
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂高等教育学院开设了新专业:奢侈品牌管理








  格里昂与米兰多莫斯设计学院( Domus Academy)共同研究制定了奢侈品方向的课程表。多莫斯设计学院(Domus)是意大利最负盛名的设计学校之一,且一直被行业内有影响力的领导人士认为是时尚、设计和建筑领域的全球卓越中心。通过这次合作,学生们将可以参加由多莫斯及业内伙伴共同在米兰开设的研讨会,或通过参与一个具有全球影响力品牌的商业项目增长实践经验。多莫斯在业内的合作伙伴有卡地亚(Cartier)、克利斯蒂(Christie’s)、德比尔斯(De Beers)、蒙克莱(Moncler)和萨瓦托•菲拉格慕(Salvatore Ferragamo)等。

  “这对于格里昂来说是一个令人兴奋的时刻,”格里昂高等教育学院首席执行官候嘉惠(Judy Hou)说。“在过去的10年间我们的毕业生已经赢得了一些旨在为顾客提供独特体验的公司和高端品牌的信任,格里昂不仅为酒店和度假村提供顶尖人才,也为时尚、零售、银行与航空公司都提供了越来越多的人才。”

  这个专业方向的设立源于体验行业中的奢侈品领域及奢侈品行业中的体验领域对格里昂毕业生的需求增多。这个新课程将会教授学生与众不同的技能和素质,使学生们在奢侈品行业中总比别人领先一步。具体课程包括奢华体验设计( designing luxury experiences)、奢侈品牌管理(management of a luxury brand)、奢侈品及服务市场营销(marketing of luxury goods and services)、奢侈品顾客行为理论( luxury consumer behavior)及奢侈品交流与媒体计划(luxury communication and media planning)。

  格里昂致力于使学生在酒店和奢侈品管理行业开展一份成功的国际化事业,奢侈品牌管理方向课程也与此宗旨保持一致。根据德勤会计师事务所( Deloitte)2014年奢侈品报告,世界前75名奢侈品牌2012年在美国的净销售额达到1722亿美元,年复合增长率为14.2%(2010-2012).这样迅猛的发展有一部分是由于高端零售和金融机构客服服务环节的加强。



  如需更多格里昂高等教育学院、其姐妹院校多莫斯设计学院(Domus Academy)以及劳瑞特国际大学联盟的信息,请访问www.laureate.net.



  格里昂高等教育学院是一所私立的瑞士学校,成立于1962年,提供酒店、旅游、会展、体育赛事和娱乐行业管理专业的本科生和研究生课程。格里昂是经由新英格兰学校和学院协会(NEASC)认证的具有大学水平的学校并且在豪华酒店招聘管理人员的全球酒店管理学校中排名前三(TNS全球调查,2013)。格里昂在瑞士和英国共有三个校区:位于日内瓦湖畔著名的蒙特勒度假村( Montreux)附近山上的的格里昂校区、位于格吕耶尔(Gruyère )心脏区域的布勒校区及伦敦校区。格里昂为国际学生们提供了完美的、安全的、多元文化的教育环境是格里昂的独特优势。更多信息请访问http://glion.gheac.com/格里昂是劳瑞特酒店教育集团的一部分,该集团是酒店管理教育集团的领导者。


  多莫斯设计学院是意大利首家研究生设计学院,作为一个专注于意大利设计和时尚体验的开放性项目1982年创立于米兰。这些年以来,多莫斯设计学院也坚持履行其作为一所学校的重要职责,这也是其全部意义所在:一个提供研究生教育的地方及创新和主题设计实验室。学院开设了12门硕士课程:饰品设计(Accessories Design)、商务设计(Business Design)、汽车运输设计( Car & Transportation Design)、产品设计(Product Design)、时尚设计(Fashion Design)、互动设计(Interaction Design)、室内与生活设计(Interior & Living Design)、城市愿景与建筑设计(Urban Vision & Architectural Design)、时尚造型与视觉营销(Fashion Styling & Visual Merchandising)、时尚管理( Fashion Management)、品牌视觉设计( Visual Brand Design)、奢侈品牌管理(Luxury Brand Management)。2009年是多莫斯设计学院连续第三年荣登《商业周刊》评选的世界最佳60所设计学院排行榜。2012年、2013年和2014年多莫斯设计学院均被《构架》( Frame )杂志和《大师构图指南》( Masterclass Frame Guide)选中评为毕业设计、建筑、室内世纪和时尚类学校中全球前30名,且多莫斯杂志也被评为欧洲建筑和设计学校前100名。www.domusacademy.com



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Glion has educated students in delivering luxury experiences for more than 50 years

Clarens, Switzerland

Clarens, April 23, 2015—Glion Institute of Higher Education, one of the world’s top three institutions of higher education for an international career in hospitality management, is launching a new specialization in Luxury Brand Management. Classes will start in July 2015.

