

New York Fashion Week Internship Story

  格里昂高等教育学院                   2014年9月18日




  从会展管理实习的通常情况来看,纽约时尚周(NYFW)大概是最高端的工作了。Katarina Vercelli是会展、体育和娱乐活动管理本科学士学位课程的学生,她的第二份实习是在2013年纽约时尚担任Starworks集团时尚公关实习生。她的职责包括:

  管理展示厅客户和杂志品牌之间的陈列样品交付。展示厅客户通常有坦波丽伦敦(Temperley London)、薇薇安•威斯特伍德(Vivienne Westwood)、ASOS、Zimmerman、IRO等,杂志品牌有Vogue、Elle、智族(GQ)、Nylon、Esquire这样的杂志等。



  客观地看,纽约时尚周(New York Fashion Week)确实是一次极为盛大的活动。



  据纽约时报(New York Times)统计总设计师Marc Jacobs为其2011年的舞台时装秀花费金额:100万



  纽约时装周的受益方有场馆、设计师、生产商和公关机构、发型和化妆艺术师、模特和名流。时尚秀缔造者(Fashion Show Producers )是高度专业化的会展管理公司,分布在世界各地的时尚之都。如Katarina所证明的,在奢华会展管理领域工作要求具备相应的天赋和灵活通用的技能,只有会展管理经验是不够的。


  “会展、体育和娱乐活动管理工商管理本科学士学位课程(The BBA for ESE)应用非常广泛。除了应用于商业管理的通识教育课程之外,我们还学习了金融财务、项目管理、领导力、企业责任与道德、沟通交流、工程经济学、经济与法律以及一系列的会展和市场相关课程。”Katarina说。


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New York Fashion Week Internship Story

by Glion Institute of Higher Education   18 September 2014

Interning at New York Fashion Week is more than just event management.

A Glion ESE student interned at the New York Fashion Week in 2013, she explains how the program is teaching her the transferrable skills to succeed in the world’s most fashionable events.

As event management internships go, New York Fashion Week (NYFW) is about as upscale as you can get. Katarina Vercelli, a bachelor degree student in the Event, Sport and Entertainment program, did her second internship at the 2013 NYFW as a Fashion PR Intern with the Starworks Group, where her responsibilities included:

• Backstage planning and on-site support at shows
• Press days and parties
• Merchandised showroom and liaised with editors and stylists
• Acted as a point of contact between stylists and PR account executives
• Managed delivery of press samples between showroom clients such as Temperley London, Vivienne Westwood, ASOS, Zimmerman, IRO, and magazines such as Vogue, Elle, GQ, Nylon, and Esquire*

The NYFW is a biannual affair held in New York City every February and September, and it’s happening right now, from September 4-11. Designers, celebrities, fashion media and other VIPs are gathering throughout New York City, to witness the fashion shows and other events that start off the global Fashion Month which rotates week-by-week through New York, Milan, Paris, Berlin and London.

To put it in perspective, New York Fashion Week is a truly enormous event:**

• 200,000: Average expected number of attendees in 2014.

• 260: Average number of runway shows during the weeklong event.

• 1,000,000: Amount designer Marc Jacobs reportedly shelled out for his 2011 runway show, according to The New York Times.

• 12,000,000: Overall amount spent on venue leases for shows and presentations each season.

• 850,000,000: Dollars infused into the New York economy during the week on hotel stays, restaurant visits and more.

Among those who benefit from the NYFW, there’s the venues, the stylists, the production and PR agencies, hair and makeup artists, models and celebrities. Fashion Show Producers are highly specialized event management companies, located in the fashion capitals around the world. As Katarina proved, this luxury event management sector requires talent with transferrable skills, not only experience in event management.

“I chose the Event, Sport and Entertainment Management program for the diverse applications of the program in the working world. You are trained in various fields such as event management, marketing, project management, facilities management, and business, and you can apply those transferrable skills in various industries. My first internship was with UEFA working with information services and VIP management. As well as being an information database for the host country, we served as one of the main points of contact for VIPs. My second internship was at a fashion PR agency in New York where I assisted in the showroom as well as on-site support for NY Fashion Week.

The BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) for ESE is quite comprehensive. In addition to general education courses that assist with business management, we also learn finance, project management, leadership, ethics and corporate responsibility, communications, value engineering, economics and law, and a variety of event- and marketing-related courses,” Katarina said.

For more information,visit our program page for BBA in Event, Sport and Entertainment Management.


