

Alumna Interview: Hidden treasures of the Online MBA in Hospitality

by Glion Institute of Higher Education  24 June 2015


  姓名:Susanne Goepfert Schuhmacher


  现任职位及所在公司: choco loco GmbH首席执行官及所有者


  如果你看到Susanne Goepfert Schuhmacher在领英上的资料( LinkedIn profile),你或许会有这样的问题:为什么一位已经经营自己的公司近十年的如此成功的企业家还去读MBA?在Susanne的这个例子中,答案有两方面:首先,Susanne选择格里昂在线MBA(Online MBA)是因为这个课程专注于服务行业并且其灵活的在线教室授课让Susanne可以安排好工作、家庭和学习的平衡。其次,Susanne计划今年夏天在迪拜拓展一些重大的商业项目,格里昂在线MBA可以让她获得迈向新生活和翻开事业新篇章所需要的软技能和国际人脉网。

Susanne在很多地区及很多职位上工作过。她曾担任过一些青年项目和活动的项目经理、研究经理和潜水教练,还在一家会展机构做过活动筛选和引进工作。从2005年开始经营一家小公司 —“choco loco”— 在巴塞尔(Basel)有一家高档巧克力商店以及一家在线商店。Susanne于2014年从格里昂在线MBA国际酒店与服务业管理专业毕业,专修品牌管理和综合市场沟通方向。在读在线MBA课程期间,她领导过一个商业应用项目,该项目主题是”企业网络结构是否提高了服务质量?“— 这是一个定性调查研究。









  在线MBA — 当下即开始改变

  Susanne对在线MBA的课程设置也很赞赏 — 她可以把学到的知识直接运用到商业运营中去:”在读MBA期间,我分析了我自己遇到的一些相关商业问题和行业发展趋势,比如奢侈品市场和零售走向、全渠道零售、中小型企业间的交流与合作等。“








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Alumna Interview: Hidden treasures of the Online MBA in Hospitality

by Glion Institute of Higher Education  24 June 2015

Name: Susanne Goepfert Schuhmacher

Country of Origin: Switzerland

Current Role and Company: CEO and owner, choco loco GmbH

Graduation Year & Program: 2014, MBA in International Hospitality and Service Industries Management (Online), specialization in Brand Management and Integrated Marketing Communications.

If you look at the LinkedIn profile of Susanne Goepfert Schuhmacher, you might ask yourself: Why would a successful entrepreneur who has been running her own business for nearly ten years want an MBA? In this case, the answer is two-fold:  First, Susanne chose the Online MBA because of its focus on the service industries and its flexible online classroom which allowed her to balance work, family and studies.  Secondly, she was preparing for a big move to Dubai this summer, and Glion’s Online MBA developed her soft skills and gave her an international network of colleagues to get her through this transition to a new life and career.

Susanne has experience in many different places and roles. She’s been a project manager for youth projects and campaigns, base leader and diving instructor, and done concept and acquisition work for an event agency. From 2005 until just recently, she ran her own small business, “choco loco”, a luxury chocolate shop in Basel with a online store. Susanne graduated in the 2014 from the Online MBA in International Hospitality and Service Industries Management with a specialization in Brand Management and Integrated Marketing Communications. During her Online MBA, she conducted an Applied Business Project on the subject: Do Inter-Firm Network Structures Improve Service Quality? A qualitative research study.

Choosing Glion’s Online MBA

When asked why she chose to pursue the Glion MBA, Susanne gave three reasons: “I was looking for a program that focuses on the services industries to deepen my business experience gained during the last few years; to gain new views and insights from other professionals; and to gain a theoretical background,” while the choice of an online MBA was due to the flexibility, “with the online MBA I was be able to keep my business and my family life going.”

Improved soft-skills through MBA?

Interestingly, the program gave Susanne something she wasn’t looking for: an improved set of soft skills.

“I learned to better manage my time, to work efficiently, to analyze problems and find solutions. And now I recognize that I automatically apply the skills and knowledge from the MBA in my business environment.”

These skills are valuable assets. According to a recent telephone survey of 500 top executives, ninety-two percent of them said there’s a job skills gap among recent graduates. And nearly half said the gap was in “soft skills”.[1]

The proof is in the impact: “After the Online MBA, I work in a more structured and efficient way. I formulate myself clearly and distinctly when writing business related texts,” said Susanne.

Online MBA makes an immediate difference

Susanne also appreciated the Online MBA structure because she could apply the concepts straight away in her current business role: “During the MBA, I analyzed my own business related problemsand trends such as: trends in retail and luxury markets, omni-channel retailing, networking and cooperation between SME.”

And these insights changed her: “Not who I am, but how I work. The online MBA showed me where my strengths and weaknesses are. And it took me beyond my limits. It gave me more self-confidence and the will to achieve more in the future.

Lasting connections and resources

Most importantly, Susanne is leaving the Glion Online MBA with solid career connections that will help her during the next step in her career. “I feel I am a part of the Glion community. Connecting in the virtual environment was not always easy, but I was able to build relationships that are still strong. I feel that the Glion Alumni community is a worldwide, connected group. Glion has a good name internationally within the services industries and I’m looking forward to benefit from these connections.”

Indeed, “The MBA program prepared me for the change I will face with our move to Dubai, where I will be looking for a new job opportunity.”

Her final comment and advice for future candidates of Glion’s Online MBA is this:

“The online MBA is not the easy way to do an MBA. You need to be strongly committed to it. To combine work life, private life and an Online MBA can be challenging, but it is worth it. Doing an MBA while working gives you the possibility to apply the things you learn right away. And you benefit a lot from your classmates who bring their extensive work experience into the discussions.”

Susanne will soon be on her way to Dubai. We wish her a “bonne continuation” and great success in this new life adventure!


