

Serena’s fast-paced career in hospitality

  格里昂高等教育学院                  2014年11月5日

  从四季酒店(Four Seasons)非洲狩猎者小屋酒店(African Safari Lodge)到缅甸(Myanmar)的白色沙滩,Serena Lugli在酒店管理领域快速发展的职业生涯让她在短短的7年内已经在许多部门和许多国家工作过。在这次访谈中,Serena Lugli分享了她攀登成功阶梯以及找到合适的酒店事业发展道路的秘笈。






  从踏入格里昂校园的那刻起直到毕业,我觉得这里就像我的另一个家。我有机会把握住我的潜力,看到我能为我的未来定下多远的目标;这样的自我提升已经很值得感恩了,但是我还经历了更幸运的事 — 我结识了一些非常特殊的人,其中一些到现在仍然是我最亲密的朋友。




  我的第一次实习是在四季酒店(Four Seasons)埃及沙姆沙伊赫度假村(Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt)客房部的一个交叉训练项目。那时我19岁,一切事物对我来说都是新的:从中东文化、到真正的酒店行业世界以及在这个行业中工作的意义。这次经历是我人生中的一个里程碑:我对中东产生了一种强烈的迷恋,毕业时我发现自己渴望成为四季酒店的一员,我逐渐意识到这个酒店集团对我来说十分合适。

  关于我的第二份实习,我找的是一个有价值的不同于我第一次实习经历的机会,于是选择在都市酒店而不是度假村,选择四季酒店之外的大型酒店集团,以及客房部之外的其他部门。没有犹豫,我选择了丽思卡尔顿酒店集团(Ritz Carlton)旗下的巴塞罗那 Hotel Arts酒店销售和市场交叉培训项目。通过这次经历,我学到了流利的西班牙语,充分体验到了都市酒店的魅力和快节奏氛围,对于成为像瑞士手表一样完美运营的顶尖酒店集团的一员具有怎样的意义也有了更广泛的理解。







  感谢这次机遇,让我拥有了迄今为止我认为的我人生中最美好最重要的经历。2012年6月,我被选入特别工作小组被派遣至坦桑尼亚塞伦盖蒂公园(Serengeti Park in Tanzania)与四季酒店狩猎者小屋酒店(Four Seasons Safari Lodge)的开业团队一起工作。在那里,我负责酒店开业需要的营业用品和设备的采购环节并且和公司部门密切合作。如果没有这次访谈和我在四季酒店获得的工作机会,我不会准备好应对接下来发生的事情。在这件事情上我将永远感谢公司。


  做出离开四季酒店集团这个彻底的决定源于我领悟到到自己在未来需要一种不同的生活方式和工作目标。我发现想要做教育、可持续和生态问题的解决方案领域的酒店管理工作。为了跟随自己的心,我为自己设定了一个目标 — 找到合适的地方定居后尽快开一家我自己的生态小屋酒店(eco-lodge)或客栈。在那之前,我会保持改进我的生活方式和相关知识来为那一天的来临做准备。

  山多威度假村(Sandoway Resort)工作机会的来临就像是命运开了一个玩笑:它不是计划中的工作,之后却证明了是在正确的时间出现的正确的工作地点。它不是一个生态度假村,却和整个自然环境极为和谐,并且我们建造这个度假村的工作团队成员均为附近村庄里的当地人。这是我下一步朝生态旅游方向迈进的一个极为合适的转折点。



  在山威多(Sandoway)让我有机会看到了一种非常温和的旅游,游客们谨慎且宽容。其中大部分游客就是来见证景观的天然原貌的。天然的景观是这个国家的特色 — 这个神奇的国家仍然忠实于它的文化和传统,并且美丽天然的风景也让这个国家的原貌更加充实。






Serena Lugli,格里昂2007届毕业生,缅甸卡帕里海滩山威多度假村(Sandoway Resort, Ngapali Beach,Myanmar)驻店经理

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E


Serena’s fast-paced career in hospitality

by Glion Institute of Higher Education   5 November 2014

From Four Seasons’ African Safari Lodge, to the white sands of Myanmar, Serena Lugli’s fast-paced career in hospitality management has taken her through many departments and countries in only 7 years. In this interview, she shares her secrets to climbing the ladder of success and for finding the hospitality career path that fits.

On choosing hospitality management and Glion

The word “Hospitality” evokes a world of cultures, ideas, specialties and warmth that can be a wonderful link among people around the globe. It is not the glamorous and luxurious component of it that attracted me the most to hospitality management, but rather the privilege of becoming part of an industry that blends different cultures and promotes their special traits through professionals who, thanks to their open mind, creativity and continuous passion, embody the prestigious role of being a true “hotelier”, or hotel manager.

Among all the schools I visited, Glion was the one that best represented that idea of being part of an open world, where the best opportunity lays in getting to know and learn from people who come from different cultures and who have enriching knowledge. At Glion, you become an adult and a professional, you understand how much you can be creative and communicative, but most of all you break down the boundaries between yourself and all that may be unfamiliar to you.

Glion life in Switzerland

Glion felt like my home away from home from the moment I walked in, until my graduation day. I got the opportunity to grasp my own potential and see how far I could aim for my future; this self-development would already be more than enough to be thankful for, but I was also blessed by getting to know very special people who are still some of the closest friends I have ever had.

Glion goes beyond the classic university experience; it’s a school of life where you learn how to be a solid professional and a better person. After Glion, once you are out in the working world, you’re standing so strongly on your own two feet that going ahead is a natural, endless option.

