
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 瑞士格里昂酒店管理学院(GLION)- 把顾客体验放在第一位 — 酒店行业的专长

Putting consumer experience first, a hospitality specialty
把顾客体验放在第一位 — 酒店行业的专长


  专栏作家及学校总负责人/首席执行官侯嘉惠谈酒店教育 — 在培养青年领导人提供一流的顾客体验中酒店教育的至关重要性及其不断变化的角色定位

  格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education) — 专注于国际化的酒店管理事业的三所世界顶级高等教育学府之一,其专栏作家及总负责人/首席执行官侯嘉惠(Judy Hou)说:“酒店行业是体验经济的核心。”并且“就酒店教育在培养青年领导人提供一流的顾客体验中的至关重要性及其不断变化的角色定位”进行深入的探讨。














  关于侯嘉惠(Judy Hou):侯嘉惠,总负责人/首席执行官,管理格里昂学校在瑞士和英国的校区。来格里昂之前,侯女士是中国上海锦江理诺士酒店管理学院(Les Roches Jin Jiang Hotel Management College)校长。侯嘉惠也是酒店商业评论杂志(Hotel Business Review Journal)的编委并撰写了多篇酒店行政与亚洲酒店管理的论文。

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Putting consumer experience first, a hospitality specialty

25 September 2014 by Judy Hou, on behalf of Director General/CEO

Judy Hou, columnist and Judy Hou at Director General/CEO discusses the vital – and changing role – of hospitality education in preparing young leaders to deliver a first-class customer experience.

Hospitality is at the heart of the experience economy, explains Judy Hou, columnist and Director General/CEO at Glion Institute of Higher Education – one of the top three institutes of higher education for an international career in hospitality. Here, she explores the vital – and changing role – of hospitality education in preparing young leaders to deliver a first-class customer experience.

The experience economy, or experience industries, is a recently coined term which encompasses six sub-sectors: hospitality, tourism, events, sports, entertainment and the arts. This term actually reflects the trend of brands and consumers that are focusing increasingly on the customer experience. These days, people aren’t just looking for a place to eat, sleep or purchase goods, they want to have a unique, distinctive experience that suits their individual tastes, and that is where hospitality education comes into the picture.

Hospitality management schools are proving to be highly effective in producing professionals who are not only great hospitality managers but who can deliver first-class, experience-based value in other industries. That is why we are seeing an increase in the number of luxury brands and banks hiring hospitality graduates to cater to high-end clients. In this respect, the experience industry is quickly becoming one of the most dynamic and diverse sectors for management.

The key to “experience management”

At Glion, students live and breathe the hospitality motto of “the customer is always right”. Our compulsory internships and applied learning methods provide students with international, academic and hands-on experience, as well as the professional, soft skill-sets necessary to work across the experience industries. On campus, students are constantly exposed to industry standards of professionalism and etiquette. They network with leading hospitality professionals who come for recruitment, conferences and lectures. For example, a recent wine-tasting event in Geneva called upon us for 60 student volunteers to assist with operations and present wines while guests were browsing the luxury boutiques, it is a perfect example of an interactive event where hospitality and luxury retail meet in the new experience economy.

What is more, our students receive significant global exposure and experience. This is enhanced not just through the dynamic international student bodies, or the possibility of professional international internships, but also by the opportunities to transfer between our premium campuses in Switzerland and London. This, among other things, is a reason that the TNS Survey 2013 ranked us among the top three hospitality management schools for an international career.

From customer service to consumer experience

While customer service is often associated with entry-level positions, the consumer experience is something that concerns every level of management. Consequently, our students go through a process of rigorous leadership development that attunes them to the standards of quality and presentation that are essential to a good customer experience. Ultimately, our unique style of teaching makes our graduates culturally fluent, globally minded and prepares them to be hands-on operationally, as well as preparing them how to look professional, be customer-oriented, and work in multicultural teams.

Essentially, you have to be a people-person in this industry. It’s about having passion and the right attitude, because this is not a typical nine-to-five job. Hospitality professionals must have the desire to create a memorable stay for their customers and make people happy. It’s a spirit we hone, because essentially, we have to understand and anticipate the particular needs of a customer, so it’s also really important to be flexible and humble.

That is why top companies from around the world seek out our graduates. We recognise that for leading brands education can only deliver so much. They are looking for staff with business acumen, international experience and first-hand experience of delivering a first-class customer experience. It’s perhaps no surprise that an impressive 85 percent of Glion graduates currently have a job or multiple job offers upon graduation.

The next frontier: Luxury Management

The need for graduates with a luxury management speciality has grown significantly and we are seeing an increase in the number of luxury brands coming to recruit hospitality students.

Specifically, these brands are responding to an increasing need for personalised luxury services. Retail luxury brands such as LVMH have been achieving stable double-digit growth despite the economic downturn of recent years . As luxury brands have enhanced their services, buying a luxury bag, for instance, is now being considered an experience. Now the buying experience comes down to accommodating the customer and their expectations and this is something hospitality professionals know how to do. This is why Glion Institute of Higher Education is developing a luxury brand management course.

With our traditional hospitality, tourism and event sectors merging into the new experience industries, it is crucial for us as educational institutions to engage with key firms such as banks, hotel groups and luxury brands to make sure that our curriculum remains innovative and up-to-date. It is in this way, as well as countless others, that Glion graduates will have all the necessary soft and professional skills they need to take on the experience economy.

About Judy Hou: Judy Hou, Director General / CEO, manages Glion-branded institutions in Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Prior to Glion, Hou was CEO of Les Roches Jin Jiang Hotel Management College in Shanghai, China. Hou is on the editorial board of Hotel Business Review Journal and has authored several articles in Hotel Executive and Hotel Management Asia.


