
#GHEAC#[校友风采] 准备好迎接惊喜 … 你可以尖叫!

Be prepared to be surprised … if you plan to WOW!
准备好迎接惊喜 … 你可以尖叫!

Eddy       2012年10月22日


  周日晚上。这个夜晚昏沉而阴郁,巴黎的秋天就要到了。在等待欧洲之星(Eurostar)列车回伦敦的时候,我突然开始从一个新奇的角度来观察周围的人群。有一个想法跳了出来:“人类真是一种奇怪的动物”… 我已经听到你开始想什么了,但是的确如此,你可以看看周围,就像你刚登陆这个星球一样,用这种眼光去观察,你将看到不同的东西。


  然后我们去那里把彩蛋藏在他们所有的会议室里、每一把椅子下面和很多台裙的褶子里,为了确保给他们提示,我们还把一小部分彩蛋随机放在了他们的杯子里、茶袋间 … 自助餐里。他们会逐渐体会到我们在做什么以及我们的行事方式(不管是通过内部评价还是通过猫途鹰网站(Trip Advisor)),我们猜他们会留意寻找“这些特别的东西”… 或至少有这个意识。

  杯子被使用了,只有极少数量的彩蛋被找到 … 但没有人提过这件事。实际上,他们什么也没有发现,甚至是临近复活节这件事都没有让他们有任何反应或讨论。只是在我向他们酒店经理汇报过我们举办了这项友情活动时他们才知晓(令我吃惊的是,他们十分拘谨放不开)。我提到他们的椅子下面有彩蛋 … 他们找到的也仅限于此!

  所以我们在这里又一次看到,即使有外界不断的提醒,他们也不能把思维打开去接受一些更好的更新鲜的事物,这个小游戏本来应该让他们很好的互动起来的(或者把彩蛋换成一些有趣的小纸条会好一些?)… 有些事情我们是无法预先安排的。我们都喜欢惊喜!

  最后,你可能会得出和我们一样的结论 — 这个结论真让人觉得遗憾。我们怎么样才可以变得更好、更有创意、更有冒险精神?… 或者变得更大胆一些?如果我们彼此之间不这样相互检查改进、不进行积极竞争,我们如何做到这些?名牌就一定只能是一个平淡无味的代名词吗?有时候我们感觉我们的品牌得到推广,我们事实上只是把品牌的精髓和后续项目实施到了字面上(服务利润链、后现代原则、非正式专业方法 …)那么,在哪里可以找到我们亟需的建设性意见和沟通?

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Be prepared to be surprised … if you plan to WOW!

by Eddy     22 October 2012

Sunday night. Already dark and gloomy an evening as autumn is closing on Paris too. Waiting for my Eurostar back to London, I suddenly started to watch the waiting crowd through strange lenses. Just one thought came up: “human kind is a very strange breed of animal!” … and I already hear  what you’re starting to think, but indeed look around as if you had just landed on this Planet and you’ll see different.

In order to help you, let me develop a little story I love about our friends from a neighbouring sister hotel. As we’ve just had our Easter egg hunt with the Camdeners, our GM asked me if we were planning one for the management team coming on an inspirational trip to our shores (their property is a couple of miles away!). I was not to be honest, but it triggered my mind into doing a little test: should they succeed, then they would be competition, a healthy one.

There we went and stuck Easter eggs all over their boardroom, under each chair, in many pleats of table skirtings and, just to make sure we gave a hint, we placed a handful of them also randomly in their cups, between tea bags … on their buffet. Since they came to get a feel of what we’re doing and how we’re doing it (whether on internal score or Trip Advisor), we assumed they would be on the look for ‘specials’ … aware.

Cups were used, a very few eggs found … but not a word. Actually, they hadn’t sussed anything out, even the fact that Easter was around the corner didn’t induce any reaction or discussion.  It is only when they broke out that I managed to inform their Hotel Manager about the friendly set up (with a timid reception to my surprise). I mentioned eggs under their chairs … and these are the only ones they went for!

So here we are again, even being made aware didn’t open their minds to something bigger, a little game they could have bounced off with (a little funny note replacing the eggs maybe?) … something WE wouldn’t have planned. We love the surprise!

In the end, you may have come to the same conclusion than we unfortunately have. How could we get better, more creative, a little more risky? … a little bolder maybe ? How, if we cannot benchmark and positively compete with each other. Do brands always have to mean bland? While we sometimes feel we stretch our Brand, we are in fact applying its ethos and follow programs to the letter (Service Profit Chain, postmodern principals, informal professionalism …). So where is the constructive criticism, the conversation, which we all need so dearly?



