

A Hospitality Dream Job

  格里昂高等教育学院                    2015年1月9日


  选择离开传统金融行业继而进入酒店行业,Kristina Shmarenkova(10级毕业生)的新工作符合她心中梦想职业的标准:“可以周游世界;具有挑战性并获得报酬”。在这次访谈中Kristina Shmarenkova谈论了她所学的酒店管理市场方向学士学位课程的优势。 





  “酒店”在希腊单词中是philoxenia,翻译过来就是:“爱和陌生人打交道。”这个术语蕴含着对别人发自内心的关怀和对别人需求的敏感度;包容和适应能力。如果你具备这个品质,那接下来的一切就顺理成章,你将拥有一个非常有意义的职业 — 只要你准备好全力以赴努力工作。但是如果没有发自内心的想要与人沟通的渴望的话,最好选择一份不同的工作。








  我的第一份实习是在葡萄牙一家叫做利思卡尔顿酒店(Penha Longa)的一个豪华的利思卡尔顿高尔夫&水疗度假村(Ritz Carlton golf & spa resort in Portugal)的餐饮部门,我现在仍然怀念这6个月的实习经历,这是我一生中最好的时光之一。这份实习是在餐饮部门轮岗培训,我发现自己对这个部门的工作没有什么特别的兴趣,但是我从中学到了很多关于灵活处事和自律的东西。并且最重要的是,这份实习还教会我如何适应团队工作并融入其中,这是酒店行业的一个核心技能。


  我的第二份实习是在喜达屋酒店集团(Starwood)旗下历史悠久的巴黎威斯汀酒店(Westin Paris),这真的是一个令人惊叹的机会,对于年轻女孩尤其如是 — 每一位年轻女孩都有在巴黎生活的梦想。我学习了法语并第一次看到营销部门是如何运转的。我很确定这6个月让我明确了我未来的事业,因为在这里我被赋予了足够的责任和创意空间,这里鼓舞了我,激发了我的抱负。        


  在我毕业前几个月,我被凯悦酒店(Hyatt Hotels)管理培训项目(Corporate Leadership Programme)选中,这是一个实际操作性很强的项目,我们在不同的岗位进行轮岗实习,重点是营销和市场部门。这份工作让我又回到巴黎并在巴黎度过了18个月。

  2012年,我接手了Rocco Forte酒店集团在中东的一个新的具有挑战性的项目,我在那里工作了不到一年,负责休闲销售。由于我之前的工作都是在欧洲,所以这一年我收获了很多。我需要用新的方式来做和原来相同的工作,并且大多数时候我得依靠自己的直觉边做边学。在阿拉伯国家做生意的关键是建立个人关系,因此这一年之后,我都可以写一本人际关系方面的书了。接下来的一次工作调动把我带到了德国,于是从2013年开始我在德国一直居住至今。

  目前,我在Rocco Forte酒店集团旗下的慕尼黑查尔斯酒店(Charles Hotel Munich)担任销售经理,负责英国(UK)、法国(France)及俄罗斯和独联体(Russia + CIS)地区的销售,后者是我负责的区域中最大的市场。我积极发展医疗旅游领域,这是我们酒店一个非常重要的业务来源,我还常常去拜访我的大客户们,与他们建立良好的关系。事实证明,俄罗斯和中东有很多共同之处,都是以人际关系为基础的商业模式。我很感谢我在阿联酋(UAE)工作的一年,没有什么比那段经历让我可以有更好的准备来应对这个商业模式。


  现在我在Rocco Forte酒店工作很开心,我看到了我在这个酒店集团销售部门的职业发展。将来当我有足够经验的时候,我会愿意回到格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)当一名兼职讲师。就像我之前说的,格里昂是一生的选择,对我来说这里是一个让我觉得像家的地方。我很愿意激发这些未来的酒店从业者的热情,帮助他们为踏入这个充满挑战的、令人兴奋的豪华酒店行业做好准备。

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A Hospitality Dream Job

by Glion Institute of Higher Education     9 January 2015

By choosing to leave a traditional finance program and enter the world of hospitality, Kristina Shmarenkova’10 has met her own criteria for her dream job: “to travel the world, have adventures and get paid for it”. In this interview she discusses the advantages of her bachelor degree in hospitality management with a specialization in marketing.

