

Alumnus becomes GM of 5-star Hotel

  格里昂高等教育学院                 2014年9月18日


  完成格里昂在线MBA后不到一年,Bernard Rodrigues就被任命为千禧新世界香港酒店(New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel)总经理,这是一家位于香港尖沙咀东(Tsim Sha Tsui East)的五星级酒店。


  作为一名酒店和服务业管理课程在线MBA校友,Rodrigues先生毫无疑问是这个课程所吸引的一群才华横溢经验丰富的经理们的最佳典范。在他29年的从业经验中,Rodrigues先生于多个顶级国际酒店集团担任管理层,其中包括洲际酒店集团(InterContinental Hotels)、都喜酒店和度假村(Dusit Hotels & Resorts)及Royal Princess Hotels and Resorts集团。Rodrigues先生加入千禧新世界香港酒店(New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel)前就已经是香港铜锣湾利景酒店(Charterhouse Causeway Bay Hong Kong)的总经理。




  我们祝愿Rodrigues先生在他的新职位上一帆风顺,也鼓励更多志趣相投的酒店管理专业人士来更多地了解格里昂酒店和服务行业管理专业在线MBA课程(Glion Online MBA)或者通过看视频(watch the video testimonial)来了解更多详情。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Alumnus becomes GM of 5-star Hotel

by Glion Institute of Higher Education   18 September 2014

Less than one year after completing the Glion Online MBA, Bernard Rodrigues, has been appointed general manager of New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel,  a five-star hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui East.

As an alumnus of the Online MBA in Hospitality and Service Industries Management, Mr. Rodrigues is a shining example of the talented, experienced managers that this program attracts. During his 29-year hospitality management career, Mr. Rodrigues has held leadership positions for top international brands such as InterContinental Hotels, Dusit Hotels & Resorts, and Royal Princess Hotels and Resorts; and he was already a general manager at The Charterhouse Causeway Bay Hong Kong prior to his new position.

On a recent trip to Switzerland, to celebrate his graduation, Mr. Rodrigues shared his thoughts on how the online MBA in hospitality has impacted his life and his career.

“I have been in the hospitality industry for over 28 years, and was taught that one should never stop continuing education. But you can’t give up your job. So when Glion came out with this online program, it was the best thing that could happen. It gave us (working managers) an opportunity to keep our jobs and at the same time to balance our work and studies.

There are many best practices that this online MBA gave us, and it’s practical, not just textbook theory, so for us working students, we get to apply the concepts right away. My staff, in the two and a half years, they have seen the changes, in the way I approach them, and talk and I feel like I’ve become a coach. I’m sharing my skills and knowledge, like a teacher,” Rodrigues said.

We wish Mr. Rodriguez the best of luck in his new position and we encourage like-minded hospitality professionals to learn more about Glion Online MBA in Hospitality and Service Industries Management or to watch the video testimonial for more insight.


