
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂学生参与设计 FEI 开幕仪式

12/05/2011 - 格里昂学生参与设计 FEI 开幕仪式
  学生帮助国际马术联合会(FEI,International Equestrian Federation)总部设计开幕仪式

  学习ESE(会展管理,体育和娱乐管理)课程的学生们帮助国际马术联合会(FEI,International Equestrian Federation)在洛桑的总部设计开幕仪式。

  就读格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education)会展管理和体育娱乐管理课程(ESE, Event Sport and Entertainment)的学生参加了 FEI 国际马术联合会新建筑的开幕仪式,并做出了设计和组织贡献。于2011年5月6日周五在洛桑举行的开幕仪式非常成功。

  作为一个实践案例,学生们要将他们对会展和体育的热爱结合到HM King Hussein I 大楼的落成典礼中。FEI 国际马术联合会总部的名字是为了纪念哈雅公主(Princess Haya)殿下的父亲,FEI主席和国际林匹克委员会(IOC,International Olympic Committee)的成员。哈雅公主(Princess Haya)殿下的典礼开幕致词非常具有感染力“看到这代人站在这里并回想起我的父亲和几代人所经历的事情,今天是非常令人激动的一天,我很荣幸能够进行开幕致词。”300多人参加了此次活动,包括王室成员,各种国际体育联合会代表,IOC 国际林匹克委员会代表,记者和其他体育和政治界嘉宾等。

  格里昂休闲管理学院院长Michael Hoy对他学生的表现感到高兴。“这次杰出的实践学习机会让他们与这个行业结合在一起,在现场活动中他们做的非常出色!我对学生们以及教导他们的老师感到非常自豪。”

  今年庆祝其90周年庆典的 FEI 国际马术联合会在全国拥有113个国家协会成员,管理着八项马术学科。

  图片:国际马术联合会(FEI,International Equestrian Federation)总部 HM King Hussein I 大楼落成典礼,2011年5月6日

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12/05/2011 - Students design the inauguration of FEI 
Students help to design the inauguration ceremony of the International Equestrian Federation’s HQ
ESE students help to design the inauguration ceremony of the International Equestrian Federation’s headquarters in Lausanne
Contributing to the design and organization, students in Event Sport and Entertainment from Glion Institute of Higher Education (GIHE) took part in the inauguration of the new International Equestrian Federation (FEI) buildings was a great success in Lausanne on Friday 6 May 2011.
As a practical case, the students had to combine their love for events and sports in the inauguration of the HM King Hussein I buildings, the headquarters named in memory of the father of HRH Princess Haya, the FEI president and member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). HRH Princess Haya opened the ceremony with a very emotional speech ’Seeing the generations here and remembering my father and the generations that passed, it was a very emotional day and I am privileged to be so blessed’. Over 300 people attended the event including Royalty, representatives of various International Sports Federations, representatives of the IOC, journalists and other guests from world of sports and politics. 
Michael Hoy, the Dean of Glion Leisure Management School, was delighted by his student’s performance ‘It is a great practical case for them to be involved with industry, in a live event and they did a great job. I am very proud of them and of their teachers too’. 
The FEI, who is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year, counts 133 national associations as members around the world regulating eight equestrian disciplines.


