
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂酒店管理学校培养您成为世界一流人才

Glion’s hospitality school develops world-class talent


  奢侈品牌正在寻找专业服务人员以满足高端客户需求 — 酒店教育在青年领导人为顾客提供一流体验的过程中处于至关重要的位置。


  随着行业的需求拓宽,对具有奢侈品和奢华服务专长的学生需求量增大,这也给学校带来了压力。而在格里昂高等教育学院 — 为希望进入酒店行业发展的人士量身打造的行业领先教育学校,这些行业变化使得学校将课程设置调整得更加现代化和多样性,从而使其毕业生满足当下的行业需求。


  “酒店行业正日益成长为一个充满活力和多样性的行业,其服务领域扩展到了水疗、会展管理甚至奥运会,”格里昂首席执行官侯嘉惠(Judy Hou, CEO of Glion)说。“不管是酒店、饭店还是娱乐服务,这个行业所做的就是把人们聚集在一起并确保每一件事都顺利运行。这就是为什么像我们这样的教育者需要时刻关注行业内的信息以确保我们的学生掌握将来就业时所必备的技能。”很明显,除酒店管理技能之外,行业内也越来越期望学生具有国际教育背景。

  85%的格里昂学生在毕业之际即已获得一份或多份工作录用通知,这个数据令人印象深刻。这么高的就业率要归功于格里昂独特的课程安排、课程项目的多样性和国际化的学生生活。强制实习和应用型教学方法使学生们具有国际经历、学术经验及亲身实践经验,这些和专业技能一样,都是在酒店行业工作所必备的能力。另外,格里昂在伦敦开了一个新校区,为学生们提供了国际校区学习选择,为本科学生、跨行业发展人士及酒店行业专业人士开设了四种主要的课程项目:酒店管理本科学位(bachelor degrees in hospitality management);会展、体育和娱乐活动管理(event, sport and entertainment management);酒店或会展专业研究生学位(postgraduate degrees in hospitality or event, sport and entertainment);会展、体育和娱乐活动MBA或国际酒店管理财务理学硕士(MSc in international hospitality management)。但是教育能提供的资源也仅限于此了。

  “在看求职者个人简历的时候,除了教育背景和工作经历之外,大型酒店集团会看求职者的人际交往能力以及是否有实习经历,并且,如果有实习经历,是否是海外实习经历 — 可以将所学的国际酒店管理知识运用到实践工作中。在这个行业中工作最看重的就是领导力和文化敏感度,所以招聘者会看求职者过去是否有相关经历、在哪个学校受的教育以及在校期间课程是如何安排的。”侯校长解释道。


  来自世界各地的顶尖公司越来越多地关注毕业生的国际经历、酒店行业专业能力和商业敏锐度。在这方面,实习将提供机会使学生们获得运营方面的亲身实践经验,还将教会学生如何看起来更专业、更符合客户的要求以及如何在多元文化团队中工作。在格里昂,平均每个学生会收到五份实习邀请,且学校每年也会送出将近500位学生出去实习。据侯校长所说,外界对格里昂学生有如此大的需求可以归结为学生参加过一整年的课程 — 包括学术理论学习且这些学术理论侧重于教授学生敬业、项目工作能力以及如何培养软实力。









  格里昂瑞士校区,背景是阿尔卑斯山(Alps)和日内瓦湖(Lake Geneva)

  由于这些类型的工作是近些年才有的,因此对于正在寻求机会进入奢侈品行业的酒店专业人士来说,奢侈品行业在工作上有比传统酒店品牌更加独特的要求。比如说现在像阿玛尼酒店(Armani Hotel)或爱马仕(Hermès)这样的奢侈品公司都希望员工掌握多门外语和具有很强服务背景的专业工作经验。





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Glion’s hospitality school develops world-class talent

Glion students studying on campus. The school takes exceptional care in prepping its scholars for the hospitality sector, with many guaranteed a job upon graduation.

With luxury brands looking for service professionals to help cater to high-end clients, hospitality education is now vital in preparing young leaders to deliver a first-class experience

The hospitality sector is growing like never before, with hiring prospects at an all-time high. The need for service professionals is increasing as hospitality continues to develop from traditional hotel and restaurant services, to include event management, entertainment, spa services and luxury or personalised experiences. In this respect, the industry is quickly becoming one of the most dynamic and diverse sectors for management, with one in 11 hospitality jobs being an executive position.

This puts increased pressure on educational institutions to churn out more graduates with a luxury and experience speciality, as the demands of the industry continue to broaden. At Glion Institute of Higher Education, a leading educational facility for those looking to enter the hospitality industry, the changes in the industry have prompted a modernisation and diversification of their curriculum in order to prepare graduates for the current industry demands.

