
#GHEAC#[格里昂成功校友]纯净生活的国度:哥斯达黎加 — 第一部分

Pura Vida! – Part 1
纯净生活的国度:哥斯达黎加 — 第一部分



  这次我想和你们分享我最新的旅行经历。仲夏,正是休假时节,我和我的朋友们决定在这个假期出国游玩。我们选择的这个国家以生态旅游、热带雨林、火山、猴子、珍奇鸟类而闻名,并且还有许多别的有趣的东西。这个国家的名字叫哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica),这里的一切事物都是那么的纯净 —Pura Vida!“Pura Vida”这个词简直就可以作为这个国家的代名词:你在每个地方都能听到它、看到它。这个词语从字面上翻译过来是“纯净生活”。但是其本质意义是每一件事物都是美好的,热爱生活,万岁!是一句具有非常积极的意义的话语。我想说,它还反映了哥斯达黎加的生活方式。如果有人问候“你好吗?”, 你会经常听到这样的回应: Pura Vida!

  哥斯达黎加是一个中美洲国家,北邻尼加拉瓜(Nicaragua),东南部临巴拿马(Panama),西邻太平洋,东临加勒比海。我们启程去一个叫Tamarindo的地方,坐落在这个国家东北部靠近太平洋一带瓜纳卡斯特省(Guanacaste county)内。Tamarindo是一个小镇,那些喜欢冲浪或想学习冲浪的人,那些想去深海钓鱼或只是乘船出海在一面开阔的水域潜水的人,对他们来说这个小镇真是一块宝地。这里的海滩非常独特,随着潮汐产生巨大的变化,因此在早晨我们要走大概100米(最起码我感觉是这么远的距离)才抵达水域,但是到了下午,就基本上没有什么沙滩了。看起来非常有趣。

  一天早上我们在沙滩上漫步的时候看见了看到有一条河将沙滩截成两半,还看到了一些船只。我们走过去之后,船主们提出可以带我们在河面上观光,看看这里的野生动植物和最吸引游客的猴子。我们很快就决定去参观。我们跳上一条船出发去看猴子。大概一个半小时之后我们下船走了一段路进入丛林,很明显,要是不进来我们是看不见猴子的。走了5分钟之后,如我们导游所说,我们非常幸运,我们听到树顶传来一些嘈杂的声音:猴子就在那里 — 一群猴子正在吃它们的午餐。

  这些猴子是完全的素食主义者:它们只吃菜叶子和水果。看着它们迅速地从一棵树上跳到另一棵树上,平静地享受着它们的菜叶子,丝毫不关注地面上的游客们噪杂的声音和不断对它们拍照,非常有趣。我们后来在旅途中还遇到过一次猴子,在一个你觉得最不可能看到野生动物的地方 — 在一个购物中心的路边,这里有几家餐厅、一些快餐店和一个加油站。那里还有一些芒果树,并且,猴子们非常喜欢吃芒果,这几只猴子就正在芒果树上,是一家三口,一只小猴子被它的妈妈照看着,爸爸在另一棵树上睡午觉。在哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)这么一个随机地点都能看到野生动物并不是一件稀奇的事。我想这正是这个国家的迷人之处吧,游客们也为此而来。
  Tamarindo小镇非常值得探索,不仅是因为这里有迷人的海滩和野生动植物,更因为这里特色的本地美食。我也是一个非常喜欢美食的人,这也是为什么无论哪次我计划去旅行的时候都会查找一些资料了解当地美食、民族美食和当地最棒的餐厅。所以,在哥斯达黎加(Costa Rica)有两种“必尝”美食:早餐的红豆饭( gallo pinto)和casado — 一种民族美食,通常在午饭中供应。红豆饭由大米、黑豆和当地的调味品混合制成,伴着蘸着甜沙司的车前子香蕉、鸡蛋和吐司一起在早餐时供应。虽然很少见早餐吃米饭的,但是这种红豆饭确实非常美味,并且和煎蛋一起吃口味很搭。现在说一下casado,这让我想起许多哥伦比亚料理,这道美食里有白米饭、黑豆、炸车前子、炸丝兰、自选鸡肉、牛肉或鱼。食材非常丰盛,并且也非常可口!

