
#GHEAC#[校友风采] 掌握多门外语是如何让你的事业起飞的?

How global fluency can make your career take off


JeanArmandFigeac        2014年1月14日

  时光飞速流逝 — 但是有多快?






  由于填充文化代沟一直以来都是格里昂的一个主要关注点,我决心延续学校的理念。在提高了我的斯瓦西里语(Kiswahili)水平之后,我决定在桑给巴尔(Zanzibar)政府同意之后在该地区建立基层机构,专注于做免费的语言学校和为附近的村庄组织体育活动。我建议将其命名为“公民社会责任”(“Individual Social Responsibility”)。




  亲爱的读者,我现在在一家法国酒店工作,我今年26岁,对国际豪华酒店行业极感兴趣。熟练掌握多门欧洲语言,专注于度假村和精品酒店的餐饮部门。我曾获得法国的酿酒学文凭,现在领导一个基于东非海岸印度洋(Indian Ocean)建立的独立连锁酒店集团的烹饪及服务团队。我在法国获得高中毕业证书之后,决定给自己的学业放一年假,尝试第一次去海外工作。当时,凯尔特之虎正在“咆哮”(爱尔兰经济奇迹),都柏林(Dublin)即为一个合适的城市,在这里可以体验到一个连锁酒店集团的是如何授权经营和发展壮大的。这一年的工作结束之后,我立即决定去瑞士最好的酒店管理学校接受最好的酒店专业教育,最后我选择了格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE)。在西班牙语国家实习过两次之后又过了好几个学期,我在这所我见过的最美的郁郁葱葱的校园里欢庆毕业。我已在脑海里构思好了一切:永远要尽力积极向上发展事业,以我能做到的最好的方式代表我的母校格里昂。我从在非洲的事业征程中学到了很多关于职业道德、适应能力和责任方面的知识。25岁之前,我曾在一家五星级酒店领导一个餐饮部小组,在三大洲都工作过,并且在南非开了一家非盈利语言学校。我迫不及待想知道我的下一段工作征程将会把我带到哪里!希望你在阅读我的文章时可以享受到我写这些文章时一样的快乐。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

How global fluency can make your career take off

by JeanArmandFigeac     14 January 2014

Time flies—but how fast?

Take a half-moon shaped lake, a view toward the French Alps, many group projects (day and night time), sprinkle with some overseas’ trainings and add on top a graduation in the middle of the Swiss countryside. Here comes the big jump.

Thankfully, I was one of those students who had to choose between several management trainings and contracts offers at the end of school. It sounded like I was spoilt for choice, but in reality, I made the decision to leave my comfort zone for a while and start over, from a new perspective …

Less than 72 hours after my seven-semester long program, there I was, leading the culinary and service team of a new hotel on an African island, one of the last gems of the Indian Ocean. Even if some of the harshest hardships were tough to overcome, such as the cultural and languages gaps, the necessity to adapt myself to new environments, to work long hours in remote locations, these hardships never scared me and even turned to work for my good. I can still remember my GIHE teachers, friends, and guests speakers, repeating how brilliant and excellent this school was: the Swiss rigor and education bathed in a multicultural atmosphere could not be better. Right after my graduation, my first professional experience could not be wasted, I had no excuses. The tougher the challenge is, the better you will feel once you achieved it.

Once there, I had the opportunity to be warmly welcomed by at least 80 employees of the F&B department. An excellent flow of communication is the root of the hospitality tree and, as I knew right from the beginning, it remained my leitmotiv during my stay. I taught them professionalism, top-quality service, and that having an eye for details mattered in this industry segment. It empowered them day by day, and enhanced their skills and professionalism. On their side, they taught me their language, their culture, and their own way of living. At first glance you might notice the different worlds my team and I come from, but then you realize how real and deeply my motivation and vocation have been fulfilled. I stayed in this booming destination part of East Africa for 2 years. Our intense and constant efforts were rewarded by one of the best traveler’s magazines when it ranked us as one of the 60 best new hotels of the world (2012), and many others prizes. From that point on, we started to receive VIP guests, such as the president of the country, several UAE sheiks, some TV celebrities, CEOs of multinational firms and so on.

As filling the cultural gaps has always been a main concern at Glion, I decided to follow this path. After improving my Kiswahili languages skills, I decided to open a grassroots organization with the Zanzibar government’s agreement, focusing on a non-fee paying language school and organize sport events for the villages around. I would suggest we call this “Individual Social Responsibility”.

Whatever a community and local people provide you with, you should always try to give them back as much as you can. By doing so, you will generate a highly-prized added value not only to the direct beneficiaries but also to yourself: it will develop and improve skills you never knew you had. Believe me, you will never be the same person again. You will be a better one.

Today I realized how lucky I was, by being a GIHE educated hotelier: I am open-minded towards the world and always happy to go the extra mile.


Dear readers, I am a French hotelier of 26 years old, with a strong passion for the international luxury hotel industry. Fluent in many European languages, I focus on the F&B department of resorts and boutique hotels. I hold oenology diplomas from France, and am currently leading the culinary and service team of an independent hotel chain based in the Indian Ocean, on the East African coast. After achieving my high-school certificate in France, I decided to take a year off the education track and have my first overseas work experience. Back in the days, the Celtic tiger was “roaring” and Dublin was the perfect city to experience empowerment and development within a hotel chain. Once I finished, I decided to benefit from one of the best hospitality education a Swiss school could offer me, and I enrolled at GIHE. Two internships in Spanish-speaking countries and many semesters later, I was cheering and celebrating in one of the greenest sceneries I have ever seen. Everything was set in my mind: to always leave a positive footprint and represent my school Glion, in the best way I could. During my African adventure, I learned a lot regarding work ethics, adaptability, and responsibilities. Before turning 25, I had led an F&B team in a 5* hotel, worked in three continents and opened a non-profit language school in Africa. I cannot wait to see where the next adventure will take me! I hope you will enjoy reading my articles as much as I enjoy writing them. Jean-Armand


