
#GHEAC#[校友风采] 追求成功?格里昂是你开启成功之门的钥匙!

Seeking for success? Glion is the key!

Angelo Tullio Valentino 2013年5月14日


  我在格里昂的最后一天,内心五味杂陈:满足、幸福、自豪和一点疲惫。只有一种情绪神奇般地消失了 — 不知为何我并没有感到难过。很明显,我不开心,因为要离开我的朋友们和我已习惯每天欣赏的美丽风景,但是不知为何我心里知道我和格里昂的联系并不是到此为止。

  这些情景都印在了我的记忆里,就像我的个人简历上印的“格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)”这几个字一样清晰。“格里昂(Glion)”这个教育背景让我在事业中不断取得上升空间,或者说“它是真正通向成功的钥匙”这个说法更准确一些。

  你知道大多数的招聘者仅仅看你的简历就完成了第一轮筛选吗?在这个筛选阶段你在简历上证明你的教育背景是世界顶级院校之一这一点当然很有必要。现在越来越多的年轻毕业生们扎堆申请同一份工作,面试的过程被拉的很长并且有时候要求苛刻。我在格里昂布勒校区的职业发展中心(Career Development Center)中学过如何为面试做好准备,我们还有一份清单,上面是常见的面试会问到的问题,我做到了时刻准备好回答这些问题,并且我会随身携带我对这些问题做的笔记。这一切都给了我很大帮助,有时甚至救了我。


  当你穿梭在世界各地旅行和工作的时候,你就可以去拜访你的同学们,他们都会很高兴和你见面,甚至你原来都没有见过的格里昂校友也会热切欢迎你的到来。格里昂精神,说起来很有趣,它几乎是“可以被触摸的”— 格里昂精神实实在在地存在。我想我就不用再说如果你认识一些在旅游行业工作的校友的话会为你的生活带来多少便利了 …

  两年前我去参加格里昂校友在迪拜(Dubai)的校友聚会,聚会地点是坐落在Shaykh Zayed路的费尔蒙特酒店(Fairmont Hotel)。进入豪华的舞厅时我有点胆怯,我不确定里面是否有自己认识的人。不过这种感觉并没有持续太久 — 不到10分钟我就和很多人一起说笑了。我们共同分享我们的经历,谈论我们对酒店行业的热爱、我们与这所学校的紧密联结:尽管我们都不是一届的。




英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Seeking for success? Glion is the key!

by Angelo Tullio Valentino 14 May 2013

My very last day at Glion was a melting pot of feelings: satisfaction, happiness, pride, and a bit of tiredness. Only one emotion was surprisingly missing – for some reason I was not sad. Obviously, I was not happy to leave my friends and the beautiful scenery I was getting used to, but for some reason I knew that my connection with Glion was not over.

Those moments are written in my memory, exactly as the words “Glion Institute of Higher Education” are in my Curriculum Vitae. The name Glion has always helped me in advancing my career, or better it was the real key to success.

Did you know that most of the recruiters actually make a first selection only based on what is written on CVs? At this stage it is of course necessary to prove you have studied in one of the best schools in the world. But that is not enough. Nowadays more and more young graduates apply for the same job, and the interview process is long, and sometimes, demanding. I was taught by the Career Development Center in Bulle how to get ready for an interview and I was given a full list of questions I always have to be ready to answer, and I still carry my notes with me wherever I go. They have always helped, and sometimes saved, me.

Networking is the second most important point. Those people, those friends who were crying on our very last day in Switzerland are in my heart, of course, but I also keep their contacts in my Skype, their numbers in my phone book and their photos and updates on Facebook, and we still talk quite often.

As soon as you start travelling and working in different parts of the world, your classmates will always be so happy to meet you, and even other Glion Alumni you have never seen before are there for you. The Glion spirit, funny to say, is almost “touchable” – it really exists. I do not think I have to mention the other advantages of knowing people that are working for the travel industry…

Two years ago I went to the Fairmont Hotel on Shaykh Zayed Road for the Alumni Gathering in Dubai. Entering the magnificent ballroom I was a bit scared, not sure if I knew anyone. Well, that feeling did not last long – in 10 minutes I was already chatting and laughing with a lot of people. We shared our experiences and talked about passion for hospitality, and we definitely were linked by the School, even if we were there in different times.

Guess what? With those successful, wise hospitality leaders I am still in touch!

Do not forget though, that Glion is a school, and as in every school, you have to prove you are a real future leader by studying hard! But I can guarantee, even the hardest of tasks can be easily completed, if you face it with passion.

“Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.”