  镇上披萨店的数量之多也引起了我的注意。我猜想可能是因为来这里的游客大多数是从北美过来,当地餐厅在尝试着迎合这些游客的味蕾。令人印象深刻的是,我们在哥斯达黎加吃过的最好吃的几顿饭是在一位法国厨师经营的海鲜餐厅里,这家餐厅坐落在海滩上,隶属于一家私人海滩俱乐部。和哥斯达黎加的其它景区类似,我们在这里也发现了酒店的不同部门中都有许多外籍员工。这是多么好的一种方式 — 了解一个国家,了解一个国家的语言、风俗和传统,同时还会收获一段难忘的工作经历!难怪在哥斯达黎加能看到很多国际连锁酒店品牌:四季(Four Seasons)、万豪(Marriott)、喜达屋(Starwood),还有很多,这里只是列举一些。

  我们在Tamarindo待了三天,这三天过得很精彩。离开这个惹人喜爱的小镇让我们感到难过,但是我们必须得走了,飞往下一个目的地 —皮尼拉庄园(Hacienda Pinilla)— 距离神奇的阿雷纳火山(Arenal Volcano)更近的“站点”。但是我将把这段经历留到我《纯净生活的国度:哥斯达黎加》第二部分再讲。敬请关注我的更新,想一想你下一次旅行会去哪里。

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Pura Vida! – Part 1

by Alumni    16 July 2012

This time I want to share with you my latest travel experience. It is midsummer and it is time for vacation. So, for our vacation my friends and I chose the country famous for ecotourism, rainforest, volcanoes, monkeys, exotic birds, and many other fun and interesting things. The name of it is Costa Rica, where everything is Pura Vida! The phrase “Pura Vida!” can rightfully be called the country’s motto: you hear it and see it everywhere. The literal translation is pure life. But in essence it means everything is good, life is great, hooray! A very positive saying, I should say, and it reflects Costa Rican way of life. In a response to How are you? – You would always hear – Pura Vida!

Costa Rica is a Central American country that borders Nicaragua in the north and Panama in the southeast, and has Pacific Ocean on the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. We started our journey in the place called Tamarindo, which is located on the northeast, Pacific side of the country, in Guanacaste county. Tamarindo is a little town, a true gem for those who like to surf or want to learn to surf; those who like to go for deep sea fishing or just take a boat out in the sea for a day and do some snorkeling in the open water. The beach in Tamarindo is pretty unique as it changes drastically depending on the tide, so in the morning we had to walk almost 100 meters (at least that’s how long it seemed to me) until we reached the water, and in the afternoon, there was barely any beach left. It was very interesting to watch.

One morning as we were walking on the beach, we saw a river that was cutting the beach in half, and a few boats. As we were walking by, the owners of the boats offered to take us on a river tour to see the wildlife and the biggest tourist attraction – the monkeys. Obviously, it did not take us too long to make a decision, we hopped on the boat and off we went to see some monkeys. About half an hour later we got off the boat to do some hiking into the jungle as, apparently, we would not have been able to see the monkeys otherwise. And just 5 minutes into our hiking, as our guide put it we were very lucky, we heard some noise coming from the top of the trees, and, there they were – a group of monkeys having their midday snack.

The monkeys are absolute vegetarians; they only eat leaves and fruits. It was a lot of fun watching them move briskly from tree to tree, peacefully enjoying their leaves, not paying any attention to the camera flashes and nosy tourists on the ground. Later on during our trip, we had another encounter with the monkeys, in a place where you would least expect to see wildlife – a roadside shopping plaza with a few restaurants, fast food places and a gas station. There were also a few mango trees there and the monkeys LOVE mangoes, so there they were, in the mangos trees, a family of three monkeys including a baby monkey being cared for by his mama, and his papa having a siesta on a tree nearby. It is not unusual to see the wildlife in most random spots in Costa Rica. I think this is what makes the country so beautiful and interesting to explore.

Tamarindo town was great for exploring, not only because of the gorgeous beach and the wildlife but also because of the local cuisine. I am very much of a foodie person that is why whenever I plan a trip I always research about the local cuisine, national dishes, and the best local restaurants. So, the two “must-try” dishes in Costa Rica are gallo pinto for breakfast, and casado – a national dish, typically served for lunch. Gallo Pinto is rice with black beans, and local spices, it is always served for breakfast along with plantain in a sweet sauce, eggs, and toasts. It was unusual to have rice for breakfast, but it was quite tasty, and, surprisingly, went well with fried eggs. Now, casado, which reminded me a lot of Colombian cuisine, consisted of white rice, black beans, fried plantain, fried yucca, and a choice of chicken, or beef, or fish. Quite a hearty meal and also very tasty!

What caught my attention was the number of pizzerias in town. I guess that can be explained by the fact that majority of tourists in Costa Rica come from the North America and local restaurants try to appeal to their taste buds. Remarkably enough, some of the best meals that we had in Costa Rica were from a French chef running a seafood restaurant right on the beach as part of a private beach club. Just like in other destinations similar to Costa Rica, we found a lot of foreign expatriates working in different areas of hospitality. What a great way to learn about a country, its language, customs and traditions, and to get an unforgettable work experience! No wonder, as a lot of international hotel chains are present in Costa Rica: Four Seasons, Marriott, Starwood, – just to name a few.

We spent three wonderful days in Tamarindo. It was sad to leave this welcoming town, but we had to take off for our next spot – Hacienda Pinilla – a “step” closer to the magnificent and mysterious Arenal Volcano. But I am going to leave this for the second part of my Pura Vida story. Until then take care and think of where your next travels might take you.



