
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 泰国媒体访问格里昂高等教育学院

07/03/2011 – 泰国媒体访问格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education)  说明:来自泰国的高端媒体与其他烹饪和酒店杂志在本周访问格里昂高等教育学院

  来自泰国的高端媒体集团如曼谷邮报(Bangkok Post),每日新闻报(Daily News Newspaper),邮政今日(Post Today)和其他烹饪和酒店杂志在本周访问国际职位全球顶级酒店管理学校之一的格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education)。

  这个团体的8名记者在格里昂学校的行程非常忙碌。他们参观了Glion和Bulle校区的校园设施,访问了学习不同课程的泰国学生。他们还有机会拜访学术代表,世界罗瑞特酒店教育集团(LHE,Laureate Hospitality Education)管理者和副总裁Arie van der Spek先生。格里昂高等教育学院是全球知名酒店组织罗瑞特酒店教育集团LHE旗下的八所学校之一。目前在全球4大洲5个国家,罗瑞特酒店教育集团为学生提供不同的转学机会和海外学习机会。


  当媒体团队结束了对学校众多的访问,会议和参观后,这个团队来到了格里昂Bluche校区所在地Gruyères游玩并参观了学校附近的夏兰古堡(Chillon Castle)。体验泰国学生在格里昂学习生活时的感受对他们来说是很重要的。


咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E


07/03/2011 - Thai media visit Glion Institute of Higher Education* Description:
High end media from Thailand and other culinary or hotel magazines visited this week Glion

High end media from Thailand such as the Bangkok Post, the Daily News Newspaper and the Post Today and other culinary or hotel magazines visited this week Glion Institute of Higher Education (GIHE), one of the leading hospitality schools in the world for an international career.
The group of eight journalists had a busy program in GIHE. They visited the facilities of Glion and Bulle campuses and interviewed Thai students from different programs. They also had the opportunity to meet the representatives of the academics, the management and the vice president of Laureate Hospitality Education Worldwide, Mr. Arie van der Spek. GIHE is one of the eight institutions part of Laureate Hospitality Education (LHE), a leading hospitality group in the world. Present in five countries and four continents, LHE provides different transfer options as well as opportunities to study abroad.
“This visit is very important for us as we understand now that hospitality is much more than service and kitchen but that you can study to have high level jobs such as becoming general manager of a five star hotel. We have now to educate people in Thailand to change their wrong vision of hospitality” said Mrs. Balankura, Social Director at Hello magazine.
After many interviews, meetings and visits, the group was able to play the tourists in Gruyères where the Bulle campus is situated and to visit the Chillon Castle near Glion. It was also important for them to have a feeling of the campus surroundings as Thai students experience it when they study in Glion.
Many media from around the world come each year to visit GIHE and meet with the faculty and some of its students coming from almost 100 different nationalities.


