think on your feet. Anyone who also thinks that ‘new is beautiful’, that a problem is not an issue but an opportunity … A customer (whether external or internal) is not a ‘cash cow’ but a person ready to be happily surprised … just like YOU! So it doesn’t take much effort to put your heart back in the right place and walk-the-talk. Even better, let’s try ‘guest’s walks’.



