

Glion Online MBA alumnus talks about personalized service

  格里昂高等教育学院                 2015年1月19日


  格里昂校友Marc Reissinger是洲际酒店集团(IHG)加利卜港度假村(Port Ghalib)区域总经理,洲际酒店加利卜港宫殿度假村( InterContinental The Palace Port Ghalib resort)获得2014年Zoover 强烈推荐”杰出服务奖。在这次采访中,Reissinger解释了格里昂在线MBA课程如何将他的领导力技能磨练得更加敏锐以及他是如何鼓舞他的团队提供个性化服务 — 达到洲际酒店集团(IHG)的品牌标准且超出客户预期。

Zoover奖项是为对世界范围内热门旅游地区评价最高的酒店服务给予认可而设定的。洲际酒店集团加利卜港度假村(InterContinental Hotels Group resorts in Port Ghalib)如此高的排名是基于Zoover假日评论网站上客人发表或分享的评论所得出的。

  您认为洲际酒店集团加利卜港度假村(IHG Port Ghalib resorts)为什么会被授予杰出服务奖?
  和现在大部分大型酒店集团一样,洲际酒店集团(IHG)也与客户评论网站建立了紧密的联系,比如Trip Advisor, Holiday Check和Zoover。我们认识到旅客们通过串联着使用社交媒体和评论网站来寻找和评价日后有可能选择的度假胜地。再具体一些,我们知道洲际酒店加利卜港宫殿度假村( InterContinental The Palace Port Ghalib resort)有20-30%的客人来自比荷卢经济联盟国家(Benelux)以及Zoover是一个荷兰网站,我们有相当大一部分客户会经常浏览这个网站,因此我们获得这个网站颁发的人气奖项也就不足为奇了。




  洲际酒店集团(InterContinental Hotels Group)委托进行了一项行业趋势研究,关于旅客们对国际酒店品牌的新的期望有很多有趣的发现。您认为这对您专门负责的度假村领域意味着什么?



  格里昂在线MBA改变了我的工作方式,因为我对现在工作中的每一件事都做了系统的研究。学习这个MBA是一次特别好的经历。当你已经有很多工作经验的时候,这个MBA会让你大开眼界。你可能已经认可了你现在工作中的许多事情,但这个MBA会把你带回真相。它教给你关于研究和数据的系统性的思维方法。你会发现新的工作方法和新的视角,并改变你的工作方式。我和一些工作经验比较少的同学一起上课,他们在课上也分享了很多东西。尤其是在进行主题讨论的时候 — 我们会在教室里讨论一些话题,这是这个课程的一个核心部分 — 我们也了解到了很多关于不同代的人群之间的差异。比如,我这一代婴儿潮时代(baby boomers)和X一代(generation X)的人在期望值和事业抱负上的区别,我甚至对Y一代(Gen Y)和Z一代(Gen Z)也有了很多了解。

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Glion Online MBA alumnus talks about personalized service

by Glion Institute of Higher Education    19 January 2015

Glion alumnus Marc Reissinger is the Area General Manager of the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) Resorts in Port Ghalib, of which InterContinental The Palace Port Ghalib resort won the “Zoover Highly Recommended” service excellence award for 2014. In this interview, Reissinger explains how the Glion Online MBA program has sharpened his leadership skills and how he inspires his teams to provide personalized service that meets the standards of the IHG brand and surpasses the expectations of their guests.

The Zoover awards were created in order to give recognition to the best rated accommodations in popular destinations worldwide. The outstanding ratings that were accomplished by InterContinental Hotels Group resorts in Port Ghalib were based on guests’ reviews that were sent and shared by guests on the Zoover holiday review website.

1. Why do you think the IHG Port Ghalib resorts were awarded for service excellence?
As with most major hospitality companies these days, IHG is closely engaged with guest review websites, such as Trip Advisor, Holiday Check and  Zoover. We are aware that travellers are using both social media and these review sites in tandem to find and evaluate possible holiday destinations. More specifically, we know that 20-30% of the clients at InterContinental The Palace Port Ghalib are from the Benelux countries and Zoover is a Dutch website, so it’s not surprising that this esteemed award has come from a website that is frequented by significant percentage of our client base.

In terms of service excellence, at IHG, we aim to deliver the same quality of service to all clients, to meet guest expectations, and exceed them on a daily basis. In our area, we focus daily on standards and we aim to engage team members to make sure they uphold our high standards. From each colleague, we need commitment. We do a lot of training to make our collaborators extremely effective. We have Guest Relations that are running all day, talking to clients, so there is a permanent interconnection. On top of that, we try to have Guest Relations that speak many languages to speak with clients in their language.

2. As area manager how do you contribute to maintaining the level of service at these resorts?
Within IHG, we just had an international convention in Singapore about the role of leaders to inspire. One of the key assignments I have is to inspire my team leaders. Not to direct them, but to discuss global tasks and motivate and inspire them. We have a daily briefing and the majority is about inspiration. We discuss their tasks. It’s a daily meeting of 4 hotels with 25 members around a round table. It’s an interesting meeting, sometimes it can be tough and require solid reactivity, but it’s about participation and being pro-active, instead of reactive. Amazingly, these meetings usually only last an average of 30-45 minutes, it’s about intensity and quality.

3. IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group) commissioned a Trends Study which highlighted many interesting findings about travellers reshaping their expectations of global hotel brands. Do you have any insight into what this means for your resorts specifically?
Brand standards are essential, and must be delivered daily. In general, it’s all about personalized service, going above expectations. By upholding the brand standards of quality service, of meeting and exceeding every customer’s expectations, we have already reached the personalized service level. We aim to answer all of their requests, and we tailor our services to meet the needs of every traveller. Whatever they need in terms of food or transportation, we do our best to deliver it. The same holds true for parties, anniversaries, and other events.

The goal of personalized services is to make the client feel looked-after and to encourage their loyalty. For example, for our clients who return regularly, we consider them as VIP guests and we organize a private breakfast for them in the presidential suites. They really appreciate this special treatment, and we have many loyal customers who return year after year.

4. You changed positions when you started the Online MBA, why is that?
I worked with Accor for 26 years and when I had the opportunity to change companies, and work for IHG, I took it as an ideal opportunity to study online and start in a new company.Starting the MBA was my own initiative, because there was the opportunity to do it. After 25 years as a manager, I wanted to validate the ways I was working.

The Glion Online MBA has changed my way of working because I systematically do research for everything now. It was quite a great experience to study the MBA. When you already have a lot of experience, the MBA is an eye-opener. You may be convinced sometimes about a lot of things in your work, but the MBA brings you back to the facts. It teaches you a way of systematic thinking about research and data. You find new methods, visions, and it changes the way you work. I shared this course with some people who had less experience, and they still contributed a lot. Especially in discussion topics, which is an essential part of the course where we discuss topics in the classroom. We also learned a lot about generation differences. For example, the difference between my generation of baby boomers and the expectations and career aspirations of generation X, and even more for the Gen Y and eventually Z.


