
#GHEAC[学校新闻] 格里昂校长Judy HOU:来了解酒店专业本科学生的实习优势

What are they teaching students these days? A look at internships for hospitality degree students



  我们学校申请实习的学生其质量之高已经不是什么秘密。许多酒店公司来学校里寻找雇用我们的学生:平均每个学生会收到五份实习邀请,我们每年也会送出近500位学生出去实习。这样的硕果有一部分原因是格里昂学习和实践交替进行的教育课程。学生在实习之前会先参加一整年的课程 — 包括学术理论学习且这些学术理论侧重于教授学生敬业、项目工作能力以及如何培养软实力。这些都极大地促进了学生就业率的提高。

  国际企业也认为有酒店教育背景的实习生确实有优势。通常情况下,酒店专业的学生在顾客服务、尊重文化差异及解决实际问题方面都很擅长并且对不同的商业环境应付自如。因此越来越多别的行业的公司也选择录用酒店专业的学生。现在,除凯悦(Hyatt),四季(Four Seasons),以及文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental)这样的行业巨头之外,美国世界通讯国际公司(MCI)、摩根大通集团(JP Morgan)这样的企业也来招聘酒店专业的学生。



  更重要的是,酒店专业学生的实习范围远不止餐饮和接待类工作,他们也会去市场、金融和人力资源部门实习,或选择会展、媒体和奢侈品零售等行业。有一位学生在爱马仕(Hermes)客户沟通部门实习,另一位学生在米兰阿玛尼酒店(Armani Hotel of Milan)财务部门做成本控制专员。一份以我们学校已有过两次实习经历的330多名本科学士学位学生为样本的调查显示: 



  关于侯嘉惠(Judy Hou):侯嘉惠,总负责人/首席执行官,管理格里昂学校在瑞士和英国的校区。来格里昂之前,侯女士是中国上海锦江理诺士酒店管理学院(Les Roches Jin Jiang Hotel Management College)校长。

  侯嘉惠也是酒店商业评论杂志(Hotel Business Review Journal)的编委并撰写了多篇酒店行政与亚洲酒店管理的论文。

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What are they teaching students these days? A look at internships for hospitality degree students

Judy Hou, columnist and Director General/ CEO at Glion Institute of Higher Education discusses the advantages of internships for hospitality bachelor degree students and the companies who choose to employ them.

There’s no question that an internship experience makes a candidate more attractive to an employer, but what advantages do hospitality students offer as interns? And what does the internship contribute to their career-readiness? At Glion, students follow a transformative education programme through its curriculum and internship component. For employers, these trainees have hands-on experience in operations and know how to look professional, be customer-oriented, and work in multicultural teams, which is a great asset.

The quality of our internship candidates is no great secret. Many hospitality companies seek to hire our students: We receive an average of five internship offers per student and send close to 500 students on internships annually. This success is partly due to the transformative education process at Glion. Before their internships, our students take a full year of courses that include academic theory focused on professionalism in the workplace, project work, and soft-skill development, all of which is ultimately dedicated to improving one thing: students’ employability.

International companies recognize the benefits of hospitality-educated interns. Our students’ skills in customer service, cultural awareness, and problem solving are adaptable to diverse business environments. Consequently, the breadth of companies that hire our students has grown. Companies like MCI and JP Morgan now recruit our students, in addition to industry heavyweights like Hyatt, Four Seasons, and Mandarin Oriental.

Further more, hospitality students are not just learning from the industry, they are also shaping it. Through our highly experienced faculty, we ensure students stay appraised of industry trends. As interns, students take this avant-garde thinking with them into the workplace. The whole process improves management as a profession in hospitality businesses and creates more attractive candidates.

Let’s not forget that work experience also provides an overall benefit to an intern. Our students report that these first experiences offer an ideal environment to allow them to apply concepts from their studies and perfect their customer service skills, and they often find themselves earning more responsibilities during the internships.

What’s more, our internships opportunities span much more than food and beverage or reception work. Our students intern in marketing, finance, and HR departments or in fields such as events, media, and luxury retail. One student interned at Hermes in the communications department and another served as a cost-controller in the finance department of the Armani Hotel of Milan. A survey of more than 330 of our bachelor degree students after their second internship revealed that:
•        55% received a job offer directly after their internship;
•        75% would recommend their internship to other students; and
•        94% believed that what they learned during internship would benefit their careers.

Almost all our alumni agree that the practical side of transformative education plays an important role in their future careers. It helps them choose a fulfilling path and often helps them obtain a role in middle management or at the executive levels. In fact, 78% of Glion alumni, most of whom underwent two semesters of compulsory internships as part of their degree programme, go on to be managers, general managers, or directors in their career.


About Judy Hou: Judy Hou, Directeur General/CEO, manages Glion-branded institutions in Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Prior to Glion, Hou was CEO of Les Roches Jin Jiang Hotel Management College in Shanghai, China. 

Hou is on the editorial board of Hotel Business ReviewJournal and has authored several articles in Hotel Executive and Hotel Management Asia.