We all shared a beautiful stage of our lives where we met as teenagers and we said goodbye as adults, each one ready to follow his or her path.

Internships in hospitality and tourism

I did my first internship at the Four Seasons Resort in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt as a cross training in Rooms Division. I was 19 and everything was new to me: from the Middle Eastern culture, to the real world of hospitality, and what it meant to work in it. This experience marked important milestones for me; I developed a bond and fascination with the Middle East, I found my drive to be part of Four Seasons when I graduated, and I grew to understand that this business was the right fit for me.

For my second internship, I was looking for a valuable alternative to my first experience, hence a city hotel instead of a resort, another strong chain instead of Four Seasons, and a different division from rooms. Without hesitation, I chose the Sales & Marketing cross training at Hotel Arts in Barcelona managed by the Ritz Carlton.Thanks to this experience, I learned Spanish fluently, I lived in full the glamor and fast paced rhythms of city hotels and I got a broader understanding of what it meant to be part of these perfect top hotel chains that work like Swiss watches.

The variety of my internships allowed me to test myself and understand better what I was more skilled at, my strengths and weaknesses, my simple likes and dislikes. On top of everything my internships helped me build an appealing CV that becomes the best tool for students to get noticed and get the job they desire during the recruiting period before graduation.

Internships definitely have a lot to do with putting into practice what we were learning in class and getting a much deeper knowledge about the job, but for me they were undeniably closely linked to how I developed as a person: I gained confidence and more control of my emotions, I started shaping myself into the professional I wanted to become.

Hospitality career progression within Four Seasons

Just before graduation, I was fortunate to have five job offers, but I was very clear in my mind that I wanted to join Four Seasons. I started my 6-year journey with them (and in their Doha property) with a Rooms Division Management Training contract that lasted one year. It was a great opportunity in a strong program that aims to prepare fresh graduates for the Assistant Manager role. At the end of it,I was promoted to Housekeeping Assistant Manager and then Concierge Assistant Manager.

Although these roles require very different skills and are filled with uncommon challenges and logistical requirements, I benefitted equally from both experiences. To succeed, I had to be adaptable and flexible at all times, I had to learn how to become a fast decision maker and a rational problem solver, I had to strengthen my people skills and try to take the right steps to become a balanced leader.

The time came when I felt the desire to leave hotel operations, and the hotel was seeking someone who would coordinate and look after a series of renovation projects that the property had to go through. This opportunity allowed me to move to the position of Project Manager where I got the chance to be involved with very interesting projects such as the rooms renovation, the opening a brand new restaurant and the capital projects.

Thanks to this exposure, I got into what I still consider the most beautiful and important experience of my life. In June 2012, I went on a task force to the Serengeti Park in Tanzania with the pre-opening team of the Four Seasons Safari LodgeThere, I was involved with the purchasing part of all the operating supplies and equipment required for the opening and I worked closely with the Corporate Office. Without the exposure and the opportunities I had with Four Seasons, I wouldn’t have been ready for what came after, and I will always be thankful to the company for that.

Sustainability in hospitality and tourism

The radical decision to leave Four Seasons came from my understanding that I needed a different lifestyle and work objectives for the future. I realized that my motivation in hospitality management was found in the educational side, and in sustainability and ecological solutions. To follow my heart, I gave myself the goal of opening my own eco-lodge or guest house as soon as I could find the right place to settle down, and until that time, I kept polishing my lifestyle and knowledge to be prepared when that time would come.

The Sandoway Resort opportunity came along as a trick played by destiny: it was not planned, but it turned out being the right place at the right time. It is not an eco-resort, but it is built in total harmony with nature and in our team there are only local people from the villages of the area. It was the right transition point for me to take the next steps towards eco tourism.

I am also lucky enough that I work with great owners who are very keen to keep the resort’s unique identity as untouched as possible and who are supporting the implementation of regulations which will ensure that any sort of development made in the area will be as sustainable as possible and won’t damage the local’s life and their home environment, while meeting the needs of the fast growing tourism demand in the country.

At the Sandoway I get the opportunity to witness a very gentle kind of tourism, with cautious and understanding visitors that, for the majority, seek nothing more than witnessing the authenticity that characterizes this marvelous country that is still true to its culture and traditions and is enriched by wonderful untouched landscapes.

Advice for future hospitality managers

Glion has been the very origin of my journey. Before Glion, I cant’s say I was sure about myself or about what my path would be, but I had the willingness to find it and to test myself out of my comfort zone. Glion has the key to so many locks: personal and professional development, mind opener, solid knowledge, cultural exchange, and great exposure to the field. Being a “Glioner” always generates positive impressions and can definitely open many doors.

For motivated students who want to become leaders and managers, my advice is very connected to my personality but it is genuine, I would tell them: It is not about being the best, running after a title just for the sake of it, but it is about finding happiness in what you do and doing it with your heart. There will be no limits or challenges hard enough to stop a passionate soul. Always be curious and think that the best insights come from the most diverse people you will meet along the journey of your life. Never avoid the unfamiliar or the unknown; this is a global industry all about discovering, renewing and most of all respecting.

Glion opens doors to the whole word for you; you just need to pack a luggage full of memories and lessons you have learned and go find the path that makes you heart beat the most.

Serena Lugli, Glion Alumna 2007, Resident Manager at the Sandoway Resort, Ngapali Beach – Myanmar


