
#GHEAC#[格里昂成功校友]迪拜克里克喜来登大酒店(Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel & Towers)销售经理

Sales Executive at Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel & Towers
迪拜克里克喜来登大酒店(Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel & Towers)销售经理

  格里昂高等教育学院                 2014年10月9日

  从格里昂径直到销售经理 — 一位校友的故事


  格里昂2013届毕业生Jannick Repgen现在世界顶尖酒店集团之一喜达屋酒店与度假村国际集团(Starwood Hotels & Resorts)担任销售经理。这之前不到一年的时候,Jannick还在格里昂攻读酒店专业销售和市场方向本科学士学位课程。在这次访谈中,他讲述了格里昂教给他的技能和经验,使他之后充满自信地踏入新职位并开始了在自己喜欢的领域的职业生涯。



  这个酒店管理课程最大的优势就是我们研究全球连锁的酒店集团中的真实的商业案例。借助学校雄厚的师资力量,我们站在这个行业最新趋势的顶端。对于酒店行业我最喜欢的一点是你可以在这个世界上的任何地方工作、你会遇到很优秀的人、你可以把你对这个行业的热爱与他人分享 — 分享让生活更美好。 



  我的第一份实习是在巴塞罗那W酒店(W Barcelona)前厅部,第二份实习是美利亚酒店集团(Melia Hotels International)在英国的酒店的销售部团队。这些实习都是加强你技能的大好机会:作为第一份真正意义上的工作,实习让你更加职业化。并且对你个人而言,实习经历会让你更加成熟,积极主动地做好自己的事情。

  可以说格里昂给了我技能、知识、机遇并让我更加职业化 —虽然格里昂给了我这么多优势,但是决定最终还是由我自己决定我的职场方向。格里昂帮助我在进入职场后镇定处事。我具备成功需要的所有能力。

  格里昂是这样一个地方 — 在这里你的需求都会被满足甚至超出你的预期,以确保你实现自己对未来设定的目标,确保你获得成功。在这里精彩的生活就在当下发生,并且你可以结交到一生的朋友。入学的时候你只是一位年轻人,毕业的时候你已经成为了一名专业的酒店管理者。



  临近毕业时,我收到了很多在世界上不同地区工作的入职邀请,包括伦敦(London)、维也纳(Vienna)、巴塞罗那(Barcelona)和阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi),甚至像马尔代夫(Maldives)那么远的地区也有。最终我选择了迪拜(Dubai) — 回到喜达屋酒店集团(Starwood Hotels)当一名销售经理,成为这个地区大规模发展的酒店行业中的一员 — 这里每个月都有新酒店开业。就酒店而言,迪拜是世界上发展最快的城市之一,为事业发展提供了多种选择。我现在在做喜达屋酒店集团在中东地区的商业发展项目,重点区域是迪拜和阿布扎比。这段经历将帮助我走向更高层次以及成为一个成功的酒店经营者。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Sales Executive at Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel & Towers

by Glion Institute of Higher Education   9 October 2014

Straight from Glion to Sales Executive, an Alumni Story

Today, Glion alumnus Jannick Repgen ’13 is working as a Sales Executive with one of the world’s leading hospitality companies, Starwood Hotels & Resorts. Less than one year ago, Jannick was still finishing his Bachelor degree in Hospitality with a specialization in Sales & Marketing. In this interview, he explains how Glion gave him the skills and experience to enter his new position with confidence and start his career in a sector that inspires him.

Why did you choose a business degree in hospitality management?

Originally, I was attracted to the idea of studying hospitality management because it provides career opportunities in nearly any city in the world. I chose the hospitality management degree at Glion because it gives you the opportunity to focus on different sectors of this industry and allows you to see the entire picture. Once you have found your focus, you can follow the specific specialization.

The great benefit of the hospitality management program is that we worked on real business examples coming from international hotel chains. Assisted by our qualified professors, we learned to be on top of the latest trends in the industry. What I like most about the hospitality industry is that you are able to work anywhere around the world, meet great people and share your passion with others – Life is better when shared. 

You jumped straight into a Sales Executive position after graduation, how did Glion prepare you for this smooth transition into the professional world?

The courses in Glion are very informative and the projects are specifically focused on the needs of the industry. Students are able to put their theory into practice during their 2 internships and compare what they have learned to their time in class.

My first internship was in the Front Office Team at the W Barcelona and the second was part of the Sales Team for Melia Hotels International for their hotels in the UK. The internships are great opportunities to enhance your skills: as a first real job, they allow you to grow professionally, and personally they allow you to mature and take initiative with your own actions.

I can say that Glion provided me with the skills and the knowledge, the professionalism and the opportunity –but I was the one who decided where those advantages would take me in the end. Glion helped me not to feel overwhelmed once I entered my job. I had all the competencies that were required to be successful.

Glion is a place where all your needs are met and exceeded in order to achieve your goal that you set for the future, to become successful. It is a place where life is happening and where you can make friends for life. You start as a youth and you graduate as a professional hospitality manager.

The experience that I gained from the sales internship, which focused a lot on the relationship with guests, made me realize that sales was the career field that I wanted to follow after Glion. These experiences motivated me to choose the Sales & Marketing specialization pathway.        

As I approached graduation, I had offers to work in different places around the world including London, Vienna, Barcelona, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, and even so far as the Maldives. In the end, I chose Dubai to return to Starwood Hotels as a Sales Executive and be part of the massive development of hospitality in this part of the world where hotels are opening every month. Dubai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world in terms of hotels, offering plenty of career opportunities. I am currently working on business development projects for Starwood Hotels in the Middle East, focusing on Dubai and Abu Dhabi. This experience will help me in moving up the hierarchy to become a successful hotelier.


