
#GHEAC#[格里昂成功校友]格里昂校友组织BELIEVE IN Marseille艺术和音乐盛宴

Glion alumnus organizing BELIEVE IN Marseille Arts & Music Festival
格里昂校友组织BELIEVE IN Marseille艺术和音乐盛宴

  格里昂高等教育学院                   2014年4月17日

  当Florent de Serpos — 2012届工商管理学士 — 被邀请在其家乡法国马赛举行的一场新的艺术和音乐盛典担任接待经理时,他毫不犹豫就接收了这个挑战。组织BELIEVE IN Marseille Arts & Music Festival这样的大型活动 — 他们预计将在一周中接待2万名游客 — 是一项复杂的任务。我们联系到了Florent,了解他是如何获得这个梦想工作的,并且看看目前为止工作进展如何。 

  “我从2013年11月开始为BELIEVE IN Marseille公司工作,当时我刚从纽约瑞吉酒店及度假村(St Regis)管理培训生项目中回来。这个概念是两个有抱负的”马赛人“创业合作伙伴Virgile和Dorian提出来的,”Florent说,”他们的使命是要展示出马赛(Marseille)不是一座犯罪城市而是一座正在发展的城市并且有很多可开发的旅游资源。他们说服了我加入他们,接受这个大挑战,我相信可以让我的家乡以更美丽的图画呈现在世人面前。“

  BELIEVE IN Marseille艺术和音乐盛宴(BELIEVE IN Marseille Arts & Music Festival)承诺会为游客和居民展现这个城市最好的音乐、美食和阳光。这场盛宴将于6月20-21号在马赛美丽的海滨Esplanade J4举行。作为此类活动中的第一个户外举办的盛宴,这场活动将展示出马赛丰富多彩的、充满活力的文化生活。当地和国际的音乐家在这次活动中均有特别展示,这次活动将提供一个具有不同选择的音乐体验,来自区域艺术流派和正统设计院校的艺术家都将展示他们的作品。


  在格里昂期间,Florent完成了几次实习,包括在北京铂悦酒店(Park Hyatt in Pekin)担任餐饮部管理职位。举办这样大规模的活动对他来说无疑是一个巨大的挑战。



  更多信息请点击visit the BELIEVE IN Marseille website 或在Facebook上点赞。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education

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Glion alumnus organizing BELIEVE IN Marseille Arts & Music Festival

by Glion Institute of Higher Education     17 April 2014

When Florent de Serpos, BBA ’12, was offered the chance to become the hospitality manager for a new arts and music festival in his home town of Marseille, France, he accepted the challenge without hesitation. Organizing a major event like the BELIEVE IN Marseille Arts & Music Festival, where they expect to see 20,000 visitors over one weekend, is a complicated task. We caught up with Florent to get some insight into how he got this dream-job and see how it’s going so far.

‘I started working for the BELIEVE IN Marseille company in November 2013 when I came back from a management training in New York at the St Regis. The concept has been created by two young and ambitious “Marseillais” entrepreneurs named Virgile and Dorian, who are partners,’ explains Florent, ‘Their mission is to show that Marseille is not a criminal city but a growing city with a lot of touristic potential. They convinced me to join them and I accepted this major challenge that I believe will show a better picture of my hometown.’

The BELIEVE IN Marseille Arts & Music Festival promises the best of the city’s sounds, tastes and sunshine for tourists and inhabitants alike. It will take place on June 20-21st on the scenic Esplanade J4 of Marseille’s sea front. As the first outdoor festival of its kind, the event will showcase the diverse, dynamic cultural scene of Marseille. Featuring both local and international musicians, the festival will offer an eclectic musical experience while artists from the regional art and design schools expose their work.

As the dates are rapidly approaching, Florent is very busy, “I am working as hospitality manager for the company. My role is to take care of our artists. In other words, I’m organizing their stay, transportation between the airport, the venue and the hotel; scheduling their performance time, anticipating their slightest desires in terms of hospitality on the stage, backstage and VIP area by being in contact with their tour manager. Because of their international reputation we must provide the best service and make sure they will not forget their trip to Marseille.”

During his time at Glion, Florent completed several internships, including one position in food & beverage administration at the Park Hyatt in Pekin. It came as no surprise to him that setting up an event of this size is a big challenge.

“The major challenge I am facing is how to manage all the venues on this event. Anticipation is the key to the success of this event. Glion taught me how to anticipate my guest’s needs and wants through management courses. The theory and practice I acquired back in Glion is now put into a real business situation with high financial risks. Without my experience from Glion, I would have not been able to manage the details for such huge event.”

In just a few months, this festival will come to life so we invite everyone to support this event with true Glion Spirit. Remember, Marseille is only five hours away from Glion and Bulle campus by car.

For more information, visit the BELIEVE IN Marseille website or like it on Facebook.



