

What about the brand called “You”?

Martin Kubler    2012年6月18日



  这里的夏天一直都比较安静,因为这里的很多居民都去国外度暑假,商业活动在夏天也会停歇一段日子。今年,斋月 — 伊斯兰教的斋戒月 — 也在夏天来临,这就意味着从7月中旬到8月中旬这期间人们要减少工作时间,且日常生活也要转移到晚上进行。





  从一个简短的、有意义的自我介绍开始 — 在为大学报告或论文写主题句的时候想想这个个人介绍。主题句是你文章中的一或两句话,阐明了你论文的研究核心并告诉读者这篇论文要讲什么内容。你的自我介绍也应该做成这样,你可以把它放到你的个人简历中,也可以放在领英(LinkedIn)等职业社交网站中,或者在申请工作时放在求职信或电子邮件中。




  精心打造的资料展示和一致的个人品牌也会使你的网络社交之路更加通畅,会提升你在行业中的个人形象,或者求职时也会获得即时加分。人们常常把网络社交比作参加鸡尾酒会。你的个人品牌就好比你参加酒会时穿的晚宴服或黑色小礼服。毕竟,你总不能梦想着穿着睡衣去参加一个鸡尾酒会吧 …

  你的个人品牌可以为你带来很多机遇,所以定期花一些时间整理你在社交网站上的个人资料还是非常值得的,确保这些资料都悉心整理过并且及时更新。如果想做一个出色的个人品牌介绍,可以看一下这篇文章: http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/10/brandyou.html

  想和我保持联系?可以通过推特网(Twitter)、领英(LinkedIn)、Google+和Facebook找我(TwitterLinkedInGoogle+, and Facebook)— 欢迎联系!

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What about the brand called “You”?

by Martin Kubler 18 June 2012

A week ago, I returned from my short European vacation and I’m now back in Dubai, taking refuge inside my office and various coffee shops to escape the rising temperatures.

Summer is traditionally a bit quieter here in the region, as residents enjoy their summer holidays abroad and corporate events take a summer break. This year, Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, also falls into the summer months, which means reduced working hours and life shifting into the evening and night from mid-July to mid-August.

I like to use the slower pace of summer life to tidy up my office, complete various smaller projects I didn’t get around to finishing during the busy months, and also to review the positioning of my personal brand.

In the Glion MBA program, we learn about the importance of corporate branding, creating and positioning company brands, and we also look into how brands communicate with consumers and why certain brands appear to be more successful than others. Forget about company brands for a little while and spend some time thinking about the No. 1 brand in your life: You.

“I’m not a brand! I’m an individual!” some of you might say and they are, of course, right, but from the perspective of a potential employer, students (whether undergraduate or postgraduate) who are looking to advance in their careers, are essentially commodities. We’ve all heard of job advertisements attracting far more applications than the number of available vacancies, or of jobs which are never really advertised. How then do you manage to stick out and get employers to notice you?

The answer is: By looking after your personal brand.

Start with a short & meaningful introduction – think of it as writing a thesis statement for a university report or essay. The thesis statement is that sentence or two in your text that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about. Your introduction should accomplish the same. You can use it on your CV, on professional networking sites like LinkedIn, or in cover letters or emails when applying for a job.

Human Resources Managers are often very busy and, faced with an avalanche of applications for a vacancy, are forced to sort out piles of CVs quickly. In the first round, they probably spend less than a minute looking at your CV, so a succinct introduction is critical.

Next, review your profiles and privacy settings on the various social networking sites you’re a member of. It goes without saying that employers who ‘google’ you shouldn’t find compromising pictures from your last night out with your friends, but what about spelling and grammar, a properly presented employment history, and up-to-date skills and expertise?

You may think that all this is common sense, yet sadly it isn’t. Not so long ago when I was still a Hotel Manager, I frequently rejected applications because applicants failed to spell job titles correctly, misspelled the names of past employers, or included ‘expertise’ which was irrelevant for the position they were applying for. Do you think I’m severe? Frankly, if applicants cannot be bothered to spell correctly, what will they do when communicating with my guests?

A properly thought out and maintained personal brand also makes networking much easier and instantly increases your image in your industry or marketplace. People often compare networking with attending a cocktail party. Your personal brand then is your dinner suit or little black dress. After all, you wouldn’t dream of walking into a cocktail party in your pyjamas…

Your personal brand can open many doors, so it’s worth taking some time out regularly to make sure it’s polished and up-to-date. For a really good introduction to personal branding, take a look at this article: 

Want to stay in touch? I’m on  TwitterLinkedInGoogle+, and Facebook – you’re welcome to connect!


