
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 瑞士格里昂酒店管理学院(GLION)- 酒店行业职业发展

A Career in Hospitality

  酒店行业正以超常的速度发展,格里昂高等教育学院首席执行官侯嘉惠(Judy Hou)这样写道,并补充说行业内对掌握必需的管理技能和实践知识的高品质毕业生需求增加,服务类工作需求也在持续增加。



  联合国世界旅游组织(UNWTO)预计到2020年印度出境游的游客将达到5,000万,印度政府也认识到了其国内市场有1,50,000 的酒店住房缺口。这些预计都表明印度在整个旅游行业中的处于越来越重要的位置。根据世界旅游业理事会(WTTC)的预计,到2015年,印度和中国的旅游行业将与世界上主要的旅游市场(如美国、日本、法国、英国)具有同等甚至更高的发展速度。

  随着发展速度的加快,酒店行业对有天分的优秀学生需求量也在加大。学生需要满足一系列特定的要求 — 具备酒店管理技能、行业实践知识和职业经验。酒店管理学位课程内容完全包含这三个方面且向更多的学生敞开大门。





  年轻人可以通过不同的途径进入酒店行业。虽然在世界范围内有很多酒店教育机构,但是专注于国际酒店事业的顶级院校都在瑞士。在这些获得行业内高度认可的瑞士学校中,坐落于蒙特勒度假村(Montreux)旁边及日内瓦湖(Lake Geneva,)畔的格里昂高等教育学院,在传统的酒店管理教育领域中历史悠久,声名卓著。

  格里昂的本科学位课程历时七个学期 — 包括两个学期的实习和不同的专业方向的学习以及海外学习选择 — 这样就使高中毕业生们为今后的酒店管理全球职业生涯做好了准备。学校就业率达80%以上,许多学生继续在酒店行业内或酒店行业外的顶级公司继续从事管理项目。学校也有针对行业内专业人士或跨专业人士的多种研究生课程,这些人士希望通过一到两年的的应用和学术课程进一步地提高自己的专业技能,使自己在职业追求上更上一层楼。



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A Career in Hospitality

The hospitality sector is experiencing above-average grlowth, writes Judy Hou, CEO, Glion Institute of Higher Education, adding that the industry demand for qualified graduates with the necessary management skills and practical knowledge and services is continuously increasing.

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), travel and tourism is expected to increase its GDP contribution by USD 3.5 trillion to USD 10.4 trillion in 2023. During this time, employment within the sector will increase by one quarter, supporting USD 338 million, or one in 10 jobs around the world.

In the case of India, the contribution of the travel and tourism economy to employment is expected to rise by 23 per cent, from 39 million to 48 million jobs, by 2022. By then, eight per cent of all jobs in India will be in the travel and tourism industry.

The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) predicted that the number of outbound Indian tourists will reach 50 million by 2020 and the Indian government has identified a shortage of 1,50,000 hotel rooms in the domestic market. These estimates show India’s increasing importance in the travel and tourism industry. According to the WTTC, India, as well as China, is expected to show equal or larger absolute industry growth per year than the main travel and tourism markets (eg. US, Japan, France, UK) by 2015.

With higher growth rates, the hospitality industry is experiencing a higher demand for qualified talent who meet a very specific set of requirements—hospitality management skills, practical industry knowledge and professional experience. A degree in hospitality management covers all three areas and will open doors to generate opportunities in many more.

Contrary to popular belief, the hospitality industry is not only composed of hotels and restaurants. It extends to cruise ships and airlines, spa and health destinations, theme parks and casinos, convention and event planning, recreation and sports management, and other tourist destinations and attractions, which all offer interesting career opportunities to  qualified hospitality management staff. Salaries in the hospitality industry are strongly dependent on the level and region of employment, but generally correspond with a management salary in any global industry.

Although a degree in hospitality management was initially designed to train management staff solely for the hospitality industry, many employers from other sectors have begun to appreciate the skill set students acquire in hospitality schools. Apart from the standard business knowledge, hospitality graduates possess a broad operational understanding, a high-level approach to service and a professionalism that allows them to work comfortably in a multicultural environment. These qualities are increasingly sought after by global employers, which provide additional appealing opportunities for graduates.

For those who are interested in an international career, love other cultures and travelling, and enjoy management and business, a hospitality management degree is definitely a good choice. However, the required skill set for graduates constantly needs to be adapted to the industry developments. For example, online travel agencies and booking platforms first emerged in the last decade and have quickly become a crucial tool in customers’ decision-making processes. Subsequently, hotel managers are expected to possess the technological know-how to understand the workings of these platforms to devise the best strategy for the company.

This example clearly illustrates what a versatile and fast-paced industry hospitality is, requiring a high rate of flexibility and adaptability from employees, but at the same time providing a unique global work environment with unlimited opportunities, where each day brings new, rewarding experiences.

There are different paths for young people to enter the world of hospitality. While there is a large array of hospitality educators worldwide, the top-ranked schools for an international hospitality career are found in Switzerland. Among these recognised Swiss schools is Glion Institute of Higher Education, located above Montreux and Lake Geneva, with a long-standing history of traditional education in the art of hotel management.

Glion offers bachelor programmes spanning seven semesters—including two internships and different specialisations and study abroad options—that prepare high school graduates for an international career in hospitality management. With an employment rate of more than 80 per cent, many graduates go on to management programmes of leading companies in and outside of the hospitality industry. It also has different postgraduate diploma courses targeted at industry professionals or career-changers who wish to develop their skills over one to two years of applied and academic courses, allowing them to progress or re-launch their professional pursuits.

MBA programmes can either be attended on campus or online, or as a combination of both, allowing industry managers to boost their careers through the latest industry knowledge in management, marketing and finance, without having to be absent from their workplace for a long period of time.

The hospitality sector definitely offers a wide variety of career opportunities for qualified graduates with the management skills and practical knowledge they need not only in the traditional hotel and resorts sector, but also in a wider spectrum of industries such as spa and wellness, luxury retail and sports and entertainment.


