
#GHEAC#[校友风采] 来格里昂读书之前

Before joining Glion

Karim Mostafa     2013年2月18日


  来格里昂读书之前,你总是听到关于”格里昂精神“的信息,你每去一个地方,都会听到有人说”你会看到的,格里昂精神,格里昂精神 …“,而你并没有真正明白格里昂精神是什么。我猜想格里昂精神因人而异,但其基本涵义却是相同的。


  每个人都在世界上的某个地方忙于自己的工作,继续深造研究生课程或结婚、生子然后生活继续 … 现在的问题是:当我们的生活变得忙碌,当我们不再是当初的青年学生,格里昂精神是否依然存在?

  毕业那天晚上我们彼此告别,在黑珍珠(Black Pearl)外面的街道上,大家都哭了。我和我最亲密的朋友们还没有准备好就这样离别,于是我们飞往加勒比海(Caribbean),在那里度过了10天的假期作为我们的毕业旅行。那10天是我们生命中最难忘的10天。我们都会经常回忆那次旅行并将它珍藏在记忆里。你一定也认同这是结束生命中这个篇章的一个好方式!但是最艰难的一段是我们回来的时候,我们都不想在巴黎着陆,因为我们知道我们就要说再见了,然后,每个人都再飞往不同的大陆。我当时真的以为我们不会再和过去一样了,我们很快就会失去联络,很难再见到彼此一面。但是感谢上帝我想错了!格里昂精神的一部分意义是在这里结交的朋友友谊会持续一生,我们的经历就证明了这一点。无论是在葡萄牙海岸、阿布扎比的沙漠或甚至是在中国长城,我们一有机会就会去看望彼此,并且我们仍然每天交谈 — 科技让今天的沟通变得如此容易!毕业一年后,借助社交媒体,我们成功地举办了一次聚会,我们那届3/4的同学都来参加了,我们在蒙特勒度过了一个周末!所有的故事也由此开始 …




  我原本以为格里昂精神会随着毕业而消失,但是我很快发现毕业只是格里昂精神的开端 …

  “不,这不是结束,甚至不是结束的开始,而或许是 … 开始的结束”(温斯顿·丘吉尔)【引用2】

Karim Mostafa

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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Before joining Glion

by Karim Mostafa    18 February 2013

Before joining Glion, you keep hearing about the “Glion Spirit”, everywhere you go, it’s “you will see, the Glion Spirit, Glion Spirit…” without really understanding what it is. I guess its different for each one of us but the basics are quite the same.

For three and a half years, we have this incredible relationship where we are together 24/7, for good times and bad ones, always there for each other, with support, love and true friendship. That’s the Glion Spirit I know. Automatically, all Glion Alumini share this unique bond as we all at some point in our lives had those years in Montreux with the breath taking view, and in Bulle with the breath taking smell. So its true that during our studies we are all like a very big family, but what happens after graduation?

Everyone is off somewhere in the world, busy with their jobs, studying their master’s or even getting married, having kids and life goes on… Now the question is, does the Glion Spirit last even when our busy lives take over and we are not the teenage students we were before?

Following graduation night, where we all cried in the streets outside the Black Pearl as we said goodbye, my closest friends and I were not ready yet for the fair well, so we flew to the Caribbean for 10 days as our grad’ trip. The 10 most fabulous days of our lives, that we will always look back on and have it in our mind. You must admit it is a nice way to close up this chapter! But the hardest part was the flight back where we did not want to land in Paris as we knew we were all saying goodbye and each catching a flight off to a different continent. I honestly thought things will never be the same, we were gonna lose touch and barely see each other. Thank God I was wrong! Part of the Glion Spirit is the friends you make for life, and this was the case, whether the beaches of Portugal, by the desert of Abu Dhabi or even at the Great Wall of China, we saw each other as soon as we had the chance and are still constantly talking every day as technology makes it one of the easiest things today! And one year later after our graduation, with the use of social media, we manage to reunite 3/4 of our semester for a reunion weekend in Montreux! Where it all began…

How about the Glion People that you don’t know?  Well the feeling is exactly the same! When you are in the middle of Djibouti’s African jungle, or in the middle of New York’s concrete one, this unique connection is made and a new friend is added to your list. We really are like a massive gang, so international that we are in every country in the world and whenever we meet, it is like we have been best friends for years!

Does the Glion Spirit differ between the years? Being at a Glion Alumini Reunion, made me realize that even with people that graduated in 1999, so 12 years before me, they still have the Glion Spirit in them, and trust me when I tell you whether married with kids, divorced and alone, or even just too old, things do not change, they still enjoy themselves the same way we do today.

I guess The Glion Spirit does last! And whether you are in Africa or in Asia, whether you graduated in 1989 or in 2011, it does not differ as the Glion Spirit is within all of us, it is not just words, it is so much more than that, it is a lifestyle!

I thought that the Glion Spirit would stop after graduation, but I soon realized it was only the beginning…

[blockquote2]”No this is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps… the end of the beginning” (Winston Churchill)[/blockquote2]

Karim Mostafa