Choosing Hospitality Business over Traditional Finance

Before Glion, I was already into my second year at a state university of finance but I had a feeling I wanted to do something else. One day, I sat down and listed everything I wanted my dream job to be. In a nutshell, I wanted to travel the world, have adventures and get paid for it. By coincidence, my neighbor had just enrolled at GIHE and was flying to Switzerland the week after to check out the place. I tagged along feeling skeptical, but instantly fell in love with the school and came back a few months later as a student. This was a 180 degree turn in my life, but I was adamant about my choice. I wanted an international career and no mind-numbing routine. Hospitality requires constant self-development and pushes you to break out of your comfort zone. Every single day brings situations that require resourcefulness and flexibility. And every day is full of excitement and new discoveries. And if that is not enough, hospitality spans the globe, there are career opportunities in every single country.

Hospitality Degrees are Different

At Glion, the course was very well-structured, my two internships came in handy and it was a good balance of hands-on experience and theory. The job experience I gained before graduation helped me get a Management Training position. I should also mention that Glion Alumni all over the world form a massive and powerful network. Whenever there are interesting job opportunities, they are shared within this network. The friendships you make in Glion become significant business connections with time.

The Greek word for “hospitality” is philoxenia, which translates as: “love towards strangers.” It’s a term that implies genuine care and sensitivity towards other people; tolerance and adaptability.  If you have this quality, the rest will come naturally, you will have an extremely rewarding career, provided you are ready to roll up your sleeves and work. But without this built-in desire to connect with people, it’s better to opt for a different job.

The Glion Experience in Switzerland

The Glion campus really impressed me. After all these years, I am still convinced I haven’t seen a place more beautiful. And meeting all the students from all over the world was exhilarating, all these different cultures gathered in one place, it felt like the world as I knew it was transformed forever, having become multidimensional and exciting.

Furthermore, Glion is for life. The memories you create and friendships you build stay with you wherever you go. Glion is inspiring, creative, vibrant and fun. It’s intellectually stimulating while remaining a safe and nourishing environment.

Choosing a Marketing Specialization

I chose the marketing specialization because I was always curious about the power of words and images, how to harness it and shape the consumers’ perceptions. There is a great deal of psychology in it as well, which makes it a fascinating discipline. Even if I further pursued my career in a parallel field, I have acquired some important knowledge on consumer behavior that I successfully apply in Sales Management.

Hospitality Internships in Portugal and Paris

My first internship was in Food & Beverage (F&B) in a gorgeous Ritz Carlton golf & spa resort in Portugal called Penha Longa. I still look back at those 6 months as one of the best times of my life. It was a cross-training in F&B, which found I had no particular interest in, but it taught me a lot about flexibility and self-discipline. And most importantly, it taught me how to fit in a team and become part of it, an essential skill in hospitality.

My second internship was at the Westin Paris, a historical Starwood property. It was a truly amazing opportunity, especially since every young girl dreams of living in Paris. I learned French and got my first glimpse of how the sales department works. I am pretty sure those 6 months defined my future career, as I was given enough responsibility and room for initiative to inspire me and spark my ambition.

My Career 4 Years after Glion

A few months before my graduation, I had been selected by Hyatt Hotels for a Corporate Leadership Programme, a hands-on, cross-departmental Hotel Management Training with a focus on Sales and Marketing. It brought me back to Paris for another 18 months.

In 2012, I embarked upon a new adventure with Rocco Forte Hotels in the Middle East, where I stayed a little less than a year being in charge of Leisure Sales. Since all my previous experience was limited to Europe, this year was full of discoveries. I had to learn new ways of doing old things and most of the time I had to learn by doing and rely a lot on my intuition. Doing business in the Arab world revolves around forming personal relationships, so after this year I could probably write a book on networking. My next career shift brought me to Germany, where I have been living since 2013.

Currently, I am working for Rocco Forte Hotels at the Charles Hotel Munich as the Sales Manager. I’m in charge of Sales for the UK, France and Russia + CIS, the latter being the largest of my markets. I am actively developing the medical tourism segment, a very important source of business for our hotel and I am frequently on the road visiting my Key Accounts and building relationships. As it turns out, Russia has much in common with the Middle East, it’s a relationship-based business model and I am very grateful for the year I have spent in the UAE, as nothing could have better prepared me to embrace this business paradigm

To me, the key advantage of Glion was being exposed to so many different cultures and backgrounds at the same time, it developed the necessary cognitive flexibility needed in hospitality, where you need to adjust to different management styles and approaches and balance the needs of your clients and the goals of your company.

At present, I am very happy working for Rocco Forte Hotels and I see my career developing in Sales with this hotel group. In the future, when I will have sufficient experience, I would love to be a part-time lecturer at Glion Institute of Higher Education. As I have said before, Glion is for life, it is one of the places that feels like home to me. And I would love to spark the enthusiasm of future hoteliers and help them to be prepared for this challenging and exciting world of luxury hospitality.


