
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 瑞士酒店管理学校全球排名前3!

Hotel Management Schools Ranking
17.03.2011 >由全球五星级酒店管理者者评出的世界最好的酒店管理学校排名中瑞士酒店管理学校名列前茅 

  理诺士国际酒店管理学院(Les Roches International School of Hotel Management)和格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education)在全球顶级酒店管理学院国际职业中名列前茅。
  世界顶级酒店集团再次将瑞士几所酒店管理学校评为世界上最好的学校。最近,经英国TNS市场研究公司(TNS,Taylor Nelson Sofres进行的,由五星级酒店业者在四所顶级酒店管理学校中挑选出的三所瑞士学校有:瑞士洛桑高级酒店管理学校,格里昂高等教育学院和理诺士国际酒店管理学院。美国的康奈尔大学也名列前四位。这些学校被评为世界上最好的酒店管理学校,帮助学生为进入酒店行业国际职业生涯做好充分准备。
  本调查包括来自全世界各地的国际五星级酒店招聘经理的大样本调查,并由世界上最大的客户调查和分析供应商TNS市场研究公司(TNS,Taylor Nelson Sofres)旅行和旅游部整理排名得出点击。2010年调查则包括了提供大学层次本科教育的酒店管理学院的相对“排名”, 国际五星级酒店公司很可能雇用从这些学校毕业的学生。


  罗瑞特酒店艺术和设计教育CEO David Graves说:”瑞士继续领导世界潮流,提供最高品质的国际酒店管理教育。这次调查结果和2007年相似的调查都证实了:顶级酒店集团招聘经理认为瑞士酒店管理教育是世界上最好的。“

  罗瑞特酒店教育集团(LHE,Laureate Hospitality Education)高级副总裁Arie van der Spek说:“国际顶级酒店管理教育学校的目标是为管理者在快速变化的环境中竞争成功做好充分准备。这项调查证实,酒店行业理解且欣赏瑞士酒店独特的教育模式,即认真的理论课程与实际教学相结合的学习模式。“

Van der Spek先生还谈到:“从众多格里昂和理诺士毕业生就职世界酒店行业顶级职位的现状可看出,我们的毕业生在毕业后和整个工作生涯中都表现出众。这是因为我们与酒店行业领导者进行密切合作的关系,我们明白他们对品质和卓越的期望,这样,我们就可以为学生在世界上发展最快的行业-酒店管理行业里拥有成功的未来做好准备。“


  * 理诺士国际酒店管理学院,格里昂高等教育学院和康纳尔大学并列第二。


  * 酒店行业招聘经理选出的前4名酒店管理学校是:洛桑高等酒店管理学院,理诺士国际酒店管理学院,格里昂高等教育学院和康奈尔大学。本调查结果和2007年TNS进行的调查结果一致。

  * 值得注意的是:排名前四的学校有三所是瑞士的酒店管理学院。瑞士仍然是国际酒店管理教育领域全球最主要的领导者。

  * 前10名的学校中有6所与瑞士有直接关联。


TNS市场研究公司(TNS,Taylor Nelson Sofres)是顶级市场调查和信息集团以及全世界最大的客户调查和分析供应商。TNS市场研究公司在全球70个国家都有分公司,这使他们能为我们提供与国际一致的,及时更新到分钟的,高质量的信息与分析报告。TNS旅行和旅游部门受聘于休闲,旅游,酒店管理和旅行行业一系列的全球客户,公司会着手进行一系列研究和顾问项目,有计划的为客户提供深刻的见解和知识。

  罗瑞特酒店教育集团(LHE,Laureate Hospitality Education)是一家独特的专注于高等教育的全球教育集团,为来自100多个国家的学生提供酒店管理,旅游,会展管理和体育娱乐管理大学层次的教育。罗瑞特酒店教育集团由来自5个国家的8个顶尖学府机构构成,这些成员包括:
  * 格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education
  * 理诺士国际酒店管理学院(Les Roches International School of Hotel Management)
  * 瑞士理诺士-格鲁耶尔应用科技大学(Les Roches-Gruyère University of Applied Sciences)
  * 西班牙理诺士国际酒店管理学院(Les Roches International School of Hotel Management)
  * 中国上海理诺士锦江国际酒店管理学院(Les Roches Jin Jiang International Hotel Management College)
  * 美国芝加哥肯德尔大学(Kendall College
  * 蓝山国际酒店管理学院Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School
  * 澳大利亚国际酒店管理学院(Australian International Hotel School)


