
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 瑞士格里昂酒店管理学院(GLION)- 酒店实习使学生在各个方面均获益匪浅

Hospitality internships serve all parties

  侯嘉惠 | 2014年9月9日,周二



  国际企业也认为有酒店教育背景的实习生确实有优势。通常情况下,酒店专业的学生在顾客服务、尊重文化差异及解决实际问题方面都很擅长并且对不同的商业环境应付自如。因此越来越多别的行业的公司也选择录用酒店专业的学生。现在,除凯悦(Hyatt),四季(Four Seasons),以及文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental)这样的行业巨头之外,美国世界通讯国际公司(MCI)、摩根大通集团(JP Morgan)这样的企业也来招聘酒店专业的学生。





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Hospitality internships serve all parties

By Judy Hou | September 9, 2014, Tuesday

There’s no question an internship experience makes a candidate more attractive to an employer, but what advantages do hospitality students offer as interns? And what does the internship contribute to their career-readiness?

At Glion, for instance, students follow a transformative education program through its curriculum and internship component. For employers, these trainees have hands-on experience in operations and know how to look professional, be customer-oriented, and work in multicultural teams, which is a great asset.

International companies recognize the benefits of hospitality-educated interns. Usually, hospitality students’ skills in customer service, cultural awareness, and problem solving are adaptable to diverse business environments. Consequently, the breadth of companies that hire hospitality students has grown. Companies like MCI and JP Morgan now recruit hospitality students, in addition to industry heavyweights like Hyatt, Four Seasons, and Mandarin Oriental.

Furthermore, hospitality students are not just learning from the industry, they are also shaping it. As interns, students should take this avant-garde thinking with them into the workplace. The whole process improves management as a profession in hospitality businesses and creates more attractive candidates.

Let’s not forget that work experience also provides an overall benefit to an intern. Our students report that these first experiences offer an ideal environment to allow them to apply concepts from their studies and perfect their customer service skills, and they often find themselves earning more responsibilities during the internships.

What’s more, internship opportunities for hospitality students span much more than food and beverage or reception work. They should also intern in marketing, finance, and HR departments or in fields such as events, media, and luxury retail. A survey of more than 330 of our bachelor degree students after their second internship revealed that: 55 percent received a job offer directly after their internship; 75 percent would recommend their internship to other students.

The practical side of transformative education plays an important role in their future careers. It helps them choose a fulfilling path and often helps them obtain a role in middle management or at the executive levels.