Dynamic industry

“The hospitality sector is growing and is increasingly becoming a dynamic and diverse industry, spread across services such as spas, event management and even the Olympic Games,” says Judy Hou, CEO of Glion. “Whether it’s hotels, restaurants or entertainment services, this industry is about bringing people together and making sure everything runs smoothly. This is why educators like us need to keep our ears to the ground to make sure our students have the skills necessary for the future.” Clearly graduates are increasingly expected to have an international background, as well as hospitality expertise.

An impressive 85 percent of Glion graduates currently have a job or multiple job offers upon graduation. This placement rate can be attributed to Glion’s unique curriculum, programme variety and international student life. The compulsory internships and applied teaching methods provide students with international, academic and hands-on experience, as well as the professional skill-sets necessary to work across the hospitality industry. Additionally, Glion has opened a new campus in London with international study options and it offers four main academic programmes that cater to undergraduates, career-changers and hospitality professionals: bachelor degrees in hospitality management; event, sport and entertainment management; postgraduate degrees in hospitality or event, sport and entertainment and an MBA or MSc in international hospitality management. But education can only go so far.

“When looking at a CV, major hospitality corporations are looking for interpersonal skills aside from education and experience. Has the candidate done an internship and if so, have they done internships abroad where they have learnt to apply their skills on the job. In this industry, it’s all about leadership and having cultural sensitivity, so employers look for relevant past experience and what school they went to and how the curriculum was structured,” explains Hou.

Internships crucial

Top companies from around the world are increasingly on the lookout for graduates with international experience, hospitality expertise and business acumen. In this respect, internships provide hands-on experience in operations, and they teach students how to look professional, be customer-oriented, and work in multicultural teams. At Glion, graduates receive an average of five internship offers per student and the school sends close to 500 students on internships annually. According to Hou, this demand for Glion’s interns comes down to students taking on a full year of courses that include academic theory focused on professionalism in the workplace, project work, as well as the crucial development of soft-skills.

Judy Hou, CEO, Glion Institute of Higher Education. Hou emphasises that the school not only teaches its students professional skills, but also interpersonal ones

“You have to be a people-person in this industry. It’s about having passion and the right attitude, because this is not a typical nine-to-five job. Hospitality professionals must have the desire to create a memorable stay for their customers and make people happy. It’s a spirit we hone at the Glion, because essentially, we play the part of a psychologist. We have to understand and anticipate the particular needs of a customer, so it’s also really important to be flexible and humble,” says Hou.

This ties in with the growing demand for hospitality professionals with experience and luxury brand expertise, as customers become increasingly sophisticated and apply higher expectations to services.

In this respect, shopping for a holiday, a spa-retreat or even just a luxury item such as a Hermès bag, needs to be a branded experience. Customers don’t want a bed to rest their head on any longer and a hospitality or experience package needs to include non-obvious elements of service that will leave the customer wanting more.

“Consequently, everything from booking accommodation, to arrival, to hotel customer service needs to be a brand experience that will generate customer loyalty,” says Hou.

Personalised experiences

This increased demand for personalised services is also driving calls for hospitality professionals to enter into fields that would not previously fall under this sector. Luxury brands are increasingly visiting Glion’s campus to recruit hospitality students that know how to provide particular services for customers of high-end brands.

“There is an increasing need for personalised luxury services. Luxury brands have been achieving stable double-digit growth despite the economic downturn of recent years, so this is a growing industry. Also, as luxury brands have enhanced their services, buying a luxury bag, for instance, is now being considered an experience. Now the buying experience comes down to accommodating the customer and their expectations and this is something hospitality professionals know how to do. This is also why we’re developing a luxury brand management course in order to meet this demand,” explains Hou.

Glion’s Swiss campus, with the Alps and Lake Geneva in the background

Because these types of jobs didn’t exist a few years ago, the requirements for hospitality professionals looking to go into the luxury sector are even more particular than those sought by traditional hotel brands. Now, luxury firms such as the Armani Hotel or Hermès, want multilingual, experience professionals with a strong service background.

This new breed of experience managers need to ensure that the customer feels the luxury permeating throughout these brands, and that employees working for the firm do too. In this respect, creating a luxury experience is part of the brand. Frequently, hospitality students go on to management trainee programmes in preparation for these leadership roles that require specific knowledge of the brand experience. At Glion, one in two students take this route.

According to Hou, the need for managers that can provide a personalised service stems from the development of technology in recent years.

“Through technology, we have more and more information about our customers. Within a luxury group, this means that you will have a range of products targeting different demographics based on customer data. We consume brands because of a company’s ability to gage our need for their service, brand or product.”

With the sector becoming increasingly technologically savvy and personalised, it is crucial for educational institutions to engage with key firms such as banks, hotel groups and luxury brands to make sure the curriculum is innovative and up-to-date. And it is in this way, as well as countless others, that Glion graduates will have all the necessary soft and professional skills they need to take on the diverse hospitality industry.


