

A GM’s Perspective on the Online MBA

  格里昂高等教育学院                2015年3月5日

  作为一名已有19年国际工作经验的酒店总经理,André Erasmus是格里昂在线MBA集体中一名优秀的代表。他参加这个课程的时候在奢华酒店及度假村领域已有丰富的管理工作背景,包括7个开业前项目 — 其中有3个项目是在中国 — 伴随着品牌重塑风险以及战略业务发展。他目前任万达酒店和度假村集团(Wanda Hotels and Resorts group)总经理。以下是在他毕业几个月后,我们访问他在线MBA是如何促进他职业技能的提升的。

  虽然我已经是一名总经理,但却从来没有机会去读任何研究生课程 — 这也一直是我的梦想。我感到我需要继续深造以使我的职业和个人生活都再上一个台阶。






  我尝试将审辩式思维运用到我日常生活的每一方面。我们曾对霍夫斯泰德文化维度模型(Hofstede’s cultural dimensions model)做过研究,这次研究影响到了我们与别人沟通和互动的方式,这就是一个很好的很切合实际的例子。我在过去的12年间都在海外工作,接触过许多不同的文化,理解和领会霍夫斯泰德(Hofstede)的观点和理论对我现在的工作中仍然产生了不可估量的价值。





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A GM’s Perspective on the Online MBA

by Glion Institute of Higher Education    5 March 2015

As a hospitality executive with over 19 years of international experience, André Erasmus is an excellent representative of the Online MBA cohort. He came into the program with an extensive background in the management of luxury hotels and resorts, including 7 pre-opening projects – 3 of which were in China – along with rebranding ventures, and strategic business development. He is currently the General Manager at the Wanda Hotels and Resorts group. Just a few months after his graduation, we asked him how the Online MBA contributed to his professional skills.

What was your motivation for pursuing an MBA? Why did you choose the Glion online MBA?
I am already a General Manager, but I have never had the opportunity to embark on a post graduate program – this was always my ambition. I feel that I needed further education to take my professional and personal life to another level.

Since I am in a stage in my career where I cannot afford to take the time off/away to study full time, the online MBA was a good choice and Glion is rated in the top 3 hotel schools in the world. Enough said.

How did you find the program, overall, and the supporting tools?
I found the program a little challenging in the beginning, to navigate your way around the websites, libraries and tools. However, once I got accustomed to the systems and procedures, it was quite easy to follow.

What main competences did the online MBA give you or teach you?
Self-discipline, by far! Finding (or making) time in my hectic schedule to accommodate the studies really proved tough, but it also taught me self-discipline. Additionally, collaborating with my classmates and sharing ideas and concepts enhanced my knowledge of contemporary and relevant hospitality and service related subjects.

In which ways has the Online MBA program changed how you work?
I feel that the course has honed my strategic thinking capabilities. I’ve learned to critically analyze data and information, and consult various sources before making decisions. The course has also taught me to read up on issues and keep myself updated on current trends.

How did you apply the learnings in your day to day activities?
I try to apply critical thinking in all aspects of my daily life. A good, practical example is the research work we conducted on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions model and how this affects and influences the way in which we interact with other people. As I have worked abroad for the past 12 years, with many different cultures, understanding and appreciating Hofstede’s arguments and theories continues to prove invaluable to me in the workplace.

Do you feel that the online MBA has also changed who you are?
Undoubtedly, the MBA has shaped me into a more disciplined, focused, emotionally intelligent individual and hospitality professional.

How easy was it to connect with your remote classmates being in a virtual environment? Did you feel part of a true community?
Absolutely. Modern technologies made this a seamless exercise. Even collaborating with classmates over 18 different time zones proved no major challenge. In fact, we are still in contact and often exchange thoughts and ideas.

What impact do you think the MBA program will have on your future career and personal growth?
I believe that graduating is only a part of the journey and not the end. I continuously apply what I have learnt on the course. But more importantly, I continue to study and learn on a daily basis. The Glion MBA has evoked a renewed desire within me to constantly improve myself on different levels.

Final comment for future online MBA students?
Anything worthwhile is worth the hard work and effort. Commit yourself and never, ever lose sight of your goals!


