
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 格里昂学生赢得2011青年酒店领袖峰会

30/03/2011 – 格里昂学生在2011青年酒店领袖峰会中胜出

  * 说明:
      青年酒店领袖峰会(YHS,Young Hotelier Summit)是一个各酒店管理学校学生之间的比赛。

  青年酒店领袖峰会是一场竞赛,来自不同酒店管理学校的学生一起工作并且展示行业内一个特定主题的商务方案。经过两天的密集工作,格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education)非常自豪学校一名学生所在的队伍获得了胜利。

  来自全球的45名代表在洛桑酒店管理学院(Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne)参加了青年酒店领袖峰会)。青年酒店领袖峰会是一场由Rezidor SAS酒店赞助的,酒店管理学生之间的比赛。今年,参赛者们要对酒店行业的社会媒体提出有创意的商务方案。“我决定参加这次比赛,与行业领导者和来自世界各地的酒店管理学校学生会面。吸引我参加青年酒店领袖峰会的最主要的原因是在这两天中有机会和他们建立人际关系并且互相交流。”获胜的格里昂学校学生 Emmanuelle Granier女士说。

  比赛开始的前两天,事先分配好的队伍参与了专题研讨会并参加了由行业演讲者们完成的展示活动。理论会议结束后,他们必须在最后一天向包括Rezidor SAS酒店在内的行业评判小组展示他们的商业方案。“我们在这两天中工作了很长时间,非常忙碌。学生甚至为了准备第二天的展示工作到深夜。”支持格里昂学生的格里昂高等教育学院研究生讲师Phyllis Koessler女士说道。

  在九个不同的队伍中,由五名女士组成的团队获得了最好的成绩,她们分别来自格里昂高等教育学院(GIHE,Glion Institute of Higher Education),瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院(Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne),荷兰海牙酒店管理学院(Hotelschool The Hague),加拿大圭尔夫大学(The University of Guelph)和芬兰Haaga-Helia应用科技大学。“参加比赛本身就是和来自不同学校的,有着不同工作方式的学生合作的绝佳机会,这可以让我探索更多新的技术,进一步提高自己的能力。” Granier女士又说道。

  经过大家的努力这个团队非常激动得赢得了 “Lots”奖,“Lots”奖是由Rezidor SAS酒店赞助的在丹麦哥本哈根七月份举行的为期五天的商学院培训课程。“我相信这是一个非常好的机会!我可以结识许多有趣和有阅历的人,通过各种 Rezidor培训学习知识并且和我的青年酒店领袖峰会团队享受愉悦时刻。”格里昂学生说。

  格里昂学校挑选的参加青年酒店领袖峰会的另外三名学生:Sandrine Pally女士,Dana Dombrovska女士和Melissa Jia Ying Chua女士分别在不同的队伍中,她们同样为自己的团队能够赢得比赛非常努力的工作。“我们格里昂学校为学生能参加这次严峻的挑战感到非常自豪。女士们的工作非常出色!” Phyllis Koessler教授评论道。

  照片:格里昂高等教育学院学生和他们的教师,Phyllis Koessler女士

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30/03/2011 - Glion student wins the Young Hotelier Summit 2011*Description:
The Young Hotelier Summit is a competition for which students from different hospitality schools...
The Young Hotelier Summit is a competition for which students from different hospitality schools have to work together and present a business solution on a specific topic related to their industry. After two days of intensive work, Glion Institute of Higher Education (GIHE) was proud to have one of its students in the winning team.
45 delegates coming from around the world gathered at the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne to attend the Young Hotelier Summit (YHS), a competition among hospitality management students sponsored by Rezidor SAS Hotel. This year, the competitors had to work on creative business solutions for social media for the hotel industry.’I decided to take part in the event to meet leaders of the industry, as well as students from worldwide hospitality schools. The possibility of networking and exchanging with them during two days was the first aspect which attracted me to YHS’ comments Ms. Emmanuelle Granier, the winning GIHE student.

To start, pre-assigned teams took part in workshops and attended presentations done by various industry speakers for two full days. After this theoretical session, they had to work towards presenting their solutions to a panel of Industry Judges which include the Rezidor SAS Hotel in the final day. “We had intensive two days with very long hours. The students even worked through the night to get their presentation ready for the next day” explains Ms. Phyllis Koessler, Graduate Lecturer in GIHE who supported the Glion students.

Among the nine different teams, the group of five ladies coming from different schools GIHE, Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, Hotelschool The Hague (Netherlands), The University of Guelph (Canada) and Haaga-Helia (Finland) achieved the best marks. ‘Participating in the competition itself was a great opportunity to team-up with diverse school’s students having different approaches to problem-solving, enabling me to discover new techniques and further develop my own methods.’ adds Ms. Granier.

After a lot of effort, the team was delighted to win the “Lots” prize, a five day Business School training program sponsored by Rezidor SAS Hotel to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark in July. ‘I believe this is going be an excellent opportunity to meet interesting and experienced people, to learn through the diverse Rezidor trainings, and to also enjoy some pleasant moments with my YHS team’ says the GIHE student.

The other three students from GIHE selected to take part in the YHS, Ms. Sandrine Pally, Ms. Dana Dombrovska and Ms. Melissa Jia Ying Chua, who were in different teams, worked equally hard with great diligence to win the competition with their own team members. ‘We at GIHE are extremely proud of them to participate in this tough challenge. Excellent work ladies!’ comments Professor Phyllis Koessler.