This is the first specialization of its kind to be offered by a hospitality management school. The specialization will be taught during the student’s final year, as part of the 3.5 year bachelor’s degree program and has been developed in close relationship with luxury leaders and professionals, encompassing case studies, testimonials and workshops.

Glion partnered with Domus Academy in Milan to develop the luxury specialization curricula. Domus is one of the most prestigious design schools in Italy, and considered a school of global excellence in the areas of fashion, design, and architecture by influential industry leaders. Through this collaboration, students will be able to attend workshops in Milan conducted by Domus and industry partners, gaining hands-on experience through business projects for a globally influential brand. Some of Domus’ partners include Cartier, Christie’s, De Beers, Moncler and Salvatore Ferragamo.

“This is an exciting time for Glion,” said Judy Hou, CEO of Glion Institute of Higher Education. “Over the past 10 years, our graduates have earned the trust of several companies with high- end brands that seek to deliver unique customer experiences. Glion is no longer only providing top-notch talent for hotels and resorts, but more and more for fashion, retail, banking and aviation companies.”

The genesis of the specialization has been the increased demand for Glion graduates from the luxury sector of the experience industry, and from players in the experiential segments of the luxury industry. The new program will equip students with distinctive skills and attributes that will give them a head-start for careers in luxury sectors. Courses include designing luxury experiences, management of a luxury brand, marketing of luxury goods and services, luxury consumer behavior and luxury communication and media planning.

The Luxury Brand Management specialization is aligned with Glion’s commitment to preparing students for a successful international career in hospitality and luxury management. According to Deloitte’s 2014 luxury goods report, the world’s top 75 luxury brands accounted for US $172.2 billion of aggregate net sales in 2012, and a compound annual growth rate of 14.3% (2010–2012). This strong performance is partly due to enhanced customer service at high-end retailers and financial institutions.

“The soft skills, interpersonal abilities and flair for languages that Glion equips its students with are beneficial to the customer service of several industries that serve sophisticated clients who expect the highest standard of service,” said Hou. “Indeed, Glion teaches students to embrace customer service through applied hands-on learning, innovation, attention to detail, responsiveness to customer demands and a high level of individual care. It is a distinctive part of their professional DNA.”

Glion’s program is unique as it will focus on learning the luxury industry through courses taken as part of a hospitality management degree. Graduates are expected to have the business acumen and customer and service skills that make Glion alumni so successful.

For more information about Glion Institute of Higher Education, its sister institution Domus Academy, and the Laureate International Universities network, visit www.laureate.net.


About Glion Institute of Higher Education

Founded in 1962, Glion Institute of Higher Education is a private Swiss institute that offers undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate programs in the fields of hospitality, tourism, and events, sports and entertainment management. Glion is accredited at the university level by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. (NEASC) and ranked by luxury hotel hiring managers among the top three hospitality management schools in the world for an international career (TNS Global Survey, 2013). Glion is located on three campuses in Switzerland and the UK: in Glion, above the famous resort of Montreux on the shores of Lake Geneva; in Bulle, in the heart of the Gruyère region; and in London. Glion has the unique advantage of offering its international student body an ideal, safe and multicultural educational environment. For more information, visit http://glion.gheac.com/. Glion is part of Laureate Hospitality Education, a leading hospitality management education group (www.laureatehospitality.com).

Domus Academy

Domus Academy was founded in Milan in 1982 as the first post-graduate design school in Italy, and as an open project focusing on the Italian design and fashion experience. Throughout the years, Domus Academy also asserted its importance as a school, in the full meaning of the term: a place for post-graduate education and research lab investigating innovation and design topics. The Academy offers 12 masters courses: Accessories Design, Business Design, Car & Transportation Design, Product Design, Fashion Design, Interaction Design, Interior & Living Design, Urban Vision & Architectural Design, Fashion Styling & Visual Merchandising, Fashion Management, Visual Brand Design, Luxury Brand Management.  In 2009, for the third consecutive year, Business Week included Domus Academy within the 60 best Design schools in the world. In 2012, 2013 and 2014 Domus Academy was selected by Frame and included in the Masterclass Frame Guide to the 30 World’s Leading Graduate Design, Architecture, Interior Design and Fashion Schools, as well as by Domus Magazine as one of Europe’s Top 100 schools of Architecture and Design. www.domusacademy.com

About Laureate International Universities

Laureate International Universities is a trusted global leader in providing access to high-quality, innovative institutions of higher education. The Laureate International Universities network includes more than 80 accredited campus-based and online universities. Our more than 950,000 students are part of an academic community that spans 29 countries throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, North Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Laureate universities offer hundreds of undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degree programs in fields including architecture, art, business, culinary arts, design, education, engineering, health sciences, hospitality management, information technology, law and medicine. President William J. Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, serves as The Honorary Chancellor of the Laureate International Universities network, offering advice on social responsibility, youth leadership and increasing access to higher education. For more information, visit www.laureate.net.