  罗瑞特酒店教育集团(LHE,Laureate Hospitality Education)集团国际公共关系经理Arjen Meijer先生
Tel: +41 79 310 81 93
arjen.meijer@laureate.ch www.laureatehospitality.com 

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     189 0119 3685
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Hotel Management Schools Ranking

17.03.2011 > Swiss Hospitality Management Schools Ranked Among World’s Best by Global 5-star Hoteliers

Les Roches International School of Hotel Management and Glion Institute of Higher Education ranked among world’s leading hospitality management schools for an international career

The world’s top hotel companies have again ranked several hospitality management schools of Switzerland as the best in the world. In a recent survey conducted by Taylor Nelson Sofres (http://www.tnsglobal.com/ ) in the UK, 5-star hoteliers chose three Swiss schools among the top four hotel management schools worldwide: Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, Glion Institute of Higher Education and Les Roches International School of Hotel Management.  Also ranked among the top four was Cornell University (USA). These schools were ranked as the world’s best for preparing students for an international career in hospitality management.

The survey included a large sample of hiring managers from 5-star international hospitality companies around the world and was conducted by Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) Travel & Tourism (U.K.) (http://www.tnsglobal.com/ ), the world’s largest provider of custom research and analysis. The 2010 survey established the relative ‘ranking’ of international hospitality management schools providing university-level degree programs from which employers are likely to recruit staff for international 5-star hotel companies.

Les Roches and Glion are members of the Laureate International Universities network. 

“Switzerland continues to lead the world in providing the highest-quality international hospitality management education’, said David Graves, CEO Laureate Hospitality Art & Design Education. ‘The results of this survey, like those of a similar survey in 2007, affirm that hiring managers at the very best hotels consider Swiss hospitality education to be the best in the world.’

“The goal of top international hospitality management schools is to prepare managers to compete successfully in a rapidly changing world’, said Arie van der Spek, Senior Vice President of Laureate Hospitality Education worldwide. ‘This survey confirms that the hospitality industry understands and appreciates the unique nature of the Swiss education model, which combines practical instruction with serious academic studies.’

“Our graduates deliver an outstanding level of performance after graduation and throughout their careers, as evidenced by the many Glion and Les Roches graduates occupying positions at the top of the world of hospitality ’, continued Van der Spek. ‘Because we work closely with leaders in hospitality we understand their expectations for excellence and quality. In this way, we can prepare our graduates for a successful future in hospitality management, the world’s fastest growing industry.’

The survey was conducted in September and October 2010, and included invitations to more than 50,000 hoteliers in 70 countries. Laureate Hospitality Education, a division of Laureate Education Inc, commissioned TNS to conduct the survey utilizing “blind” objective techniques. The survey results are statistically reliable at a 95% confidence level. Similar results were obtained in a global industry survey conducted in 2007 by TNS.

Table 1: Top 10 International Hospitality Management Schools in the World for an International Career.
Based on frequency of school selection by hospitality industry hiring managers from 5-star hotels.

Sample Size = 181 respondents

* Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Glion Institute of Higher Education and Cornell University are tied for second position.

Key conclusions to be highlighted from the survey results include:

* The Top 4 schools as rated by industry hiring managers are Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Glion Institute of Higher Education and Cornell University. This result matches the findings of the TNS survey conducted in 2007.

* Of note is that three of the top four schools are Swiss hospitality management institutes. Switzerland remains the foremost worldwide leader in international hospitality management education.

* Six of the Top 10 schools have direct links with Switzerland.


Taylor Nelson Sofres PLC (TNS) is a leading market research and information group and the world’s largest provider of custom research and analysis. TNS operates globally across 70 countries, allowing us to provide internationally consistent, up-to-the-minute and high quality information and analysis. TNS Travel & Tourism is employed by a portfolio of global clients in the leisure, tourism, hospitality and travel industries to undertake a range of research and consultancy projects, designed to provide insight and knowledge.

Laureate Hospitality Education is a unique and global group of specialized higher education institutions that provides hospitality, tourism, event, sport and entertainment management degree-level education to students from over 100 countries. It is comprised of 8 leading institutions in 5 countries. Schools include Glion Institute of Higher Education, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management and Les Roches-Gruyère University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management in Spain, Les Roches Jin Jiang International Hotel Management College in Shanghai, China, Kendall College in Chicago, USA, Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School and Australian International Hotel School in Australia. More than 6,000 students attend Laureate hospitality education institutions.  For more information, please visit: www.laureatehospitality.com 

Media Contact
Mr. Arjen Meijer, International PR Manager Laureate Hospitality Education
Tel: +41 79 310 81 93
arjen.meijer@laureate.ch www.laureatehospitality.com


