

The Night Hotel Manager

格里昂高等教育学院                 2014年12月21日


  酒店从未有过真正的停歇:即使当客人们在他们无可挑剔的套房中舒适地放松享受的时候酒店也没有懈怠过。也没有人比 Engin Bulut — 酒店管理研究生文凭2007级毕业生 — 更了解酒店行业每周7天每天24小时不停歇的工作程序。

Engin在香格里拉酒店&度假村土耳其伊斯坦布尔博斯普鲁斯酒店(Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts Bosphorus hotel in Istanbul, Turkey)担任其最新职位时,我们对他进行了访谈。他在这里担任夜班经理。从格里昂毕业后这七年间,这位校友参与了酒店开业,随后通过运营管理工作开始得到稳步的提升。



Engin来到格里昂的时候本身已经有金融专业背景 — 在他的祖国土耳其(Turkey)获得工商管理学士学位(BBA),是一位结算和信贷专家。之前他还在一家酒店做过管理培训生,那次经历激励他继续深造,并将职业生涯调整为酒店管理。Engin在格里昂学习的是酒店管理研究生文凭课程,并且他为自己量身安排了课程:学习更多运营管理的知识为新的职业生涯做准备。


  在完成为期一年的研究生文凭课程之后,Engin开始实习,这是大多数研究生学生过渡到新职业生涯的方式。”当我完成了我在格里昂两个学期的课程之后,我决定做一份新的实习。我想提高我的法语,所以我在尼斯(Nice)一家Oetker Collection酒店工作了五个月,在那里我学会了在奢华酒店环境中酒店运营从头至尾所有的流程。实习结束后,我回到瑞士领取我的文凭证书。“

  格里昂有一个很好的优势就是许多公司会来学校里做宣传,这样我们就有机会了解这个行业。我正是以这种方式于2008年在四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel)即将在伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)博斯普鲁斯海峡(Bosphorus)新开的一家酒店中申请到了一个职位。在一个新开业的酒店工作,最令人兴奋的就是你有机会从它成立之初就融入到这里,成为酒店的一部分。在新酒店的开业团队中工作,经常会感受到极大的奉献精神、归属感和主人翁意识。

  “酒店开业后,我在前厅主管和团队领导的职位工作了三年。2011年,我获得升职并同时调离这里。这个机会确实很难得,我成为了黎巴嫩贝鲁特四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel in Beirut)的前厅副经理。这是一次特别好的机会,在中东和一个由25个不同国籍的同事组成的团队一起在同一家酒店工作。我在那里工作了一年,随后又升任伊斯坦布尔四季酒店(Four Seasons in Istanbul)夜班经理,”Engin说。



  从在四季酒店(Four Seasons)担任夜班经理的的第一天开始,Engin就回到了伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)博斯普鲁斯海峡(Bosphorus),在这里的四季酒店担任夜班经理和现任前厅经理。当被问及他计划下一步做什么的时候,他推测道,”我已经在这里工作了近2年了,我可能会很快得到提升,并且工作地点也会改变,或许会搬到亚洲。“


  通过在豪华酒店的工作经验, Engin也掌握了很多在世界顶尖酒店集团工作所需要具备的个人价值和能力。“在一个豪华酒店工作竞争是非常激烈的,我们需要为客户提供卓越的服务,而这是服务是没法教的。我们的空缺职位有很多人申请,但是很多申请人并没有掌握正确的服务方法。格里昂在这个方面就起到了很积极的作用,可以教给学生酒店的观念并对学生严格要求。”Engin说。


  要和Engin Bulut联系,点击find him on Linked in

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education

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The Night Hotel Manager

by Glion Institute of Higher Education   21 December 2014

Hotels never really sleep, even when the guests are tucked away comfortably in their impeccable suites. And nobody knows the 24/7 routine of the hospitality industry better than Engin Bulut, ’07 Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality.

We caught up with Engin in his latest position at the Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts Bosphorus hotel in Istanbul, Turkey where he is working as the Night Manager. In the seven years since he left Glion, this alumnus has participated in a hotel opening and commenced a steady career climb through operations management.

What makes Glion different?

When asked how and why he chose Glion, Engin categorically speaks of an undeniable feeling, “Any education can prepare someone to work, but the thing that makes Glion different from other schools is the special feeling that it transmits. The difference at Glion was the heart-felt welcoming atmosphere. And the level of quality. Glion taught us how to behave and maintain a professional attitude, in an international environment. During my stay, I had a Chinese roommate and he taught me a lot about their culture and customs. In such an international environment you develop empathy and professional awareness.”

Engin came to Glion from a finance background, as a billing and credit specialist with a BBA from his home country of Turkey. Previously, he also had the opportunity to work in a hotel as a trainee, and that experience motivated him to pursue further education and to reorient his career towards hospitality management. At Glion, Engin entered the Postgraduate Diploma program in Hospitality and tailored his courses to learn more about operations management in preparation for his new career path.

First steps in the industry

Upon completion of the one-year Postgraduate Diploma courses, Engin started an internship, which is how most postgraduate students transition into their new career. “When I finished my two semesters at Glion, I decided to take a new internship. I wanted to improve my French, so I worked in Nice in an Oetker Collection hotel for five months. There, I learned all about hotel operations from A to Z in a luxury hotel environment. After that internship, I came back to Switzerland to receive my Diploma.

One of the nice things about Glion was that many companies came to introduce themselves and we had a chance to get to know the industry. That is how I got the position at the Four Seasons Hotel opening of the Bosphorus in Istanbul in 2008. The most exciting thing for anyone working on a new opening is the opportunity to be part of something special from its inception. There is always a tremendous amount of dedication, belonging and ownership among the opening teams of new hotels.

“Following the hotel’s opening, I stayed on for 3 years as a front office supervisor and team leader. In 2011, I received a promotion and a transfer at the same time. It was really difficult, I became the Assistant Front Office Manager position, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beirut. It was a great opportunity to work in the Middle East and to work with a team composed of some 25 nationalities working in the same hotel. For one year I stayed there and then I got the promotion to Night Manager at the Four Seasons in Istanbul,” Engin said.

What exactly does a Night Manager do?

Behind this rather simple title lies a complex operations management position, as Engin explained, “A Night Manager is responsible for managing the operations and activities during the overnight shift and ensuring communications and follow-up with day shift on any problems, guest requests or special requirements. I also monitored the staff activities to assure that standards are being met, staff is being supported, and guest needs are being met. My other main task was taking action in all matters related to the safety, security, satisfaction and well-being of hotel guests and employees.”

From his first Night Manager position at Four Seasons, Engin has since returned to the hotel Bosphorus in Istanbul as a Night Manager and acting Front Office Manager. When asked about what he plans to do next, he speculated, “I’ve been working here for almost 2 years, soon I’ll probably be up for a promotion and a location change, maybe to move to Asia.”

Working for luxury brands

Through his experience with luxury hotel brands, Engin has also learned a lot about the values and competencies it takes to work in the world’s leading hotel chains. “Working in a hotel luxury brand, the competition is very high and we have to provide a service that cannot be taught. We have had many applicants for vacancies, but many applicants don’t have the right approach to service. In that respect, Glion performs a crucial role by teaching this sense of hospitality and rigor to students,” said Engin.

So, next time you see the sun set on a hotel balcony, think of the Night Managers around the world. In this industry that never sleeps, people like Engin are working to ensure that guest expectations are met, no matter what time of the day or night.

To keep up with Engin Bulut, you can find him on Linked in.



