
#GHEAC#[格里昂成功校友]从在酒店行业工作到创业 — 一位格里昂校友的故事

From hospitality to entrepreneurship, a Glion alumnus story
从在酒店行业工作到创业 — 一位格里昂校友的故事

  格里昂高等教育学院                2015年4月13日


  故事的开端和许多酒店专业毕业生一样,Alexandre Tramontana(2011级)家族经营餐厅,这位来自摩纳哥(Monaco)的志向远大的年轻人在第一次来到格里昂校园参观时就爱上了这所学校,因而他很自然地选择了来这里就读酒店管理学位。然而这个酒店管理课程让他看到了酒店行业与表面上酒店大堂和餐厅所不同的另一面,并改变了他的事业轨迹,他转而学习了数据处理和核心商业技能,这些是企业家在当今竞争激烈的全球化经济中获得成功所必备的知识。

  在格里昂学习期间,Alexandre 发现自己对商业,尤其是创业特别感兴趣,这是他在酒店管理课程中所探索到的。他对创业财务萌发的兴趣带引他攻读并获得了酒店管理财务和收益方向本科学位。


  在格里昂的学习经历中,令Alexandre 印象最深刻的是从实习经历和在校园里多元文化的学生生活中学到的软技能。

  “独特的实习经历让我发现了新的地方、体验了新的文化。我的第二次实习是在泰国(Thailand)普吉岛艾美酒店及度假村(Le Meridien Hotels & Resorts in Phuket)餐饮部做管理培训生,这次实习对我的影响尤其深远。” Alexandre解释道。“此外,有机会与来自90个国家的学生一起在大学校园里生活,这样的经历也教会了我过集体生活及理解和包容多元文化,这些都是在今天的商业世界中极为重要的品质。”

  从格里昂毕业之后, Alexandre投身到自己家族的餐饮生意中,将他新学到的酒店管理技能运用到公司盈利中去,且以他的新理念指导公司盈利。



  “多年作为运动员的经历让我对运动营养很有兴趣。”他说,“我在2013年建立了一个网站www.optigura.com ,专做运动员营养品和营养补充剂的网络销售,我在格里昂学到的成本控制和收入管理的知识又一次帮到了我,我建立了一个定价模型,使这个网站在整个欧洲市场保持竞争力。

  不过一个成功的在线零售网站似乎还不够, Alexandre已经计划继续扩大这份生意,这个计划一部分要归功于他在格里昂期间与同学们建立的友谊及拓展的人脉关系。


  我们祝贺 Alexandre 创业成功并感谢他给我们分享他的故事。他的经历也证明了酒店管理学位会为你人生打开很多扇门(或者,这个例子中Alexandre创建了自己的网站),包括创业之门。


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From hospitality to entrepreneurship, a Glion alumnus story

by Glion Institute of Higher Education    13 April 2015

Alexandre Tramontana’s (Class of 2011) story begins like that of many hospitality graduates. Coming from a family of restaurant owners, a degree in hospitality management was a natural choice for an ambitious young man from Monaco who fell in love with the Glion campus on his first visit. But it was the hospitality management courses that changed his trajectory by showing him another side of hospitality which goes behind the scenes of hotel lobbies and restaurants into the number-crunching, hard-core business skills that entrepreneurs need to be successful in today’s competitive, globalized economy.

Through his studies at Glion, Alexandre discovered his passion for business, and more specifically for entrepreneurship, which he explored in the hospitality management courses. This budding interest in entrepreneurial finance led him to obtain his Bachelor Degree in Hospitality Management with a specialization in Finance and Revenue.

“Upon achieving my Bac S with honors, I had the chance to be accepted and enroll at Glion,” Alexandre said, “I rapidly became interested in the finance courses on cost control, accounting and entrepreneurship. It became clear that managing a hotel or restaurant is not all about keeping the clients happy; it’s also about making a profitable business. For this reason, I decided to finish my bachelor degree in hospitality with a specialization in Finance and Revenue Management.”

From his experiences at Glion, Alexandre was most impressed by the soft skills he acquired on internships and through the multicultural student life on campus.

“My internships were unique experiences that allowed me to discover new places and new cultures. I was especially influenced by my experience in Thailand, where I did my second internship as F&B Management Trainee at Le Meridien Hotels & Resorts in Phuket,” explains Alexandre, “What’s more, having the chance to evolve in a university setting with students from 90 nationalities taught me about community life, cultural understanding and tolerance. These qualities are very important in today’s business world.”

After Glion, Alexandre entered his family restaurant business to apply his newly acquired hospitality management skills to the benefit of the establishment which grew under his guidance.

“Following my graduation, I went to work in the family restaurant. I applied the knowledge that I gained during my studies at Glion in order to update the establishment. These efforts had a very positive impact as the profits and the clients have increased steadily since,” said Alexandre. “However, my passion for business entrepreneurship caught up with me after only 2 years. That is why I decided to create my own small business, on the internet this time.”

Hospitality management education has multiple applications, as Alexandre proved by launching a small business that has nothing to do with hospitality.

“Being a sportsman for many years, I developed an interest for sports nutrition,” he said, “I launched the site www.optigura.com in 2013, specializing in the online sales of nutritional supplements and accessories for athletes. Once again, the knowledge of cost control and revenue that I acquired at Glion helped me to develop a pricing model which allows the site to remain competitive in Europe.”

As if one successful online retail site weren’t enough, Alexandre has projects to expand his business, in part, thanks to the friendships and network he formed during his time at Glion.

“Today, the international network that I developed as a student of Glion allows me to plan for an expansion of my online sales activities, notably to the Maghreb, with some Glion friends who, after four years of studies together, have become like brothers and who will be my colleagues.”

We congratulate Alexandre on his success as an entrepreneur and thank him for sharing his story which proves that a degree in hospitality management can open many doors, including the door (or , in this case, the homepage) to one’s own business.

For more information about the Hospitality Management courses in Finance and Entrepreneurship,visit the Glion website.


