
#GHEAC#[校友风采] 假期!终于来临了!

Holidays! Finally!

Martin Kubler    2012年5月25日


  闻一闻,再闻一闻!你能闻到吗?嗯 — ,假期的气息扑面而来!


  我现在正在进行我在格里昂在线MBA课程中全球战略管理模块的最后阶段的学习。这个在线课程和实体的教室授课非常相似,但是就像这个课程的名字所体现的,在线MBA课程是100%的网络在线授课,以我们现在学习的模块为例,这对我们学习小组的能力是一个真正的考验。我们有三项作业和一个小组项目。这些任务都需要完全在周日通过我们“虚拟的”团队合作来完成,我们的合作需要跨过四个国家,跨过许多时区。在临近在线学习和小组合作的阶段性截止时间时会有一些压力 …


  在过去的一年半时间里我一直在进行高强度的学习,不过好在现在我的MBA课程已经可以望见终点,假期结束之后我只要再完成最后三个学习模块和我的毕业项目就可以了。我知道这个课程快结束了,于是我也该逐渐开始考虑对未来的规划以及MBA课程结束之后去做些什么了。想象一下 — 我很快就能拥有这么多的自由时间了!

  我现在计划再做一份兼职老师的工作(线上线下均可),因为当老师很有趣,有挑战性,可以将知识回馈给这个行业,并且相对来说更容易与我现在担任的酒店顾问工作结合起来。然后,当然就是瞄准我一直在寻找的梦想职位 — “首席创新官(Chief Innovation Officer)”…

  你有什么想法?我们行业的工作本质真的变了吗?赛斯·高汀(Seth Godin)说:“未来是各种活动,资产,艺术以及一列不断变化而层出不穷的合作和项目的天下”他说的对吗?



  这些是我今天想和大家分享的内容 — 我还有一些作业要完成,并且还要收拾行李!如果你也是正要去度假,祝你度过一个愉悦的假期!如果你还要留下来工作,那就争取在这几天创造出最多的价值!

  想和我保持联系?可以通过推特网(Twitter)、领英(LinkedIn)和Facebook找我(Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook)— 欢迎联系!

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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Holidays! Finally!

by Martin Kubler   25 May 2012

Sniff, sniff! Can you smell it? Mhmmm, smells like holidays to me!

Right now, my upcoming holiday still seems ages away, even though we’ll be jetting off to Europe in only 4 days, but until then it’s still work, work, and work.

I’m currently in the final stretches of the Global Strategic Management module of my Glion Online MBA. The online program mirrors the classroom-based program very closely, but is, as the name suggests, delivered 100% online and in the case of my current module, that’s really testing the metals of my study group. Three assignments, plus a group project, which are all due on Sunday and have to be compiled entirely through our “virtual” team-work across 4 countries and as many time-zones. It’s slightly stressful being at the cutting edge of online learning and working…

Anyway, we’re almost there and I intend to make the most of the two weeks break between modules and spend some much needed time with my family during my holidays. We’ll be off to Germany first and then to Spain for some R&R by the beach.

It’s been a wild virtual ride for me during the past year and a half, but the end of my MBA program is now in sight and after the holidays I will only have three modules and my final project left. With this in mind, it’s slowly time to think about the future and decide what I want to do post-MBA. Just imagine – I’ll suddenly have all this free time floating around!

My current plan is to add an element of part-time teaching (either online or offline) to my projects, because it’s interesting, challenging, allows me to give something back to the industry, and can also relatively easily be combined with my work as a hospitality consultant. Then, of course, there’s that illusive “Chief Innovation Officer” position I’m on the lookout for…

What do you think? Is the nature of work in our industry really changing? Is Seth Godin right when he says that “The future is about gigs and assets and art and an ever-shifting series of partnerships and projects.”

I personally think he is right and the way we all work, but also the way people travel and use hotels, will undergo seismic changes in the next decade. Innovation will be tomorrow’s currency and companies had better be prepared.

Aside from work, I’d quite fancy a change of scenery and swapping the sandpits of the Middle East with greener pastures, preferably in Asia. After all, one of the most enjoyable benefits of our industry and also of studying with Glion, is the relative ease you can move around with and experience new countries and cultures.

That’s it from me for today – I’ve still got some assignments to finish and my suitcases to pack! If you’re off on your holidays, too, I wish you happy travels! If you’re stuck at work, make the most of it!

Want to stay in touch?  I’m on TwitterLinkedIn, and Facebook –you’re welcome to connect!


