
#GHEAC#[格里昂成功校友]校友访谈 — 来自法国的Edouard Lallemand

Alumnus Interview – Edouard Lallemand, France
校友访谈 — 来自法国的Edouard Lallemand 

  格里昂高等教育学院                   2014年5月28日

  会见Edouard Lallemand — 越南(Vietnam)铂尔曼岘港海滩酒店(Pullman Danang Beach Resort)客房部经理:负责水疗中心





  我在酒店行业的第一份工作经验是在巴黎(Paris)玛德莲广场(La Place de la Madeleine)一家四星级酒店做前台接待员。随后,因为实习的关系,我加入了北美雅高集团德克萨斯州卡罗敦总部(Accor North America in the headquarters at Carrollton, Texas)。我在那里遇到了一位格里昂的校友,她的专业背景令人印象深刻,是她让我认识了格里昂。






  为了使我的格里昂学位更有价值,我在普罗旺斯四季度假酒店(Four Seasons Resort Provence)客房部做了8个月的管理培训生实习,这家酒店现在以布兰奇渔村高尔夫温泉酒店(le Terre Blanche Hôtel Spa Golf Resort)著称。我在客房服务、前厅、夜间账务审核、礼宾服务等不同的领域工作时掌握了很多实践技能。

  2008年12月毕业后,我成为索菲特欧洲卢森堡酒店(Sofitel Luxembourg Europe)前厅副经理。管理109间客房,我需要让自己适应这个新环境,在小团队工作中学习,直接向(客房部)经理汇报工作。一年半之后,我收到了雅高集团(Accor)一份特别好的工作邀请 — 加入其在土库曼斯坦(Turkmenistan)新开业的豪华酒店Sofitel Oguzkent Ashgabat:这是一次大好机会,这是雅高集团在中亚的第一家酒店。我从宾客服务经理职位做起,接待国际官方代表团。我到任时,这个部门还没有团队,因此我还要招聘和训练员工。在这个职位工作了一年之后,我成为了驻店,办公室和艺廊的经理,负责69套豪华公寓、15间办公室和17个商店的市场研究管理。一年之后我的工作职责又加入了前厅经理的角色,管理酒店里299个房间和套房。我在土库曼斯坦的工作经历十分独特,有时候工作会遇到困顿,却让我学到了很多东西。从一无所有开始建立一个酒店是一个真正的挑战,但这正是吸引我的地方。它对我来说是一个巨大的挑战,但也教给了我很多东西,尤其是团队管理能力。

  2013年5月,一个新的工作机会来到我身边:担任越南(Vietnam)铂尔曼岘港海滩酒店(Pullman Danang Beach Resort)客房部经理 — 铂尔曼是雅高集团(Accor)的一个高端品牌。

  酒店坐落在岘港(Danang)— 越南最美丽的海滨之一,越南第三大城市,其经济正在高速发展。这家酒店有巨大的发展空间。最近酒店被集团接手管理,正在重新进行品牌定位,而我在这里的角色也非常具有多样性。我通过雅高集团的方法培训团队,在整个酒店落实与铂尔曼酒店和度假村的声誉相符的相同的服务品质标准。忠诚度项目、客户服务、前厅、客房服务和水疗中心都在统一服务标准的进程当中。



英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Alumnus Interview – Edouard Lallemand, France

by Glion Institute of Higher Education   28 May 2014

Meet with Edouard Lallemand, Rooms Division Manager in charge of the Spa at Pullman Danang Beach Resort – Vietnam.

Edouard graduated from Glion in 2008 with a Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality Management.

Why did you choose to study at Glion Institute of Higher Education in Switzerland ?

It was a series of opportunities and experiences in my academic path that, little by little, opened the road to the world of hospitality and tourism.

With both of my parents being Diplomats, I always traveled a lot which probably developed my taste for travelling. Before Glion, I studied in a French Business School and graduated with a Master degree. During the preparation years, we had to do a 2-month internship in the field of our choice. I wanted to find an internship which could enable me to showcase the French sense of hospitality, which was often criticized at an international level.

It was my first experience in the hospitality industry as a receptionist in a 4-star hotel at La Place de la Madeleine in Paris. Later, for my internship, I joined Accor North America in the headquarters at Carrollton, Texas. I met an alumna from Glion with an impressive professional background who introduced me Glion in very good way.

I finally came to Glion to do a Postgraduate degree (PGD) in Hospitality Administration, combining 2 semesters and a 6-month internship.

What are Glion’s added values ?

What I loved at Glion, and what has been the greatest point of the PGD program, was its tailor-made curriculum which enables you to choose the courses you want to follow and what interests you the most. The PGD student profiles and backgrounds are very diverse and some of the students come from industries that are not related to the hospitality industry. Glion gives the opportunity to choose the courses in regards to our own past experiences and needs.

Beyond a personalized curriculum, one of the strengths of Glion is the alumni network of industry professionals who are a great resource when looking for an internship or a job opportunity. The network is very active, with multiple organized reunions around the world to celebrate our community. Several years after our graduation, the Glion spirit is still there!

Can you talk about your professional experience so far since you graduated from Glion ?

In order to validate my Glion degree, I did a 8-month internship in Management Training at the Four Seasons Resort Provence, today known as « le Terre Blanche Hôtel Spa Golf Resort » in the Rooms Division Department. I gained practical skills while working in different areas such as housekeeping, front office, night audit, concierge service, etc.

After I graduated in December 2008, I became Assistant Front Office Manager at the Sofitel Luxembourg Europe. With 109 rooms, I had to settle myself in this new environment and learn a lot within a small team, reporting directly to the Room Division Manager. After a year and a half, I received an excellent offer and a great opportunity from the Accor Group to participate in the opening of a luxury hotel in Turkmenistan, the Sofitel Oguzkent Ashgabat, the first hotel of the group in Central Asia. I began as a Guest Services Manager to welcome international official delegations. When I started in this position, there was no team in place. Therefore, I had to recruit and train employees. After one year at this position, I became Residences, Offices & Gallery Manager, taking in charge the market research management activities for 69 luxury apartments, 15 offices and 17 stores. One year later, my job duties have evolved to add the role of Front Office Manager to my current roles which involves managing 299 rooms and suites in the hotel. My experience in Turkmenistan has been unique. It was sometimes difficult but so educational! Starting from nothing was a real challenge and that is what attracted me. It was a big change for me but it taught me a lot, especially about team management.

In May 2013, a new opportunity came to me: to become the Rooms Division Manager at the Pullman Danang Beach Resort (Vietnam) – Pullman being an upscale brand of the Accor Group.

Located on one the most beautiful beaches in the country, this resort is situated in the city of Danang, the 3rd largest city of Vietnam, which is booming economically. Development possibilities for this hotel were huge. Recently handled by the group, the hotel is currently in the process of re-branding and my role here is very diverse. I am putting in place the same quality standards, matching the reputation of Pullman Hotels and Resorts, by training the teams with Accor tools and processes. The loyalty programs, customer services, front office, housekeeping, and spa are part of this process.

How do you see your future?

My professional goal is to stay in Asia and continue to advance my career. The Accor Group is experiencing constant development which offers many great opportunities.


