
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 瑞士格里昂酒店管理学院(GLION)- 在线学习五大窍门

Five top tips for studying online



  像绝大多数同学一样,你可能正在对在线学习这种形式感到有些焦虑并且不知道自己的学习方法是否正确。当人感到与集体脱离的时候自我怀疑就会增加,所以和你的同学建立联系是非常重要的 — 这点很重要 — 并且要通过一些策略或方法使自己成为一名自主的、自律的学习者。


  1. 我的学生们告诉我这条是关键。把登录在线学习作为每天早晨的第一件事,然后只需花10到15分钟的时间看一下大家都在讨论区发表了些什么。你不一定非得也发表些什么 — 只是跟上同学所讨论的内容。这样当你发表评论的时候你在潜意识里就已经构思一些想法了,这样也增加了讨论的含金量。研究发现,学生在讨论区发表的超出最低要求的讨论数量是预计学生在此课程中收获多少的最佳依据。

  2. 刚开始时你或许会有孤独感,可以通过Skype(网络电话), Google Chat(谷歌聊天), 或 IM(即时通讯)这些常用的沟通工具与小部分同学建立一个沟通群,大家在群里讨论课程内容 。— 可以以这样的方式克服孤独感。彼此之间给予回馈和分享看法,这样可以降低你的不确定感 ,增加你对集体的归属感,提高你的沟通技巧,这也会对你从这个课程中收获多少产生很大影响。

  3. 要在在线学习环境中取得成功,你甚至需要比在现实的教室环境中更加自律和专注。每周留出专门的时间用来在讨论区发表自己的看法及完成课程任务。不要让其他事情打扰这块专门的时间。

  4. 保持领先!要知道下周的课程安排,清楚地认识到你所学的这部分对于整个课程的意义,并且在一周之前或一周的前两天阅读完本周要求完成的学习资料。

  5. 和你的每一位指导老师建立良好的关系。这将使你更好地理解他们的期望及帮助你与课程有一个更好的联结。


Andrea Luoma博士是一位论文导师,也是格里昂在线MBA领导力课程系主任。Andrea Luoma博士在酒店教育领域有大量的实践经验,包括领导MBA项目和构建课程表。

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Five top tips for studying online

If you are new to online learning, technology isn’t the hard part. The challenge is adapting to a new way of learning.

Like most students, you may feel some anxiety about working online and whether you are “doing it right.” Self-doubt increases when people feel isolated, so it’s important to develop a sense of connection with your classmates—and to develop strategies for becoming a self-directed, self-regulated learner.

Here are my five best tips for success in the online classroom environment.

  1.        My students tell me this is the key: Log in first thing every morning, if only for 10 or 15 minutes, and read what is posted on the discussion board. You don’t have to post—just keep up with what your classmates are saying. So when you do post, your subconscious has worked on ideas and you can add value to a discussion. One study found that the best predictor of online students’ success was the number of discussion board posts they made beyond the required minimum.

  2.        To overcome the sense of isolation you may feel at first, develop a network with a small cohort of your classmates and communicate about the course content on a regular basis via Skype, Google Chat, or IM. Give each other feedback and share ideas. This will help your insecurity diminish and your sense of community and belonging grow. It will also develop your communication skills, and it can make a huge difference in how much you get out of the course.

  3.        To succeed in an online environment, your level of discipline needs to be even more intense and specific than it does in a classroom environment. Set aside dedicated time each week to post and to work on assignments. Do not allow other commitments to chip away at this dedicated time.

  4.        Stay ahead! Always know what is coming in the next week. Stay aware of what your assignments are for the entire course, and read the required materials for the week either prior to the start of that week or within the first two days.

  5.        Develop a relationship with each of your instructors. This will give you an understanding of their expectations and help you feel more connected to the course.

About the author

Andrea Luoma, PhD, is a dissertation supervisor and Lead Faculty for the Leadership component of the Glion Online MBA. Her extensive experience in hospitality education includes chairing MBA programs and building curricula.


