
#GHEAC#[校友风采] 变更管理

Change Management


  “要么接受生活,要么改变它。如果不能接受,那么必须改变它。如果生活不可改变,那么必须接受它。”— 温斯顿·丘吉尔







  根据字典的解释,改变指的是“转换或转变,表现在事物的形式、本质、内容、未来的发展等方面”,我们可以采取如下方式改变我们的未来:投入到新的挑战中。酒店和旅游行业每时每刻都在以直接或间接的方式要求改变。在酒店中是表现在客房、餐饮企业、供货商和各种策略方面。明确你的目标市场并提高你的市场营销技能 — 因为极有可能一家公司会因为注意到你的创新能力和适应能力而愿意和你合作。创新能力和适应能力是当今公司和个人都希望具备的能力。而灵活的处事能力使我在会展行业各项工作间都游刃有余。



英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Change Management

by Alumni 27 August 2012

“Life can either be accepted or changed. If it is not accepted, it must be changed. If it cannot be changed, then it must be accepted.” –Winston Churchill

Don’t be afraid of changes!

If there’s one lesson that I’ve learned from all my trips and time abroad it’s that change is the best way to re-route, to input a new direction on our life GPS.

Obviously, changing often means being scared, anxious, afraid, cautious, etc. However, it also means being excited, hopeful and more than you imagine, adventurous.

If it was not for a sense of adventure I am not quite sure I would have made it here today. At times, I had absolutely no clue where I was standing and sometimes even where I was going. But I had a purpose, a focus, the only thing that I had to do was design my path and follow my dreams.

Obviously I am just starting my career and all, but perhaps I could give you all a piece of advice. If the opportunities knock on your door, never be afraid to open it. Think, re-think, but never, never give up without trying.

We should be glad that the career path that we have chosen in hospitality allows us to discover new places and cultures, travel and interact in uncountable ways. It is understandable that sometimes we want to be in our own comfort zone, maybe because it is easier, cosier, or something. But the world is out there, the opportunities are out there.

According to the dictionary, change means “to transform or convert, to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc.”, this is how we change our own future course: by diving into new challenges. The hospitality and tourism industry, directly or indirectly, requires changes all the time. In hospitality, it`s in rooms, catering companies, suppliers, strategies. Why not make a concept that you can target in the market and promote your own marketing skills? Most likely, a company will like you when someone notices your sense of innovation and adaptability. This is what people and companies want today. Being flexible is what brought me to my position as <insert guy’s title here> that I have today in the events industry.

So, next time you grab a map or a globe, spin it around, three times, pick a pencil, point to wherever stops and try making plans. Jokes apart, try making some plans that can boost your career and don’t be afraid of changes.



